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Author Topic: Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45  (Read 1504 times)


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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« on: May 03, 2005, 09:52:51 am »
First of all, let me start by saying that, I am not "telling you" to go into constructs!

The following is information about constructs, items, constructs vs missions. The most important part of this post is at the bottom.

####The items####
As many of you might've noticed, we all want these coveted items, why? Because they are THAT good!
Particulary two of them.

Sakura Ninja Mask/Bandana Widow's Moor Lens
Viral Deflection: 50 pts
Melee Physical Res: 9%
Ranged Physical Res: 9%
Focus: 15 lvls
Min. Char. Req: 40

Widow's Moor Lens
Focus: 5 levels
Perception: 5 levels
IS Regen: 25%
Health Regen: 25%
Belief: 15 levels
Min. Char Req: 40

####Information about constructs####

lvl 30-40 only
Tengu - Boss is lvl 50 drops the Sakura Mask/Bandana

Widow's Moor
lvl 35-45 only
Gargoyle - Boss lvl 55 drops the Widow's Moor Lens

####How do I get there?####

You need to meet the lvl requirement.
To go into the construct, jackin into Moriah Projects East, open your map and you'll see an icon that looks like a book, if you hover your mouse on that icon it will read "Archivist",head there.
Inside the building there are two NPCs, the one by the register sells books, you will have to buy the appropriate book.
When you buy the book, go to your inventory and double click it, the book will now be in the "tool Slot".
After equiping the book, go to the other NPC and wait. Eventualy you'll get a message saying he's about to teleport everyone to their respective constructs, enjoy the nice graphics and teleport.

####Ok I am here, where is the boss?####

The boss is always at the center of the construct, no matter what construct you are in.
Inside the construct you will notice that your map "does not work" in a way of speech... if you zoom out, you will see three "books" in your map, each of those books represent the three bases, Zion, Merv, Machinist. If you look around you will see lvl 100 sentries, these are your guards (their AI sucks btw..)
Imagina a triangle formed by those three "books", at the center of that triangle, you will find the boss.

####"woohoo! found the boss! oops, I can't hit him wtf???"####

Ranged, MA and Code shapers will have a very very hard time killing the boss. Solution? Hacker.
A lvl 30 hacker  Arbalest, with decent clothing and some practice can that the Sakura boss solo.
Two hackers will drop the boss in no time, one hacker one tank, can take him out without too much trouble. The tank interlocks the boss while the hacker does his job.

####XP and Loot sharing inside constructs####

Remember one of the golden rules of PvP. What goes around comes around.
If you are on a team with two or three other FA or other Zionites, and a red guys shows up and you all gank him, well, the next day, it might be you alone inside the construct and there might be 3 red guys, including the one you ganked the other day.
When an hostile player shows up, one of the following will appen:
1- he runs away
2- he starts hacking the boss trying to get kills - go to #5
3- he asks if it's ok to hack the boss for the xp
4- he attacks the ones already there - go to #5
5- he gets ganked

Number 4 or 5, watch your back, the next time you see him in the construct, he probably brought his buddies.
Those five points also apply to you if you appen to be there alone vs a bunch of reds.

What about other Zionites?
Exactly the same thing, if you share with them, they will probably share with you the next time. If you have three players there and they have one, tell him that you will have him on the team (if he asks) and get XP but you got dibs on the loot. If you are alone in the construct and there are other zionites there, do the same, ask for Xp sharing, if you try to hack the box and get the kills, dont count on their help in the future.

####Leveling - Construct vs Missions####
Every boss is on a very fast respawn timer, about 30 seconds after someone loots the corpse.
Two hackers can kill one per minute (time to kill + time to respawn) that's somewhere between 50-60 kills per hour.
Every boss will give you the Max Xp possible for your lvl, IE: a lvl 36 will 57k xp per kill)
If you keep the average 50kills/hour I garantee, you will level faster then you would from doing missions with lvl 50s!

Constructs vs missions

You lvl faster in constructs
Construct gives you the rare loot
In constructs you actualy get to kill something! Instead of sitting at the elevator while the lvl 50 clears the mission area

Constructs do not give nearly as much info as missions.
Sitting in the same place, killing the same guy over and over is BORING!
If you are alone, you'll get a decent amount of info, because every 4-5 kills you'll get a "jackpot" of 150k-200k info, but If you are in a team, the info really really sucks. The more members you have on your team, the worse it gets.

####"Why are constructs important?"####

1- fast leveling
2- rare items
3- turf war

About #3, turf war, why is it important? Well, if you are camping it, you control the construct, if you control the construct you get the items, if you control the construct you lvl faster, if you control the construct THEY (the reds) don't! That means, they don't get the items and they lvl slower then you do.

############ THE IMPORTANT STUFF #############

I am offering my support to all those interested in farming these constructs.
I have all the items I need, so my sole purpose is to help those that don't have them.
In order to do this, I will personaly sponsor the members that are willing to spend some time in those constructs trying to get the items for themselves and to the other members that are lvl45+ and have no chance of getting them.

How will I do this?
If you are not an hacker, I will farm all the red fragments needed to get the hacker abilities coded from lvl 30-45.
I will sponsor the $info needed to lvl the hacker abilities.
If you have never played MxO as an hacker, I will be glad to take you on some missions or someplace with mobs and teach you the basics, the correct hacker template to use inside constructs, the best way to combine your clothing to get the best IS Regen, viral transmission and viral deflection (you'll need VD to fight other reds inside the construct), as well as how to use the hacker tree to the max (when to Stun, the most efficient way to use Logic cannon, logic barrage and logic blast, tactics, etc).

To those interested, please post your IG name, your lvl, what hacker abilities you have and wich ones you need coded and in case you want the Hacker 101 course.

This is not "oh right.. so if I don't go to the constructs I don't get the abilities coded and I don't get the hacker 101??" no, I will still code for everyone that needs, that's why I leveled Ability Maker to lvl 50 anyway... and yes, I will still give the Hacker 101 to everyone interested. What I will not do is, provide the info and red frags for you, I will save that for those that will go into the constructs.

I understand that not everyone likes to PvP and in constructs you will eventually be forced to PvP.
I understand that not everyone is a powergamer like myself, and does not have the time to camp the boss for 3-4 hours non stop nor they have the patience to do it.
I understand that the info you get in constructs is kind of low.
And it is because I understand all that, that I am offering my help.

Thank you for reading this looooong post, and I hope I may have changed some points of view towards the constructs and their importance, as well as, making them a bit more appealing to some of you.



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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2005, 10:05:54 am »
doh! posted this on the wrong forum :)
can an admin move this to the information stream please? thanks


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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2005, 10:23:32 am »
Desync, I am interested in this for a couple of reasons.  First of all I am lvl 23 so I was just getting ready to go into the constructs and spend my time there.  I suppose that i will be one of these people who farm the constructs.    

I would be very interested in the Hacker 101 because i have never tried to play as a hacker and wanted to experiment with other trees before dedicating my later lvls and info to a specific tree.  I however dont know where to begin on playing as a hacker, such as the best loadouts, clothing, or stratics.  If you would be interested in showing me how to get started in the Hacker tree i would appreciate it very much and in return i would farm these constructs for the higher levels.

As far as abilities, I can code my own up to my own levels so that is not much of a problem, just getting a feel for how to play.  

I am going to start playing in Suki anyway but figured since there are not many <25 lvl faction members on when i am that i would probably be going solo most of the time and figured hacker was the only way to do it.

Feel free to holler at me through pm, TS or ingame.  Would love to help.

Offline ArchNemesis

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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2005, 11:02:20 am »
I'm VERY interested... i have been using hacker for the first time now since my time in MxO and it's not so bad as i thought it would be. I don't know too much about but i just reached 30 and i'm willing to help... i'm a selective phage i got all the way up to logic blast 2.0. If you think i should be something else for the Constructs let me know. i wouldn't mind learning a few things in that hacker 101 either ;)


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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2005, 12:06:21 pm »
I've been trying my luck in sakura for the past week and a half or so to get the masks/bandanas but there's always never enough FA members or just too many others that out hack myself. I'm interested in the training, I've dabbled in hacker all the way back in beta when I joined, but I never became proficient in it. I hold my own in battles around my level, but higher players I suck at. I'm currently level 37 arbalest with all of the offensive abilties I can equip right now...need another 4 levels for logic cannon 2.0. Hopefully I'll be able to be around for the lessons because it's something I'd like to learn as a secondary class.

Offline Fuse

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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2005, 12:48:38 pm »
I have the artillerist line, and am working towards the Arbalest now. Just need the info for it.
I am lvl32 and don't see me lvling past 40 for a long while, when I hit 33, or a bit mroe I'll be spending most my time in sakura.


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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2005, 02:07:54 pm »
Desync im pretty good with the hacker tree and have all the good clothes. I've lvl from 30 to 35 in a couple of days so it would be a big help if i could get so info. Thanks


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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2005, 02:16:57 pm »
I've been in the constructs myself, helping to get the masks. I'm currently a level 30 Arbalest/Pathogenist. My character level, however, is 32. I haven't had enough money to level up all the goodies, but I do have two articles of clothing that give +20 VT, so I pretty well hit all the time.

I have a pretty good idea how Hacker works, but I'd be interested in your Hacker 101 deal, just to make sure.


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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2005, 02:21:44 pm »
I spent level 37-41 in Sakura.  I'll be willing to group with anyone that wants to hunt in Widows Moor.  Just sent me a tell when I'm on.


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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2005, 03:57:38 pm »
I would love to help but I only have the basic virologist abilities. I've been camping in Sakura quite a bit but have yet to come across the loot drops.


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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2005, 04:28:33 pm »
Oh yea I'm definately  down.  I'm level 27 right now, should be 30 soon.  I was already planning to camp Sakura, but I didn't know that you needed hacker skills to handle business there.  I haven't done much so far  with  hacking, but I did dabble a little bit in beta; so I'll be interested in the hacking 101.

I can probably code the hacker abilities up to my level, but I could use the help with red frags and info.

Subtek, LVL 27
Basic Hacker Abilities

Btw:  This was the most informative, contructive post about anything in MxO that I have read so far.  You answered alot of my questions about contruct tactics and some that I didn't know I had.   You should post that part about XP and Loot Sharing in the MxO forums somewhere for those who don't understand that ganking isn't always the best way to go.  I think some may see the wisom.  Ok, a maybe a few :P


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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2005, 05:34:14 am »
Thank you all for your interest!

Today, tomorrow and friday I will farm info and red frags.
Live Hacker 101 will appen during the weekend, either saturday evening or monday evening, it will depend on my some things I have to do irl.

I have a bunch of things to do right now at work, I hope to get some free time today and post the Hacker 101 Manual, tactics, loadouts, uniforms, etc. Stay tunned :)


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Constructs, again. To all the FA members <lvl45
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2005, 08:31:40 am »
yeah im kinda half a step ahead of you desync. as i was thumbing thru my mxo guide i read the stats on the yuki boss drop and now im kicking my self for not having been in there since level 20. that thing is godly for us assassins. so as of yesterday i did a 180 grabbed all the Virologist abilities i cud find and am halfway thru arbalest. however i didnt have the info to level it all fully, so its half assed, and i have only 1 piece of  hacker gear yoda was kind enough to hook me up with. also, unfortunately I have, and i shit you not, 5 points to my Reason trait. i wasnt planning on touching it til the last few levels. the clock is ticking away on me getting the yuki drop. im level 25 with 1.5 bars into the level and im afraid i wont get the drop by the time i ding 26. god help me. so yeah. if any of you level <25s get on. Im pretty much going to be spending my time in yuki til i get that drop, or xping off of tengu dings me to 26. any help wud be much appreciated. and yeah i will be doing constructs in the future to help the level 40+'s get any gear they may have missed. way i see it, if everyone of us in the appropriate level ranges each busts themselves and gets 1 item from each of the construct bosses on the way up. we can pass them around and FA shudnt have anymore problems with construct drops. so yes any gear or info you could help me with desync i wud greatly appreciate



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