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Author Topic: Quick Notice - Posting on MxO Forums  (Read 5890 times)


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Quick Notice - Posting on MxO Forums
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2005, 04:07:35 pm »
I'll agree with benevolence on what he has said. I actually have been in the faction for about 3 months, I believe more like 5 total including my first time around in beta. And how many people can actually say they know me. And by that I mean.. actually know me. Not "Oh, I've seen his name."

The reason I'm bringing this up is because sometimes it just comes down to being accepted. I feel like no matter how hard I try to make friends in the faction I really haven't. Now that doesnt mean that noone has been friendly. To name a few, Tivod and Broin have been very helpful. (Those are just the ones off my head, I know I've teamed with Gabe and Khr0n1k before too, so dont get upset if I let your name out.) But when it comes down to it I just get the clique feeling from most of the members. I also have noticed that some of the newer members are extremely nice for the first couple of days I see them, (or for the 2 that i talked to before they were even excepted, before they get in) then result to just ingnoring me whenever I'm on after that. Now, I'm guessing it is due to the fact that I am not part of the "popular" group (those being the apparent "power" players in the faction.) But I am a part of the faction.

I guess it's just upsetting when you sign online, see some of your crew members in your crew's TS. Join the channel say "Hello" to everyone in the channel and dont get a reply. Your first thought is "maybe everyone is AFK or have their mic's off." But 99% of the time, a minute later, even seconds, someone will say something on TS and everyone will just join in a conversation. Example, I joined TS 2 days ago, said "Morning guys, how's everyone doing ?" Got not even a "Yo". No less than a minute later,  I believe it was Tivod that joined the channel, simply said "Yo" and had almost everyone in the channel say ATLEAST "Hey tivod whats up?" If not a "How are you?" Whatcha doin' " How's your mom" or something along those lines. (LoL, maybe not "How's your mom" but you get the point.) Now this may sound very miniscule (I spelt that wrong I know) to most, but for those of us who are geniunly trying to make friends in faction, it means alot. Just like I was trying to ask peoples opinion on TS about what they thought of the RSI frags, as far as is there a time limit or what. Noone answered. I then spoke through tell's with someone ingame about the same thing, told him what I thought, (Which was that there isnt a TIME limit, but possibly a set number of them, whoever collects the most out of lets say a million frags, wins and the event is over.)he in turn asked the TS channel, and everyone commenced in a discussion about it. Then, I put my thoughts into it, and while I was speaking had atleast 3 people just jump in and interrupt me while I was talking and go about their own conversation. At the end of what I had to say, eithern noone heard me, or I was ignored, because it was as if I never said anything.

But enough ranting, I think Tbone know's whats up and is working on a way to help fix the problem :) And for that I commend you. But just for the rest of the guys out there, lets try and make this more like a family, and less like a highschool.


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Quick Notice - Posting on MxO Forums
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2005, 08:57:28 pm »
Well guys, I want to say my piece on this thread...I finally got around to reading it all...

First, I agree whole heartedly with Grim.  She hit the nail on the coffin.  And what I am about to say is rude, harsh and not my place at all to say, but as a person who cares about this faction, I have some solid ideas, and not just tips.  Secondly, Its long...very longer than that...its damn near a book...but please's good stuff.

Here goes:

1:  Veteran Members, act like Veteran Members.  You are the leaders of the faction, and you need to act like it.  It's been said over and over again, but if you consider yourself a vet, you are either part of the solution or part of the problem.  Asking people to stop the chit-chat, asking people to go to the right channels for their conversations, forgetting about leveling for a day and help a lower, new level person level, talking to people as the mature adults that we all claim to be and Making EVERY new member feel welcome and part of the group is ALL part of being a leader.  Step up or sit down.

2: USE the In-game chat box for small talk!  Yes, it takes longer to type....yes, its annoying, and yes people may not see EVERY word you type.  But if people start using it more, it will become more valuable...hence, more people look at it.  TeamSpeak is a wonderful tool in-game, but it SHOULD NOT take the place of in-game chat.

3:  Battle Chat (or whatever name you want to call old clan called it Battle Chat):  Simple idea...TS has three levels 1) Free Talk....say whatever you want, whenever you want.  2) Moderate Battle Chat...Only pertinent info.....Only people who can freely talk are the leaders.  Not following the rule means risking the infamous mute button.  3) True Battle Chat. Basically the same as Moderate, but to talk, you gotta get "permission"  i.e. saying "Channel Break"...leader replies "Go" and you say what you want....leader replies "denied" and you type it out or just wait til later.  
I know it sounds annoying, unnecessary and mean, but it fixes a LOT of TS problems, and it gets the team to work together.

4: Crews becoming the bigger component of FA.  What this means is although we are all FA members, instead of all of us working out of the Loading Dock on TS, we NATURALLY go to our Crew's Channel.  Our Captains let us know what is going on, and the Captains as well as Tbone and a select few others have the ability to converse to each other while in different channels, and they all work together to pass info down rank.  Basically, less reliance on Tbone to lead everyone as much as Relying on Tbone to lead the Captains who lead the rest.

5: Ranked Crews.  Basically, you have a Starter Crew...a captain and FM all dedicated to getting new players introduced to FA.  Then you have an Intermediate Crew.  Players who have the basic idea of FA, but not fully developed for full rank.   Finally, you have True Ships/HoverCrafts.  Basically what we have now.  
I have more to say on this topic, so look for the post.

6:  FA-oriented events for FA members.   Red Frag Search Parties, disco nites, Radio Nights, Contests and other In Faction games.  Basically, things that say we don't need to have a story line to have fun.  Also, things that ALL FA members can do.  FA community needs to be stronger.

7: An understanding that if there is a conflict, bringing it up and out EXACTLY when it happens is the preferred way to take care of it.  To implement this you need a few things.  People other than Tbone with authority to make a decision about FA.  I am not saying people don't, or aren't.  But I hear too many times "Wait til Tbone gets on" and not enough..."Let's solve this now."  Also, There needs to be an understanding that YOU will not agree with everyone 100% of the time.  Hell, you might get pissed of at me or someone else from time to happens.  Just because someone is pissed at something today, doesn't mean they have bad attitudes, or it should be placed over their head all the time.  Work it out...then forget about it.  In other words, too many comments being made behind other people....we need to start being more open.

8: Our Alliance List is too short and KOS is too Long.  I'm not saying that we got to be buddies with every faction, and I am not saying that there are not a lot of assholes out there.  I am simply saying, we need to have more people in our corner, and we are not nearly powerful enough to take on all the other factions by ourselves.  Yes, some other Zion Factions are assholes...yes their leaders are dimwits...they might have some nice members though.  Just so you know, you don't have to EXPLICITLY level with FA members.  and if a group isn't forming...why not try a few we aren't elitists....

9: Everyone needs to listen more and talk less.  Many of you know that when I play, unless I am in my rare mood, I talk VERY little when I am missioning.  There have been times when people have even forgot I was in game or on TS.  I am not saying EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP AND DON'T TALK AGAIN..I am simply saying go ONE day without saying what is only necessary or needed.  You'll see that a lot of people would gain if less talking went on.

10:  Last one.  This one has two parts.  First, Everyone understands that we are all on the same ground.  NOONE is more "important" or "more valuable" than the next.  Even the Captains and other Leaders..they are one in a collection of many.  In a vote, my vote should not have any more weight or value than Tbone's (as an example) or vice versa.  Secondly, It's true.  Prove it, Show it, and Know it.  We got to work on this one....

well that's it from yoda....sorry if you didn't like it, but hey...i warned ya.



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