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Author Topic: No more combat tactic clothing and no more afk lvling!  (Read 2142 times)

Offline Avzeke (Khr0n1k)

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No more combat tactic clothing and no more afk lvling!
« on: February 21, 2005, 08:11:21 am »

yeah in the next big patch maybe coming out today or tommorow you have to acutally be in the mission area to get misson xp and all combat tactic boosting clothes will now have health regen instead of boosted combat tactics. now i know it balances the game but man i liked afk lvling.

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No more combat tactic clothing and no more afk lvling!
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2005, 08:19:47 am »
No more leechers.

I think that is great news.

You'll actually have to make an effort now and earn your level.  No more free rides.

I'm not bitter I just think it makes no sense whatsoever to gain 4 levels while you are sleeping or standing on a pipe.

That just me talking though.



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No more combat tactic clothing and no more afk lvling!
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2005, 10:18:22 am »
Sure I can see afk leveling as a bit unfair especialy for those who aren't part of large groups like ours but having to be with in the mission area is kinda of rough, if the mission teams can be as large as 6 people then have missions then actualy require different skills to justify the need of six people. Its nice to have a group of six people working towards the goals of the whole group by having a couple run missions, one work on codding, another work on gathering tokens and such. Instead of requiring all six people in the mission area how about a simple afk or inactive check? Something along the lines of detecting if you are not present by making click on a message if the system detects you not moving for X amount of time and make sure the message doesn't appear in just one place to avoid the whole 3rd party issues (I know this won't solve it as people will just set up their 3rd party program to keep them active but you're always going to find people doing that sort of thing in games cough *ST!* cough.

As for the combat tactics, good idea..... but still fix the issue about how buff cloths are made. We as crafters need to be able to modify clothing buffs not just switch out our current gear for the next "combat suit"

I just think both fixs are just a quick solution instead of a thought out solution. I'm hopping this won't be par for the course for issues that the MXO staff will have to fix.

Offline Fuse

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No more combat tactic clothing and no more afk lvling!
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2005, 10:48:47 am »
Mobs will become very hard now.


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No more combat tactic clothing and no more afk lvling!
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2005, 11:03:18 am »
Thought this was interesting:

Mission: Team members must be within 80m of another teammate to share XP from that teammate's kill.


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No more combat tactic clothing and no more afk lvling!
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2005, 11:06:30 am »
Do you think that counts for info too? because that could get my ire right up.


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No more combat tactic clothing and no more afk lvling!
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2005, 11:10:33 am »
hmmm i pretty much agree with tivod and fuse... im not quite sure how to feel about these new changes, also how sure are we this is actually happening?

Health regen? instead of CT? well, that kind of just nerfs MA classes, yet again... as if they already weren't weak enough. With no CT we'll be outrolled by coders ffs :P And health regen as a replacement doesn't necessarily do much good, im guessing they put something like 20% health regen in place of CT, ok... lets say you have 1000 hp, regen health or boost health just means you get the snot beat out of you longer than you normally would... it doesnt help you actuallly win the battle. Unless maybe youre a hacker or spy... but ma and guns... no

not to mention we all know they generally upped mob difficulty after wipe... i remember at around levels 8-10 before i really had any buffs other than collectors items, mobs could easily outroll me... i wonder how much no ct will effect mid and higher levels vs mobs now...

leveling is gonna hurt :\ talk about takin some time... yay -_-

i wish theyd actually provide an equally rewarding substitue when changing things like this, not health regen :\


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No more combat tactic clothing and no more afk lvling!
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2005, 12:27:49 pm »
ah dont get too discouraged, even though i dont know exactly what your talking bout since i dont have exactly have the game in my hands at this moment....let alone my computer, im stuck listening to u guys and what the game is like.  it will be fixed and moved slightly to favor one side or the other, there plans to be tons more patches im sure, which i will sorely miss....i miss waiting to dl my patch (cry).


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No more combat tactic clothing and no more afk lvling!
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2005, 04:37:35 pm »
This patch sure is going to change alot, but perhaps we can make it work for us too. Before I knew about the CT clothing I put together a combat uniform for my old faction with hardly any CT buffs. After a long day of scrolling through the apparel list and the repsective buffs, I managed a pretty nice outfit that made combat(vs NPCs at least) much easier on everyone. I was even able to keep all the clothing matching the general uniform colors. Also, though article makes a specific referance to combat tactics, it does not mention ability specific tactics such as speed tactics for kung fu or retaliate tactics for pistols. If we can try to focus our new combat gear to match our uniform and our preferred ability loadouts, I think it will make FA that much more recognizable. As I have heard others mention, the FA uniform does carry some strength to it in appearance alone. I know I am knew, and that is just my opinion, but I will mention it at the meeting tonight to see if the idea is realistic or not.



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