The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on September 11, 2004, 12:29:46 pm
When you register please check in at our Beta thread at
Also, post in this thread with your in-game name. Thanks!
Tb0ne here!
Eligoh here! :D
Lothori here
Tridus here :D (Not made yet :( Sure it's not taken though ;)) Forums are half down at the moment so I can't post would take 30 minuets :P Dont know why it's crapping out lol.
Switchback here...
reporting for duty :D
Gideon here.
CoreDump ready to rumble.
Ready to rumble, eh?
hey hey hey it's ... ah nevermind. i'm here
Wolf here, ingame I'm NightWolf
The one and only Cosmic....
Chrome or Gillette depending on whether the server lets me have my name back today.
AcidicPlague has been here the longest. Pwnt. :)
Game name should be... Broin
The best a man can get! Oh wait.. er.. Oronos here.
i guess i can check in, ill be Pippmann
Iluvatar here. ready to say "w00t w00t" in beta.
Condor here!
..and then there was seven
SyntaxError, locked, cocked, and ready to rock
Fox here and ready to kick ass...
Grok, a spy, and later your one and only reliable source for information, and lots of it. =)
HammerFall = HammerFall.
Hikojiro reporting in! hikojiro is my in game name!
Soma here, or is he? SexySoma in game.
holy crap, whered this thread come from, lol didnt see it *smacks forehead* anyway Ozurr here, also Ozurr in game.
well how about this, i still havent got my invite
Aero here...
I'm Jacked in and Raring to go
Nobuyuki, taking in the sweet sweet beta goodness.
Saintsinner here, seems I'm having trouble with the install program... how odd
Im in
the.watcher here.
Can't access the Beta forums for some reason....
Deus, reporting for duty. In-Game name is Digital Deus.
I am now here, and glad to be.
I just downloaded the 21.4 MB client in twenty-six seconds. Excellent.
Nights here!
jacked in
I've received the Beta registration email but when I follow the link in the email I can't sign in. I only get to step 2 of 7 - here's the error I'm getting: "(unique email address is needed, please use another one)". The address I gave is the only email I use and is the same as in my MxO forums profile, as is my username. Any ideas?
Cyanfire here.
Luna here :D
Cereal here. Tridus, I didn't know you were in the clan.. ive seen you around a few times in-game.
Im in.
Im in, whats the teamspeak server again?
I forgot to say... ingame I go by the name of Hugin
Talk to you guys soon and thanks....
I'm in
Checking in.
Don't address me by Catalyst in's too risky to use my real name. Use Cata1yst instead. It'll be safer. Yeah.
YEAH BABY let's get it crackin'
Ok, it's finally running, I'll be trying to check in on teamspeak again. I had to reformat my HD in order to get the thing working (must have been a program conflict somewhere. Ah well I need to clean out anyway, to much pr0n and muzak on there. *le sigh* I'll miss it all. ;) But I'm in and I'll be on beta for the first time on the morrow, hope fully going by Saintsinner or Saint. Or something. I'll try and contact anyone I can.
I'm in but I havn' had the chance to play yet since I'm at tech. My ingame name should be aaura. See you guys in game when I get home!
Orasu ;).
rom_ripper here, ready to rock and roll.
Hey guys, I'm about to jack in, my name will probably be Human Devil.
I will download the client when I get home tonight. Hopefully Ajax won't be taken, if not, I will Post what I get landed with.
Checking in. I'll get the client as soon as I get the appropriate credit card info. Shouldn't take long though.
ket here!
Tek here. Registered and downloading.