The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on August 22, 2004, 12:40:26 pm
I apologize for being seemingly MIA lately. I'm having internet problems here at my apartment. I'm hoping it should be fixed early this week, but if you don't see much of me, that's why.
Dammit Tbone, there is just not enough effort here. I think we are going to have to kick you.
Cast in the name of God....... Ye not guilty
Cast in da name of da foo... ye not pitied
Wow, lets not all get anime geeked out here guys. Tbone, you are still teh uber 1337 w00t Furious Angels commander.
And you said not to get all geeked out. Although it is true.
This is a message board for a guild in a videogame that doesn't even exist yet in retail. Lets just admit we are all geeks and have done with it! :D
Yep. Definitely no weight lifters or diesel locomotive mechanic here :-)
Yesterday we were just geeks, now we're the cognitive elite. Let's embrace it :-)
come to me my brothers....get the hell away from me
Still having problems. Why are stupid people put in charge of things such as my internet?
Still having problems. Why are stupid people put in charge of things such as my internet?
Hmmm, this is so tempting to make fun of Tbone. But as I dont want a bone up my own ass, I refrain.
And I'm not a geek. I maybe I am a geek.......But were all geeks in the good way, not the geek who wears a "Dont make me go zelda on your ass" shirt. That scares me as a human being and on a deeply personal level.
ha ha ha, yeah I know how you feel about that one.
*ahem* I guess I'll have to get rid of that zelda shirt... lol
Just as long as you aren't wearing the thing around on the ship. We might have to toss you down into the brig.
well what always works is rebooting your moniter.
I am now confuzzled
omg someone else used the word confuzzled ... i'm truly amazed ....
t .... have you tried going up to the psychos who "deal" with the internet and just pressing the big blue button??
ya zink and if that doesnt do it... just reformat your monitor too. works wonders.
also, your not truly a geek unless you meet atleast one of the following req's..
1) you have been on the computer and have your tv tuned to "cartoon network" at the same time.
2) you have a collection of empty or half empty soda cans around or on your computer desk.
3) you have as your default webpage.
4) when people say words you dont understand you pretend to, and just google them later on.
5) you have refreshed a thread over and over again waiting for replies.
6) you have sat in a computer chair so long, your ass has grown numb.
7) you have atleast once said the words: uber, goober or uber-goober.
8) you have refused to answer the telephone while playing a video game.
9) you have looked at a female faction member's crew picture over 5 times and or/have saved it onto your hard drive.
10) you are an actor.. :D heheeh
Hehe. I apply to #1-7 & 10. I'm truly a geek.
wow i'm more of a nerd than i thought .... i checked off 7 of those .... blah
yup no comment :)
yeah, I'm an official nerd
Gwahaha! My internet works again!
1) you have been on the computer and have your tv tuned to "cartoon network" at the same time. NOPE. No cable/sat for me.
2) you have a collection of empty or half empty soda cans around or on your computer desk. NOPE, unless one empty Sobe counts.
3) you have as your default webpage. YEP. Still the orginial link on April 2.
4) when people say words you don't understand you pretend to, and just google them later on. YEP, but not google. Dict/Dictsearch tools for Firefox.
5) you have refreshed a thread over and over again waiting for replies. NOPE
6) you have sat in a computer chair so long, your ass has grown numb. NOPE
7) you have atleast once said the words: uber, goober or uber-goober. YEP, but only while playing SSX.
8) you have refused to answer the telephone while playing a video game. YEP, answering machine can get it.
9) you have looked at a female faction member's crew picture over 5 times and or/have saved it onto your hard drive. NOPE, thats just scary.
10) you are an actor.. Wide grin heheeh. NOPE.
4 of 10... crap, I'm a geek. I perfered the term nerd. NERDS ARE BETTER.
Is it just me or did someone hijack my thread? Btw my internet slowed down again, but it's not as bad as before. They must be still tweaking it...
OUCH! I've successfully completed 1-6 & 8. I've gotta get out more...
* slides thread back to Tbone *
Sorry 'bout that. You know how us geeks & nerds can get... :D
So Seven must be one of the only ones to do 9.... Who is it Seven?
2 5 6, except my ass doesn't go numb.
1) you have been on the computer and have your tv tuned to "cartoon network" at the same time.( No. I only watch comedy central at like midnight for futurama and trigun, and dont allow my computer to bother me. Does that make me even more of a nerd?
2) you have a collection of empty or half empty soda cans around or on your computer desk. (Er, I have about 30 plastic cups stacked up that I havent thrown away. I guess that counts as a half?
3) you have as your default webpage. ( No. Its all google here.
4) when people say words you don't understand you pretend to, and just google them later on. (Um, I've never not known a word someone around me has said and pretended to know it.
5) you have refreshed a thread over and over again waiting for replies. ( Never. I refresh the forum page every once in a while.
6) you have sat in a computer chair so long, your ass has grown numb. )Er, no. Thats pretty bad.
7) you have atleast once said the words: uber, goober or uber-goober. (Yes. Uber is a trademark in a catchphrase of mine on teamspeak.
8) you have refused to answer the telephone while playing a video game. (My phones always next to me when I'm playing a game. If im playing with friends I wont, though. Damn cheating bastards.
9) you have looked at a female faction member's crew picture over 5 times and or/have saved it onto your hard drive. ( No. Only you and Pippman seven.
10) you are an actor.. Wide grin heheeh (Nope.
So what was that. like two and a half? w00t. I am a geek somehwta.