The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => Off Topic => Topic started by: Jeyk on October 29, 2013, 10:27:20 pm

Title: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Jeyk on October 29, 2013, 10:27:20 pm
With the release dates of the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One rapidly approaching, which console you will be selecting for purchase, for those of you who will be acquiring a console?

As I am sure that each of you have strong feelings and varied opinions related to your subjective experience and preferences with gaming, I am simply interested in discovering which console you will adopt!
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Tbone on October 29, 2013, 11:35:05 pm
Oculus Rift and the Steambox, if I have the money.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Sared on October 30, 2013, 02:09:00 am
Time allowing, Steambox; wallet allowing, PS4. Just not a fan of Microsoft's backpedaling and mismanaging, to say nothing of their fratboy community management.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Manic Velocity on October 30, 2013, 09:10:16 am
Sticking with my PS3 and PC for now.  The only game I'm looking forward to is Watch Dogs, and that's launching on practically every platform.  There's nothing about the next-gen that has me chomping at the bit.

I'll upgrade to the PS4 eventually, but I'm not in any rush.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Tecknik on October 30, 2013, 10:03:09 am
I've got both a PS4 Launch Edition and Xbox One Day One Edition pre-ordered through Amazon.  They'll each be here on their respective launch days, a week apart.  Probably going to put the Xbox up on eBay.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: likwidtek on October 30, 2013, 11:47:27 am
Sticking with my PC and 360.  If I get a next gen console it'll be the PS4 but I'm very excited for a steam machine.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Strod on October 31, 2013, 09:41:07 am
Everything as always.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Mharz on November 06, 2013, 02:39:57 am
I'm sticking with the PC and the 360 until the Rift comes closer to market and then I'll re-evaluate based on what looks promising.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Subb on November 06, 2013, 12:03:21 pm
PS4 is ordered for Christmas. A gift from myself. Jumping ship from Xbox, as they did too much back peddling.

Awww, yeaaaaaah.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Lithium on November 06, 2013, 08:50:24 pm
It's amazing how quickly everyone forgot about the Sony debacle with the network and all the horrible crimes Sony has commit in the past (*cough* rootkit CDs).
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Subb on November 07, 2013, 03:43:27 am
Well, yes, but Microsoft didn't do proper research into the market; that a fuck up of the first ever step, no?

Also, nothing about X1 excites me. At all. Exclusives? Pfft, Titanfall is on PC, Dead Rising is meh.

PS4 Exclusives? Well, The Order, Second Son, Killzone are all much more interesting. And it's a lot cheaper.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Avzeke (Khr0n1k) on November 10, 2013, 12:06:28 am
I have a Xbox Day One Edition preordered on Amazon but I am thinking about cancelling it. I cant really bring myself to spend $500 for a launch console that will have a small library for awhile and I would only use it as a Hulu / Netflix machine till more good games come out.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Subb on November 10, 2013, 06:03:42 am
I have a Xbox Day One Edition preordered on Amazon but I am thinking about cancelling it. I cant really bring myself to spend $500 for a launch console that will have a small library for awhile and I would only use it as a Hulu / Netflix machine till more good games come out.

X1 does have the better launch apps, to be fair. I want to get SkyGo and 4oD on my PS4... or I'll be lost :(
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Tecknik on November 11, 2013, 10:25:57 am
I have a Xbox Day One Edition preordered on Amazon but I am thinking about cancelling it. I cant really bring myself to spend $500 for a launch console that will have a small library for awhile and I would only use it as a Hulu / Netflix machine till more good games come out.
Why cancel it?  List it up on eBay.  Are you guaranteed release day delivery?  People are already doing it and getting way more than $500.  Auction ends, you get paid and then you switch the address on your Amazon order to the winner's address.  You don't have to worry about packaging and shipping, and you make some profit.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Avzeke (Khr0n1k) on November 13, 2013, 09:40:15 pm
I have a Xbox Day One Edition preordered on Amazon but I am thinking about cancelling it. I cant really bring myself to spend $500 for a launch console that will have a small library for awhile and I would only use it as a Hulu / Netflix machine till more good games come out.
Why cancel it?  List it up on eBay.  Are you guaranteed release day delivery?  People are already doing it and getting way more than $500.  Auction ends, you get paid and then you switch the address on your Amazon order to the winner's address.  You don't have to worry about packaging and shipping, and you make some profit.

Fantastic idea!
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Subb on November 25, 2013, 05:34:20 am
I'm sending my PS4 straight to my parents' to be wrapped for christmas. I will be getting them, via facey-skype, to switch it on to check that I am not one of the 1% defect group...

What launch games are my fellow PS4ites getting?
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Tecknik on November 25, 2013, 08:49:03 am
For PS4, I've currently got Lego Marvel Super Heroes (Amazing game if you like Marvel and are into the Lego games), Need For Speed Rivals and Killzone: Shadow Fall.

Nothing for the Xbox One yet.  Not sure I'm keeping it.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Subb on November 26, 2013, 06:02:55 am
How is Killzone? I've gone for BF4 and ACIV. I will also be upgrading my FIFA 14 to next gen, too.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Tecknik on November 26, 2013, 08:11:49 am
Haven't played it yet, but people who have say it's good.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Subb on December 27, 2013, 05:27:15 am
Now have my PS4.

PSN: ProfessorKrunch. Add away! I have BF4, DCUO, AC4 and FIFA14.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Sared on December 27, 2013, 12:42:10 pm
NEXT GEN BUYER'S GUIDE (Zero Punctuation) (
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Subb on December 30, 2013, 02:56:41 pm
So, been playing my ps4 on the parents über tv. No, that I am back at my flat with my dinky monitor, I'm getting the out of range error. I know this means that there's a resolution problem, but what I don't get is that when I boot up the ps4 in safe mode and restart it normally in the lowest resolution (480i) it is fine. However, it won't let me have any higher resolution, even though is been getting 720p with my Xbox.

Anybody know anything that could help? Ps4 help on the internetz isn't great. Thanks.
Title: Re: Next Gen Consoles
Post by: Tbone on December 30, 2013, 09:34:04 pm

So, been playing my ps4 on the parents über tv. No, that I am back at my flat with my dinky monitor, I'm getting the out of range error. I know this means that there's a resolution problem, but what I don't get is that when I boot up the ps4 in safe mode and restart it normally in the lowest resolution (480i) it is fine. However, it won't let me have any higher resolution, even though is been getting 720p with my Xbox.

Anybody know anything that could help? Ps4 help on the internetz isn't great. Thanks.
Upgrade to a PC? ;)
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