The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 03:40:14 am

Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 03:40:14 am
On behalf of the Furious Angels, i would like to directly apologize to Eris, for the behaviour of some of the faction members on ventrilo last night. I myself was not there, but from what i had heard it was bad enough to make you feel a little uncomfortable. i hope you do not let their behaviour affect your thoughts about the rest of us. once again i am sorry...
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 03:45:20 am
I too am sorry for the actions of some of our members, It was an awfully crazy time. I had previously tried to keep them in line before you had joined the server, they were not responding to my requests. Please do not let this be a lasting impression of the faction, on behalf of the entire faction I apologize.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 03:56:27 am
i had apologized when i knew that these certain members wouldn't stop what immature things they were doing.  i do apologize to you Eris and hope that you will continue to join us on our ventrillo server, im sure that myself, seven and tbone will not let this matter happen again, especially when someone as important as you or phrog...frog....whatever.  i do enjoy your company, its nice to hear a female voice, instead of unruley guys.....well im sorry again and im sure the whole clan will apologize as well....RIGHT!!! lol ok, cya later
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 04:02:42 am
I apoligize for the actions made by the other members of this faction.I hope that you do not take thos action upon the entire clan. I hope to see you on ventrilo again

Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 07:49:48 am
WTF is Eris, and WTF happened? More dick and chick jokes or something?
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 08:38:51 am
what happened was rediculas, we are sorry eris.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 09:14:40 am
The jumping in and out with different names ended long before Eris got there.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 11:03:57 am
Very nice apology, kael.....

I apoligize for the very stupid "yo momma" jokes. i was just trying to get conversation going, and it sort of worked.

And DoubleOh, I never heard ridiculous spelled like that....
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Broin on August 15, 2004, 11:11:25 am
I was not there and am not sure all of what happened.  However I will put my two-cents in.  Eris is a guest here... She is a guest in our home.  Let me say that again.... In OUR HOME.... and should be accorded the respect any guest deserves.  For any actions taken by persons in the FA that offended Eris I am truly sorry, and I am sure it will not happen again.

Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 12:37:26 pm
I was there for a bit, and while the idiocy was reigning, I had muted. When Eris and Phrog joined I unfortunately had to catch some sleep. .I said be nice and behave, but obviously, it didn't happen. I'd like to apologize for our behavior, though, Eris, and hope you'll still be dropping in to hang out.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 04:33:02 pm
Quote from: "KaelMobius"
The jumping in and out with different names ended long before Eris got there.

There was still other idiotic events going on even while Eris was in ventrilo, but why the hell was it even happening while she was not?

Also, I would like to apologize as well Eris, just please remember, some of us do have brains and have grown up.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2004, 05:02:18 pm
I was on for a short while, but it would appear I missed the idiocy (or at least was too buried in my game of Jedi Academy to notice). However, I will still like to apologize for the actions of my clanmates. Eris is cool, and she deserves to be treated with respect. ESPECIALLY since she is a lady. I'd understand if someone was being an idiot if it was just us guys, that I could live with, but disrespecting a lady like that isn't cool.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 16, 2004, 07:26:28 am
I missed something.  I was there when we tried to help fix her mic, but then logged off before that was fixed...and that appears to be a good thing.

Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 16, 2004, 08:42:54 am
Quote from: "Kairos"
I missed something.  I was there when we tried to help fix her mic, but then logged off before that was fixed...and that appears to be a good thing.


Different occassion, Kairos.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: ArchNemesis on August 16, 2004, 09:03:14 am
i would like to apologize. i have seemed to see and have mentioned it on vent that many are starting to get outta hand when it comes to immature actions and such. the reason why we are looked up upon is because we are a "Mature" faction, and although some of us having fun occasionally isnt bad there is a point where others can't take it anymore and you should stop.  instead of  stopping i once had a "get the fuck out" comment handed to me when i mentioned that they should settle down. now i was not there when eris was, but i do know for a fact that either some people need a kick in the ass and out of the faction or a attitude readjustment. On the behalf of the furious angels, Eris i too am sorry for what some of our members have been acting.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 16, 2004, 10:32:28 am
I wasn't there but that's just embarrassing to hear, sorry Eris! HAIL DISCORDIA!
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 16, 2004, 11:09:39 am
I too was not present in this ventrillo conversation, nor am I ever, but I would like to apologize for any actions from our faction that caused you to feel uncomfortable. Once again sorry Eris...
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2004, 07:32:21 pm
IMO get this shit fixed.

If we have people who repeatedly act like this they shouldn't be here.  I don't want to put up with immaturity and ass-tactics.  That is one of the reasons I have been so g'damn mute and absent of late.  If some people made it through our test and made it through the (easy) first week or whatever of induction but continue to exhibit problematic behavior, boot them.  This is going to ruin the faction otherwise.

Why the hell is it that like 10 people are apologizing on behalf of the faction, but no one is apologizing on behalf of themselves?  What is going on...
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2004, 08:05:17 pm
Uh, I apoligized for my self....although, I wasnt part of the idiocy that happened while eris was here, although I suppose I might've helped it live to the point where PhroG joined by messing around for a while.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Tbone on August 17, 2004, 09:04:54 pm
Those responsible were promptly kicked from the faction. They were still potentials, so it was a pretty easy decision. I appreciate everyone stepping up to apologize even though you weren't responsible. It's impossible to have a large community without running into problems. Luckily, since we advertise being a selective group, we have the ability to kick members without needing a lot of "evidence". This doesn't mean that you could be kicked without reason. If we do think about kicking you, it will be something that is discussed and given a lot of thought before a decision is made.

What we should learn about this situation is that, although our goal is to have fun, be aware that your fun could be ruining someone else's fun. We all act crazy sometimes, but there is a time and place for everything. I don't think we'll have this problem again, and if we do, changes will be made so that we don't! Once again I appreciate the concern.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Ketamininja on August 18, 2004, 11:03:42 am

I wasn't there, I have yet to even set foot in online voice chat for the FA.
However, from this thread alone, I myself am ashamed to be part of the FA with this fiasco held over our heads.

I would like to apologise to Eris myself as well - not only is she a guest at the FA boards here, but one of our peers on the main MxO forums. I hope this does not affect your total view of FA.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Tbone on August 18, 2004, 01:53:53 pm
It's not a "fiasco". The problem has been dealt with. She just comes here to chill, so don't make a big deal out of anything and we should be cool.
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2004, 02:09:55 pm
Meh, I think the big deal was already made. Maybe if we just quit the melodramatics and move on we'd be that much better off...
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Ketamininja on August 19, 2004, 08:11:52 am
Sorry Tbone, from reading this thread and from the apparant  "disciplinary" action that took place, it looked like it was a bit ostentatious, hence my choice of words, "fiasco". There was no real info on what exactly happened, so I felt like apologising as well, as I am a part of FA (as the others have also done in this thread), and I didn't want all the members to be tarred with the same brush.

I prefer to be tarred with a completely sererate brush :D
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2004, 04:42:56 pm
Thanks for the info, Tbone.  Well handled, it sounds like.  ;2)
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2004, 01:32:20 am
Hmm....sad to hear that one of our older...more...affluent I'd say members feels that way.... (Muse) I hope it turns around...
Title: Apology to Eris
Post by: Anonymous on August 26, 2004, 01:14:51 am
Thank you all for the apologies, and I certainly do not hold the actions of a few unruly people against the faction as a whole. Please don't take the long period of silence as censure, either. Life has just been busy for me. I'm still very glad and even honored to be accepted so openly by the Furious Angels.
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