The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 14, 2004, 03:51:50 pm
Everybody, Enoc has left the clan. This is the thread to proverbially "light a candle" for him. If we have topic's saying that an "asshole" in the clan has left, why not for a good member who has left?
*lights a candle*
I wish he could have stayed, he was a good member who stuck with us through the good times and the bad. I wish he was still here
*lights a candle*
Why'd he leave?
He didn't want to be distracted from real life, he is a senior this year and is working really hard to get into a good colege, he said we will still see him in game. He will be missed greatly.
I didn't know him very well, but I had seen him around and respected him. *lights a candle*
Shame he left, he was a good guy. Were falling like flies! *candle lit*
*lights candle*
*lights candle*
When did this happen? Thats sad..
He will be remembered :).
- u guys are getting way too emotional....*gets a little weirded out, but lights a candle anyway*
Dang he's like one of the first members. It's too bad.
I did not know Enoc well, but he deserves the utmost respect for knowing himself well and making the tough decision. It is the hardest decisions in life to choose between what we know we must do and what we know we want to do. Not many can make such choices. Where Enoc is found in need within the game I pledge my aid to him.
*lights candle*
Too bad to see Enoc go.
*Lights Propane Torch*
its quite a shame to see him go.. i will remember him well, may luck follow you as you followed the angel, my latin hermano *lights up the candle* you will be missed and it will be bad to see ya go but, "que sera, sera"
didnt know him well but ill light one anyways *lights candle*
*lights a flamethrower*
*lights a candle*
I didn't personally know Enoc very well but I knew of him. It's a shame to see you go. Best of luck to you. *lights a candle*
*lights candle*
Take care of yourself, Enoc.
*lights a molotov cocktail* err.. wait sorry, wrong one. *lights candle*
*lights a candle*
*Sets fire to Tbone* Oh crap!
lol postal 2 ;), this thread has gotten out of hand a lil bit
dojnt quite know him, but *lights a candle*
*lights arm on fire*
o shite
We miss you enoc, wherever you are..........
*lighting yet another candle
I, too didn't know him too well, but the posts of his I did see were always thoughtful, humorous, or just interesting.
*lights a lighter*
sorry we aren't allowed to have candles in the dorms. in fact, nothing "hot" (microwaves ... toasters .... they didn't say anything about flamethrowers tho .... hmmmm....)
didn't know him well but as i can see he was loved here so yay for that but sad to see him go .... awww! :(
Great loss ... *lights a candle*
I will throw in my bit, he was a good guy, and a good captain, as I am led to believe. Why does real life have to intefere with the important things? *lights a candle*
I didn't Enoc at all so here's the best I can do.
*lights a little brown paper bag full of dog crap, rings the doorbell and runs like hell*
I'll have to ditto what Hybrid just said
Uhh Core, I know that was an attempt to be funny, but yeah kinda wasn't ;)
Anywayz I too light a candle for Enoc.....A True Fallen Angel
i thought it was funny?
Sorry for the late candle lighting... *Lights a candle*
*Replaces old candle, and lights a new one*
Kinda figured mine was out by now :).
*lights candle* Enoc, I've known you from the start. we had fun chats.and serious ones too.....and I'll miss you very much, I hope we can stay in contact!
Hmm.... I'm going to light a candle for DOZ...... *lights candle*
*lights second candle for DOZ*
I hate to see him go, he was one of the originals who welcomed me with open arms.
*lights a candle*
*doesnt light a candle for DOZ*
*Does light one for Tyshalle. Long live the bastard.*
*lights a candle for Tyshalle*
Hmm...interesting tos ee you say that Iluvatar...
Anywayz I too light a candle for Tyshalle.... I will miss your witty and very intriguing debates, but not your fucktards, immature 13 year olds, and idiots. Goodbye
*lights a candle for Tyshalle*
*light for DOZ and Tyshalle* I always thought they were good guys to have around.
I'm sorry to hear of all these members leaving. Everybody has a choice I respect theirs and everybody elses.
*Lights a candle*
"Respectfull salute"