The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 13, 2004, 05:50:02 pm
Welcome to the Furious Angels! :P
Lol Oronos.
For those curious, no, Eris is not a member of our faction. She's a special guest who will hopefully hang out with us from time to time. She followed the path of the angel and now she cannot ignore the Truth, even if she is a part of the system! :P
I had hoped she had joined us..but I guess we should be happy even HAVING Trav and Eris on our memberlist.
Thats special :D.
(I think we should turn off or fix the low-level spellfix system we have. That "T" up there refuses to become big for some reason.)
So they actually get to be honorary members?
Thank me now guys....
Well either way it's really cool to have her with us in one form or another. Nice to see that we have great appeal to her and other devs as well.
Welcome ;) dont forget to check the stickies and our Ventrilio server hehe
It's cool to see we have friends in all walks of life... Hi and Welcome Eris!
I'm new here myself and also hoping I'm allowed to welcome you only being day two here for me. :P
Pretty cool. Welcome Eris.
Welcome Eris.
welcome welcome welcome!! yay another girl!! :P
Welcome to the Furious Angels Eris
Very nice... Very nice indeed.... Good to have you around Eris.
Yes, welcome....
Broin, get on ventrilo. Same to you, Eris.
Good to have you here Eris. Welcome.
Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone. Sorry I'm so late in saying anything.
Oh, and GrimKitten, I love that sig. So cute, in such a dangerous way! ;D
Well I'm just back from holidays so I missed your joining of the FA.
A late welcome from me to you Eris. Peace :)
Welcome Eris.
You don't know how happy we are that you joined.
If you need anything, let us know :-)
Eris joined Eric?
I'm so happy for the both of you :D
Fixed it :-)
Just a reminder...
Eris isn't in the faction. She's just a guest. :)
I guess I should read earlier posts :-)
A very welcome guest :).
Yerp. Welcome to our usually-not-very-humble abode.