The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on August 11, 2004, 11:39:02 pm
Ok, I have to brag on you guys. Mxo.Eris wanted to join our faction. Here's some of the log:
<FA_Tbone> Congrats on the challenge :-P
<FA_Tbone> Thoth told me you two were in kahoots together...heh
<MxO_Eris> I had to give him a hint to get past that same page I was stuck on. Then he solved it before I could leave the room.
<MxO_Eris> Which was annoying, because it was the ONE THING I hadn't tried. >_<
* MxO_Eris ponders...
* FA_Tbone ponders as well...
<MxO_Eris> Hmmmm. Thoth would kiiiiill me if I joined a Zionist clan. ^_^
<FA_Tbone> There's got to be balance. You can't all go around smiting good-doers!
* MxO_Eris snickers.
<FA_Tbone> MmMm...snickers...
<FA_Tbone> I'm starting to get hungry
<FA_Tbone> You should at least join our Ventrilo server.
<FA_Tbone> Everyone would
<MxO_Eris> I don't know if any of us are really allowed to join player clans and factions.
<MxO_Eris> Officially, anyway. We'd have to be secretive about it.
<FA_Tbone> I would assume that you could easily create a different player to play on during your off-time.
<FA_Tbone> As long as you didn't use your uberness to our advantage.
<FA_Tbone> Heck, you could even join our faction under an alias, and you and I would just keep your identity a secret.
<FA_Tbone> The rest would never even know.
<MxO_Eris> I already have a different character for off-time. ;)
<FA_Tbone> Hehe, cool.
<MxO_Eris> I'm thinking about it. Most of your people are cool, and you do seem to be weeding out the clue-challenged. -_-;
<FA_Tbone> Yeah, there's a lot of intelligent people of different backgrounds. We've got ages 14 - 40+. Males and females.
<MxO_Eris> Also very cool. :)
<FA_Tbone> Right now our member count is at...128. 10 ships (two are European). I'm about to have to add another, though.
<MxO_Eris> Yikes!
<FA_Tbone> Yeah, people underestimate our numbers quite a bit.
<MxO_Eris> Sneaky Angels!
<FA_Tbone> Do you know if you can join a player-run faction yet? Hehe
<MxO_Eris> XD
<MxO_Eris> I can't. ^_^;
<FA_Tbone> Awwwww
* FA_Tbone cries
<MxO_Eris> Thoth decided to make his own secret faction.
<MxO_Eris> Well, if I were going to join a faction, it'd be yours. That help? ^_^;
How's that for having a good reputation in the community! You guys all deserve a pat on the back!
Hot damn! Well, there goes any future devs joining us. Our fearless commander always spills the beans! XD
That is pretty cool. We are totally going to rule this world.
That is pretty cool. We are totally going to rule this world.
And in the end, isn't that what it's really all about? ^^;
Thats really cool :D.
That was beautiful, a Dev wishing to join us, thanks for letting us all know Tbone...
Haha, that's awesome.
Come on guys, we all know he wanted to join because of me being so cool and all. You can all thank me now.
Thanks Iluvatar
Come on guys, we all know he wanted to join because of me being so cool and all. You can all thank me now.
i believe eris is female and wanted to join cuz of how sexy me, likwid and tbone are.. ;-)
....have you seen likwids picture?
Just kidding. You are the new ravioli and speghettios model.
That was very awesome... Shows that we have the rep. and can back it up.
Thanks Iluvatar what would we do without ya?
Oh, and thanks for sharing Tbone.
::wonders if Eris might secretly still join::
Thanks for sharing!
Good good.
All power to us. ;)
she did secretly join and she did secrely not tell us that she secretly joined because its a secret sand we are not sopposed to know...tbone doesnt know either. umm thanks iluvatar...what am i thanking you for again?
The secret sand. That's what.
Yep, Seven's on to me. I just can't resist how sexay you guys are. ;)
Seriously, you're a fun group. Thanks for letting me hang around. :)
Hey, cool. Welcome :).
(Don't mind the smileys :D)
A pleasure to have you with us, Eris! Make yourself at home ^_^
Woah it would be so cool to have an Monolith insider in the clan.
Should we consider bribes and kidnappings or is it too early yet ? :-D
It is never too early for kidnappings, now the only problem, tracking this person down. Waiter, 1 ticket to the us please.
i dont know if i can just kidnap....too much temptation to make them a manner of speaking
Zink man, you are one truly devious ass had better be a solider or we're all lost. Anywayz I hope Eris does join us, not because of her being on the MxO staff, but just because she's female -if that even a reason. To my knowledge we have a large lack of them. With LD gone and stuff it seems to be missing a female LD - I miss her so!
thanks eclipse .... :P
Ouch, that wsa cold. Really, really cold. He did say lack though, not none.
What? How was that cold? I wasn't offending anybody....I know Grim's a female...I talked to her on vent the other day....I said lack of them....not that there wasn't any so no one please take offence.