The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on August 11, 2004, 10:39:03 pm
Yup, it's that time again! You know the drill. The name must be Latin-based. Decius has already suggested the Invictus, meaning unconquerable. Supposedly that was Kaelmobius' ship a while back. Any other suggestions?
The Vitamnia sounds cool to me... it means "Life-Blade" in Latin, I believe. Although the Invictus reminds me of this great quote... "If knowledge is power, then to be unknown is to be unconquerable". Fits in with the FA really well too, with all the mystery surrounding the clan.
Invictus sounds cool. The word as well as the meaning.
I like that, Pyre. Can I steal it? Pleeease?
And I like Invictus, too =)
acer : sharp, keen, eager, severe, fierce.
pia pium : honest, godly, holy, pious, dutiful, patriotic
macto : to magnify, glorify, honor / slay, fight, punish, afflict
i personally like acer the best
Well, I thought the Maelstrom might have been a cool ship name, but that isn't Latin and I can't seem to come up with a latin translation for it, so nevermind. Invictus is a very cool sounding name though, so one more vote for that
The Eversoris, the destroyer or overturner.
Can't decide between the Eversoris and The Invictus
I like The Invictus..
Invictus definitely sounds good, the meaning is great, & that qoute (Pyre) is very fitting. It gets my vote...
The Invictus and the Eversoris both sound great to me...
How about Invictus on this one, and Eversoris on the next :)
I'm good with that idea Theios...
we'd better go with invictus .... eversoris is bad for those dyslexic people making the dog tags ;) just playing!! :P
btw shortyforever .... your avatar rules .... strong bad is crapfully awesome :D
My vote goes with Invictus.
Isn't Nemesis latin?
Proeliator - warrior
Oraculum - place where an oracle is given
Bubo - The Owl. Ok, Im biased. :) You know I had to look it up.
Carnifex - an executioner, hangman
Aegis - shield (esp that of Jupiter or Minerva)
Just a quick few.
Got my translations here:
Of the previous two, I like both but prefer Eversoris. :)
Thanks GrimKitten, your Avatar is awesome too, Crapfully yours, Shortyforever :D
Invictus does sound good to me, too. Here's a few others :
Dominari; to rule
Indomitbilis; untameable
Durabilis; durable, to last
Also, the Machaera means sword. The new ship could be considered a sword of the furious angels, right?
Prosterus - looking to the future
Yea, my ship kicks ass :D
I like invictus as well....
...But how about Caelum means sky
I like both of them myself butI always a ship named The Infernes would rock. The translation is hell and you could have a quote along the lines of the name.
" A dark angel came and said he was bringing hell with him."
Yeah Invitus is prettycool-sounding.
As far as cool latin words go, I like:
Indomitbilis .... untameable ..... i would have to captain that ship ;) ..... we better wait on that one :P
I've always liked Oculus (the Eye) myself.
I like The Bellator, meaning warrior.
..hmm i just scrolled and noticed that Proeliator means warrior as well.. hmm.
I also vote for the Invictus.
RECAP: List of all the ship name suggestions, up to this point:
Acer - Sharp, keen, eager, severe, fierce.
Aegis - Shield (esp that of Jupiter or Minerva)
Amatorious - Love
Bellator - Warrior
Bubo - The Owl
Caelum - Sky
Carnifex - An executioner, hangman
Dominari - To rule
Durabilis - Durable, to last
Eversoris - The destroyer or overturner
Fetialis - Peace
Fortuna - Fortune
Indomitbilis - Untameable
Infernes - Hell "A dark angel came and said he was bringing hell with him."
*Invictus - Unconquerable. "If knowledge is power, then to be unknown is to be unconquerable".
Machaera - Sword
Macto - To magnify, glorify, honor / slay, fight, punish, afflict
Nemesis: latin? [Greek, retribution, the goddess Nemesis, from nemein, to allot. See nem- in Indo-European Roots.]
Oculus - The Eye
Oraculum - Place where an oracle is given
Pia Pium - Honest, godly, holy, pious, dutiful, patriotic
Proeliator - Warrior
Prosterus - Looking to the future
Vitamnia - Life-Blade
*Favorite so far.
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
- William Jennings Bryan
I wonder if that lil Owl in Clash of the Titans was called Bubo....
Yea, if either Infernes or Invictus gets chosen...gotta keep those mottos!
I like Invictus, with that motto.
What's better than unconquerable?
HEHE I thought it sounded cool but I'm glad to see that someone else thought it was cool as well. Honestly, I thought of it of the top of my head when I was posting it, just thought you would like to know.
What about Fuiritas? IT means furious, but I suppose no single ship should have that name.
I'm partial to Eversoris.
I also like Aeternum, which means 'eternity'.
For those who may wander unconciously through the forums, HvCFT Invictus has recently docked under the command of Captain Crimson Optix. Congrats to him!
Got my translations here:
Wow, my 'burb where I live is lating for a small,round shield. Odd, considering nothing about my 'burb is small or round.
Invictus isn't gonna work. What's your second choice?
I'd go for either the Eversoris or the Infernes. Perferably the latter however, keeping the motto.
yeah, Infernes sounds good
Third the nomination for Infernes. If there is such thing as a third.....
Sounds like we have a winner. I like it as well.
Well I'm gald I could help out with the new ships name and motto Crimson. Hope she treats you well my friend.
*bangs head against wall repeatedly*
All these changes...I hope we get this all figured out before the big movie premiere!
Well being that you're one of my fellow crewmates Kairos I hope you don't get a headache from that. I say go with the Infernes because one it fits within the FA's ship names and the fact that we our the darker side of justice. So, we should go with it name and motto as well, if any other ships want a motto befitting of their ship and wants me to think of it PM and I'll se what I can come up with.
Are we having problems again?
I know the ships have already been created, and I don't know that there is need for more, but in the future should the need arise, I think Aequitas would be a pretty cool ship name, if it hasn't already been mentioned. It means Justice.
Hey, that would be an awesome ship name.
Invictus gets my vote too. I hope I get assigned to it :-)
Why do all our ships end with "us". I think that most of the next ships we get should be more diverse. Like how Morphius' ship was the (I know I didn't spell it right) Nebucnezzar. We should have a few philosopher's names as our ships as well, or at least something without US!! I was thinking maybe the El Dorado. (Although I also think Invictus is cool too.)
We try to stick with latin-based names, Oz. Think up some great meaning ehind a name, then put it into an english-latin dictionary somewhere on the internet. It's kind of fun to think up interesting names that way.
Nevermind, it was a stupid post, and I wasn't paying attention.
mactabilis: deadly, lethal
what about carpe diem? if its still here, but its a ship that doesn't have an us in it.
Its still Latin. US just happens to end most Latin actions.
BTW the Veritas......
I don't know. They all sound like good suggestions, but it looks like we'll have to wait for Tbone to decide.
Nebuchadnezzar: May (the god) Nabu protect the son/the boundary.
Logos: As far as I know he/she is the oldest of all Angels.
Mjolnir: The hammer of Thor, a norse God.