The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: likwidtek on August 10, 2004, 09:19:19 pm
Attention Everyone!
If you recieved your togdag from seven you need to know and do a few things.
Click Read More.
If you have not recieved your dogtag... then bug seven but still read this post.
The link that seven gave you is a TEMPORARY WEB HOST. If you make all the forums links directly to that site.... Then eventually there is going to be a forum full of little boxes with red X's. What you need to do is right click and save the image to your computer. Then go to the user submission gallery found at ./images and upload your sig and use THAT link as the path to your sig. Not the temp image host.
Also I have noticed a lot of you with your sigs on the boards and you do not have the image set to link to our site. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! Here is how.
I know the instructions in the important info sticky are a little hard so if you are lazy and not creative.... do the following:
Take this html LETTER FOR LETTER (and yes there are supposed to be some <'s and other tags missing.) and copy it."><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://INSERT YOUR IMAGE PATH HERE" border="0"></a><br>INSERT YOUR COOL MATRIX CATCH PHRASE HERE- <a href="" target="_blank"></
now you need to edit a few things. Where the above says INSERT YOUR IMAGE PATH HERE, you need to put in the URL for the image located on the FA Image gallery. Where it says INSERT YOUR COOL MATRIX CATCH PHRASE HERE, you should put your short but cool and thought inspiring matrix phrase there. (something to do with the matrix and FA cryptic) Mine is "It is the question that drives us" If you are simply unable to muster up somethign I guess I wouldn't mind that you STEAL mine... heheh but I would much rather you put SOMETHIGN creative there.
Anywho.. after you edit the HTML paste that into your sig box on the MXO forums' profile page.
If inputed correctly your sig should look something like this.
Any questions? PM me for help or yell on the forums.[/url]
the transperancy on the tags gets removed and instead you get a white border and you can click both the image and the link, where i think it should be just the link, so the transparency stays..
Huh? I don't see a border. If you do get one, add this line:
That should get rid of any border. Make sure you keep the image a gif file to keep the transparency.
yeah boom I don't know waht you are talking about. Click the link showing what it should look like. It looks fine.
are you sure there are meant to be some <'s and bits missing? ;)
Maybe you didn't copy it correctly Boombye ??
UPDATED: Make sure you put a BR in between <'s right before you're catch phrase. I updated the code. so just update your sigs please.
You guys... Everyone is having problems copying my code correctly and in doing so you are messing up the forum threads. Copy the code character for character. DO NOT ADD OR CHANGE ANYTHING IN THE CODE EXEPT THE 2 PARTS THAT SAY "INSERT YOUR _______ HERE".
Any questions? PM me for help or yell on the forums.[/url]
*points sheepishly at seemingly extra tag*
not me, i was talkin about other tags, i didn't even get my yet... lols
notice his is white around it, and the same with arch, but other than that everyone else's is kool..
oh thats cause the backround is white, and for posts it alternates from gray to white...
everyone gets 2 tags ... one is jpg with a shadow (like the one you put up) and then the other is gif with no shadow and the edges are transparent ....
It took some doing, but I finally got it working. Thanks a lot.
Question: Will the new ability branch names effect our dogtags?
According to MxO forums, I am no longer a hacker_spy. I am a hacker_coder. :p
There are new ability branch names? When did that happen?
I was just wondering where the dog tags will be sent. is it through the pm system or by email?
should we even show what ability we aim at?
perhaps if someone knows that I am a spy_soldier or whatever, that I may have certain traits. If he does not know what I am, he may think twice about engaging.
People are going to figure out what your core abilities are no matter what you do, just by the title alone if for no other reason. Besides, just because your core may be a certain ability tree, with MxO it ought to be the case that you can quite distinguished in other tree abilities. Putting it on the tag will have little effect.
Spies still exist. They now share a tree with soldiers, though. Think of it as a "sneaky" fighting style maybe. Are you wanting ot be a spy or coder Muse?
I think we need a new poll.... "when do you think you will get your sig? " :p
Ok, Why is it taking so long for the sigs to come through. If mine has not been started yet, which I feel may be the case, can I change my number to 04, rather than 51. Ok, god speed with the sigs.
goood luck :)
Thanks for the vote of confidence Zink.
Hey, from what we've heard about MxO from some of the recent updates it sounds like our job could end up changing. So, does that mean we will just change our dog tag if we change what skill set we are trying to learn or will we just keep it that way and always recognize [insert job here] as our main job and keep that on our dog tag?
back on topic for a sec: Is it possible to get the image proof from whatever program your using?
ie, if paint shop pro, the .psp file that contains all the layers? Also, can we get the fonts with that?
It means we can build our own tags (those who know) and get it spot on.
I know my name wont fit on the sig like the others, the text'll have to be narrower.. or smaller..
but at least give me a shot :D
Definitely spy rather than coder.