The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => Off Topic => Topic started by: Tbone on August 01, 2004, 09:30:02 pm
Ok, I've done some research and supposedly this is not a scam. Google it yourself: "free ipod scam". Anyway, you just sign up and complete one of their offers. I suggest doing eBay. All you have to do is bid on any item (bid on something worth $.01). You don't have to win the bid, just bid on it. Refer 5 other people and the iPod is yours. Let's see if we can get iPods for the faction ;-) . Post YOUR referral link here and take it down when you have your five people!. Check it out at this link:
*My iPod is complete I will let you guys know when I get it! Thanks!*
Also, you can do the same thing to get a flatscreen monitor. Only difference is that you have to have 8 referrals. I really do hate this crap, but my research shows that you do get the stuff for free. Here's the monitor one:
lol tbone taking my flame....ok watcher told me about it, but i posted :) i want an ipod, simple as that. ill referal for u guys if u do it for me :)
use mine its user friendly :)
what's an ipod? lol
I've done some research as well and this honestly looks to be a legit operation here. Like T-Bone, I suggest everybody do the E-Bay option since all you have to do is create an account and bid (not even win, just bid) on something. You don't need a credit card if you have a non-free account (sorry Yahoo and Hotmail users), BUT you can easily register a free account that will work with E-Bay. ( is accepted by E-Bay, but if any of you own your own site and can make your own e-mail addresses (for example, I just created the e-mail and E-Bay accepted it) then that will work as well.
My referal link is below:
whoa, free ipods!
where do u find your referal link
also i would seriously help you guys but for some reason it ownt let me
it loads a blank screen when i click ebay,.............
if 1 of you oculd tell me how to get my referal link that would be great
also i posted it in the 1 where zink origninally posted his but im not sure what he called it and i cant find it,...........
edit:maybe we should send ppl in the caln email
mines ,.
it has that invite thing so just use emails itll probally go faster thats what im gonna do since i cant find my referral link,.
HEY!!!!!!!!!!! I told you all about it!
oops that one above was me... I signed in on the wrong account. heh.
Hybrid, if you click the "Refer friends" link at the top of the page, you'll then find your referal link at the bottom of the page in its own little box.
Yeah their site is really buggy and crappy.
Try turning on all cookies if it doesn't work.
But when it does work, you get credit for an offer pretty fast!!!
can sombody put an item on ebay we can all bid on, makes it a lot easier then. just a little crappy thing
It would be sweet if this actually works, here's my referral link
I also bid on an item but it says I have not completed that part of my requirement, are you sure you don't have to bid and win on an item?
Can someone get one for me?
I can't enter UK details :(
the requirement takes a few days for it to register, it clearly states that you have to bid on an item, it doesn't matter if you win or not, you just need to sucessfully bid on something.
yeah i found my referral link .
but it still goes to a blank screen when i click on there link to ebay i guess i cant do this cause there website sucks. and yes i have tryd this im mutiple web browsers.
my link is
my requirement was fulfilled when the auction ended, I just bid on a reall nice video card that had a lot of bids already, 1 dollar over, now people use my link :)
I had to do it in explorer, also, I don't think mozilla likes it.
Okay, I want an iPod too, so here's my link:
Help a poor brotha out people.
Oh YAY, oh wait.... US only. Joy, can someone get me that 15" LG? The Flat screen, I will pay for shipping.
OH WAIT SO I CANT DO THIS IN MOZILLA.that may be why i cant get it 2 work.
edit:nope didnt work in explorer either. ill continue to try.
My friend actually got one.
hmm just to strike a thought i know a lot of us are running on windows.(yes i know that they make ipods for windows)but are they sending them canfagled uber windows ipods,or the uber guber mac ipods?just a thought
all ipods are both windows and mac compatible
really i didny know that they didnt used to be.
hey, do you all think we get credit for people that have already signed up, or do they have to be new members. For example, if 6 of us want to get these, can each of us just use the other 5 as referance? That might make things much easier. Well, just as a reminder, help me out:
Also, just out of curiosity, which one are you guys getting? I'm getting the blue mini iPod.
the ebay offer is gone, :( not good
ok guys its not all well and fine if u just sign up, but ya gotta do their one little task as well or it doesn't count, and you have like 30 people you referred, but no ones doing anything so your stuck. make sure u get a credit card and get on ebay...dont have to buy anything..unles u want to, then bid and lose and bam thats it. ok later
You don't even need a credit card for the ebay offer....but it seems as if the ebay offer has been taken away....
I have two people who have successfully completed their offer. I need three more of you who used my referral link to complete it!
Alright tbone, I signed up under your link. Now, for the ebay referral majigger, can I use an existing account or do I have to register a new account for the site to know that I have bid on an item?
Oh and if anyone doesn't know what to bid on, bid on something like a new game such as Doom 3 that has just been put up at auction. They start at $0.01 and escalate to $49 so you only have to bid like 3 cents.
You guys all want an iPod, but how about a nice LCD Monitor or TV?
The eBay offer is still valid to get a Free LCD Monitor or TV, so sign up while there still is time!
Everyone should sign up for this- even if you don't need an extra monitor or LCD TV, you can sell it for at least $400 using the eBay account you signed up for!
first off, it appears that the E-Bay offer is back and available!
Kael, you need to make a new account. It's free and easy and I'm sure T-Bone would be ever thankful if you helped him out :)
And finally, whoever clicked my link, did the E-bay thing, and used the sterlingchurch e-mail account, THANK YOU!!! :)
hmm yeah hell you got 2 email how ould they know if maybe yo somehow got 2 ipods and 2 flat screens
YAY the ebay offer is back,
c'mon im the loveable pippmann, you know you want to click my link
- - For the Ipod - For the Flat Screen
pipp stop trying to get emails and start going to ebay and doing the offer yourself!!!
Wolf, make sure you enter ebay via It takes a day or so to confirm it.
Okay, I've completed my offer (actually, I accidentaly completed the offer twice), but now I need the 5 references. I don't know if all 5 have to be completely new users, so I'll ask people that have already registered and completed an offer to also click on my reference link:
yeah, they have to be completely new users who complete an offer.
If any are not new users, your account gets frozen and you're screwed.
Just so you guys know, the conversion ratio is about 10%(from my experience)
Meaning for every 10 people who sign up, on average, one will do an offer.
But that's random people off message boards. It will be higher for FA members.
I'll probably have to wait for school to start in a week and get some of my friends to do it.
might be a good idea to post as soon as you know you have your five emails so we can move down the list from there...
thanks good for the yoggin thing it worked now will someone please do mine i need 3 to 4 more people for mine
Ebay isn't on the list of goodies for me anymore... :< The free trial of the real music isn't too bad as long as you cancel within the 14 days.
The E-Bay offer seems to come and go ever few days. If you wait 24 hours or so, it should pop back up.
hmm i hope it comes back otherwise i most likely wont be able to finesh it
Is this working for anyone else, because I've gone through the e-bay offer a few times, bidding, having the item end, and giving it a day, and it still says I need to complete that part of my requirement. I don't get it.
Man, I only need one more person to use my link and do one of the offers *hint hint* :)
Theres mine, I'm going to give it a try but there is no ebay offer its all crap you have to put a credit card in for.
*added* -- It's almost not worth it without the ebay offer anymore
they wont even send me a confirmation email so i can confirm my acount with them. oh but they will send 1 for that fre flat screens thing. ide be better off buying an ipodi loose money but i be better off.
Hopefully the E-Bay offer will be back by the end of this week. It's been known to go down and pop back up a few days later, but this time around it seems to have vanished for a while.
well if ti comes back let us know cause I won't check it all the time lol
I had to be 5000 km away from my house when this scam happens, I want free iPod :(
so has anyone gotten theirs yet?
Why am I surprised no one got their ipod.I tried doing it and it made no sense.They tell you to sign up to ebay and bid on an item with an account, but there is no page whatsoever where you tell the ipod people what your ebay account is.If they don't know your ebay account, how do they know if you completed your offer or not?
I still need 2 more people to complete it. It verified three people and myself, though.
I've completed all my requirements for both the iPod and the free flatscreen.
Now I'm just waiting- it says my order is in progress.
Eligoh, they can easily tell because it is E-Bay who is telling them. When you signed up with E-Bay, you did so by clicking the link on FreeiPods website, which means the FreeiPods sent E-Bay a referall. When you completed your part of the Ebay deal, you essentially forced Ebay to send FreeiPods some money since they technically refered you. Therefore, when FreeiPods receives notice of all the people who clicked the Ebay link and signed up with them, they simply match the names and see that you did the offer.
Lemme know if any of you actually recieve those iPods, will ya?
- =O *Reads to see if anyone has completed yet* Lot of my friends saying it works too :O
I still only have three who have completed it :-(
Sheet, should have used your link lmao, I just clicked on one down the list because I thought you just had to REFER 5 people at the time which led me to believe you had all 5. X.x Would remake but I got ~4-5 people signed up, 2 going to do the offer x.x
Anyone found any of the offers that are free now? The eBay one appears to have gone poof.
So...anyone actually recieved an iPod?
I know, we've been at this thing for a loong time, I'd think someone would have gotten this thing completed by now
I think we spread ourselves too thin.
A close friend of mine that i've known for ~8 years said he got one, so I trust it lol. I don't know about the TV one though - instead of the ebay one i'm going to do the netscape 30 day free trial thing, just gonna make it, then once its verified w/ freeipods i'll cancel it :)
I hear the blockbuster offer is easy to cancel
-,2125,64614,00.html for those in doubt.
Yeah, I'm still stuck at only having three people complete everything. I just n eed two more freaking people! :)
wow you would think someone in the clan would have gotten it done... didnt the watcher say he was getting one?
i have a i pod by this way and this is not a scam, so do it and do it now.
Argh, its for US residents only. Which means I can't get one, boourns!
Yaay! I got mine today! This is actually not a scam, and all I had to do is sign up for a free ebay account. I've also completed all of ym requirements for the flatscreen, have yet to see if I receive one.
And so, I proudly present my definitive guide to GETTING A FREE IPOD
1. Sign up at the site:
*Use someone else's. I got mine!*
(TBone's Link)
2. Complete the Video Professor offer. You have to pay $7, but you get credit for doing it instantly. When you get your CDs, just call them and mail them back within 10 days.
3. Now the hard part- referring 5 people. Well, hard for you. If you're willing to spend a few hours of your time, you're practically guaranteed 5 referrals.
a. Disguise your referral link at
b. Sign up at TRAFFIC SWARM (
This is basically a surfing exchange. You surf and view other people's websites in exchange for your website being seen. Do this for a few hours, until you accumulate about 1,000 credits.
c. Register your Free iPods URL. Make the text ad something interesting like
Get a Totally Free New iPod!
d. Sit back and watch your referrer link get shown 1,000 times. This will probably (from personal experience) get you about 50 sign-ups, and 5 or 6 completed offers.
Most importantly, DON'T GIVE UP! If you give up before completing your requirements, the company wins, and they laugh all the way to the bank (they get about $20 per offer completed).
I've gotten my iPod, and you can too!
You should get paid for that advertisement, Watcher.
Got the 5th. never mind
Dum da dum. Need five!
Try the one with the tvs and monitors.
Please use my referral link.
Damn, I still don't have my fifth. Come on people!
Guys, help Tbone out. If you are a new recruit and you do this Cosmic will not burn you for like..... a week and whatnot.
sign up...NOW! I need one it, you know you want to.
You should get paid for that advertisement, Watcher.
Yes. Yes I should. With a free Ipod.
I honestly did get all of my sign-ups from Trafficswarm ( so, ti worked for me *Insert happy testimonial here*.
But yeah, keep plugging along. Never surrender!
I finally got all 5! I had to sing "I'm A Little Teapot" for the last one, but it was worth it! Wow, I can't wait until it comes in. Check out this quote from the Apple iPod website:
"Incorporating the fabulous Apple Click Wheel that was first introduced on iPod mini. Offering up to 12 hours of battery life. Weighing in at just 5.6 ounces. And getting slightly thinner with each new generation. iPod continues to define the perfect digital music player for Mac and Windows. You can now purchase a 20GB iPod for $299. Or a 40GB iPod for $399."
$300 gift for free! Awesome! Now if only I could get that TV! Heh...
ya except the offers screw you over.
oh man ... i give in .... even tho all things apple and mac suck ... sheeshes .... MEH!!
Theios i signed up on yours, but i haven't done the offer yet, they keep taking down all the easy ones, the next best thing looks like either the blockbuster thing or the coffee thing...
Anyone have any suggestions?
BTW here's my link :D
I've heard the Blockbuster one is easy to cancel
I've used about 500 of my TrafficSwarm credits and have yet to get a person to sign up under my name, much less complete the offer! I'm not giving up though...
I thought about doing the coffee one, under a different email addy, cause I love my coffee.;
I've heard from a few people that if you use a different e-mail addy to complete one of the offers then the e-mail addy you signed up with, you won't get credit for the offer.
I am network admin at a few places, and have a couple different addresses I can use, so I trhink I would have been fin IF I had done it, which I didn't
That's mine... I actually completed my end of the deal a long time ago... just never bothered to post my link. I need 5 people... noone so far.
I hope someone will help out a bit. ;)
I couldnt find the ebay thing... anyways heres my link:
And I bid on something for this, which is easier:
Help a fell ow clanmate out!
lol wow even though i was one of the original people to start help a clanmate out is right. i need one more. HYBRID GET UR ASS IN GEAR
I'm with ya Zink, I still need one more person :)
A week of verifying my referrals and I got approved! October 5th I ordered my free iPod. They said to the "processing" part takes 3-5 business days, and I am still waiting for it to be shipped (it currently still says "processing"). I'll try to get a pic of the iPod up here when I get it so that you guys know it is legit!
yay now we have proof ...sorta
Woot! I FINALLY got my iPod!!!
- if anyone sitll bothers
ive got plenty of people i just need the people that signed up to finish their end of the deal.
I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could be so kind as to help me out. I'll even try and compete one of your offers if you're going for something else besides an iPod:
I have two people who've completed it so far. Just need three more!
Use for a list of all the offers that are currently available. It's very helpful, and the user input and reviews of the offers are accurate and frequently updated.
Hey, that's a good site Midnight. I'm gonna put that next to the freeipods link in all the other forums where I advertise this.
:( Doesnt give me an Ebay option, Just lots of crap. :( I tried
Anyone get an ipod yet?
if you look back a page, tbone got his, and i think a couple other Angels did as well. I know several people i go to college with who got theirs. it's definately legit. i'm still workin for a free flatscreen haha
I signed up for this a long while ago. Still nothin... lol If I grab 2 things I'll start making new names with all your infos.
I filled everything out.....I think. What do I do next?
If anyone has yet to fill this out, let me know and I'll shoot you the email with my link.
wait, do you mean you filled out something for yourself or for someone else?
basically, you have to sign up, and complete one offer. the key word is complete. although, you can cancel a few days after the deal goes through and gives credit to whomever! :P then, if you signed up for one of your own, you have to refer so many people. i think it's 5 for the ipods and 8 for the flatscreen, or something like that
For myself. The email confirmation I got said that I had refer 5 friends. I signed up for some book ordering club thingy and initially ordered 2 books.
Aieeee. I'm hurting here, guys. I really need a few more people to sign up and actually complete their offer.
me too
*Pets his free iPod*
Support your faction mates! It works if you can convince five people to go through the bloody trouble! lol..
Ok, Tbone you've conviced me to try this out again....
i'll do it for someone else if they do it for me...i'll even change my name to do it lol
Oh fuse i did it for ya just waiting for it to complete don't know what the time limit thing is for completion to be verified.
Hmm what do you guys recommend doing? i'm looking at the Efax thing that seems pretty simple and completely free... any suggestions though?
well it looks like ebay isnt one of the offers any more... and the rest of the offers there look like they'll be a pain in butt... so i think ill pass on this one
I'll hook ya up Lelyel
Well for the fun of it, lets drum it back up and halp me get a minimac LOL
Eh, what the hell, it's worth a shot. Here's my link:
Ok Benevolence, I used your link. Here's mine
I signed up for the mini mac, under Maduag.
Here's my referal if anyone wants to do it:
Also signed up for Free Desk Top PC:
Gonna try the Traffic Swarm thing tomorrow, when I stop falling asleep randomly. :D
Oh if you do it and you like books, try the Zooba trial, it's 9.95, but you get a book and shipping is free. They also have a large selection of books.
If you have pets, you could try the petchews one, it's 5.95 for some cat/dog treats and that's it, you can cancel after you get em. Make sure you do or you get auto-billed for like $35. =/
Nobody has signed up for mine except IMJIce, who hasn't bothered to try completing it. Anyone feeling generous? Please?
I'm going a little crazy over here, since I'm getting fed up of burning new CDs every time I get new music.
You know what happened today?
My best friend found an iPod sitting on the ground in the parking lot of her school. She tried seeing if there was any way to identify it (custom inscription, etc.)
So she pocketed it, went out and dropped $30 for a cable and now has a fully functional one at her disposal.
Life isn't fair, yo.
Ahhh.... did anyone ever get that free iPod?
If anyone wants to give this a try for a Mini Mac (those new $400 almost cdrom sized macs) please click my referral link :)
If I end up getting my referrals and get it, I'll give everyone mucho Information in game :)
i think me and tbone are the only ones who actually completed it and got our ipods but i could be wrong??
well this one's for a mac mini, which are pretty cool, even if you're not into macs (im not really), and Ive heard a few people that have gotten theirs so far :)
i dont feel like going through the hassle of trying to get something else, too much work and they took out the easy way to do it, ebay was such a nice company.
I think you're right, Zink.
Nobody else has gotten theirs.
But, I'm bloody close! Come on, team!
It's not that hard, just look at this site:
The best and easiest one is the one
yo do it fools!
Did you sign up under someone, kronik? The key to this thing is to get everyone signed up under each other, so we can help each other out. If everyone makes their own link and doesn't have anyone, it kind of sucks....
Or you know, just, like, buy one? By the time you get it it'll be dirt cheap anyway ;)
no i signed up for that account like almost a full year ago. waayyyyyyyyy before joining FA so yeah I just got around to doing an offer so since i did my side of the thing i need peeps to do the same thing.
Wow, I thought this thread was dead...
I have an ipod otherwise i would do it right away, i thought about doing the one but it doesnt tell you exactly how many refferals you need (or i cant find the place where it does) and i dont like that because for a computer i will probably be reffering for half my life before i hit the number i need, does anyone know the exact number? And for a refferal, they have to click your link, and complete an offer, correct? -scratches head- Worth a flatscreen? 8 of those?...hmm....
hehehe ....
free flatscreen (
i have 3 out of 8 people ^_^
I'm about to get a free Xbox 360 me thinks!
Do you know that my offer I did for your ipod over a year ago appears to be no good for me anymore. It tells me I must complete an offer.... WTF? Stupid advertises and their crap.