The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on July 24, 2004, 04:23:06 pm
Welcome to the Furious Angels!
Welcome guys.
Welcome! Check out the stickies.
welcome guys. if ya can send me a pm with your email addy's that' be awesome ty!
Hey, welcome!
Welcome! Great to have you guys here!
Welcome to all the new blood coming in.
Welcome, hope you enjoy it here.
Welcome Arkias, Ketamininja, Razel, Software, and M_O! Have fun and stay active...
Welcome to FA have fun and stay active, check out our ventrilio server
Welcome, welcome. Enjoy your stay.
Hi everybody,
Let me introduce myself. I'm Software, I'm 35 and I live in Belgium.
I love to play online games but this will be the first MMORPG which I'll be playing.
Thanks to Tbone for accepting me into the faction, I'll do my best to be a good addition to this great Faction
Good to have you on board.
Welcome to the FA, Post on boards, Jump on Ventrilo, Post a bit in BIO section.
Here's the welcome wagon I was looking for, and what a welcome. So many hi's already - you can tell that this clan has a good team...
Here's some info copied and pasted from another post when I couldn't find this one (I guess I didn't look hard enough!):
I'm a veteran games player since way past 486-DX days, been in a lot of clans, over many genres. Looking forward to MxO, should keep me entertained for a while!
By day, I'm a mild mannered techie for a uni in Scotland (so I'll be on the EU servers then...) saving staff, students, and anyone in the forums all over from impending pc doom. That's good coz when its quiet, I'm online.
Looking forward to jackin in with you all....
Hey guys, welcome to the FA. Make sure you guys post a bit in the bio secton of the forums so that we can get to know you. Maybe you can come on vent and hang out for a bit ;) Peace
The red pill is a beautiful thing. Welcome to the FA!
heya new peeps!