The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on July 23, 2004, 04:30:03 pm
Welcome to the Furious Angels!
Welcome guys, look around the site, and have fun!
shesh that was quick...welcome if ya guys can send me a pm with your emails addy's, gotta send out a clanwide thing. ty guys
Welcome! Check the stickies.
Welcome! It's a great community!
My prediction regarding new members comes true. Geometric growth!
umm...geometric? :p
A large welcome to all five of you!
Man oh man all these new people coming into the clan. Welcome to the Furious Angels! Have fun and stay active.
welcome to FA, have fun and stay active, dont forget to check out the ventrilio sever
Yup, we're glad to have all of you here!!!
Theios: You know, new members grow geometrically. First 1 new member in a welcome thread, then 2, then 4 (5 whatever).
welcome, hope u enjoy it here
the.watcher: Wow... I even remember you saying five somewhere...
to the new guys: Welcome to the F.A.! Congratulations freeing your mind!
I believe that would be exponentially, not geometrically... last I check, no squares or circles are involved :)
Read the training programs!
Make friends.
Donate mnt dew to me!
stay active!
Hand over your women!
Hey guys welcome to the FA, make sure that you post a bit about yourselves in the bio section of the forums so that we can get to know a bit about you. Also, maybe you might want to d/l ventirlo so that you can go on our server and talk to us so taht we can get to know you a bit more.
Thanks, I'm glad to be here.
Welcome to the FA.
Post in BIO section
Go on Ventrillo
Ignore Likwid
Have Fun!
I wish Appulsia, Gabrie, Mephisto, Seven, and Slash welcome! Have fun and stay active...
My email address is Just incase you need to send me a clan wide thing.
You didn't make it easy, but then that's the point.
And hey likwidtek you always need more cowbell baby! :D
thank you everyone. i am privileged to be a part of the Furious Angels.
*Holy crap!* - StrongBad
The floodgates have opened. Welcome to the Furious Angels.
I'm gonna get carpal tunnel welcoming all the new members...