The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on July 22, 2004, 11:26:36 pm
Welcome to the Furious Angels!
Hey Lady, welcome to the FA! I hope you're a girl, no offence, we just need a more female prescence around here, I mean ever since LD went on a vacation we haven't had to much. But anyways, why don't cha post a bit about yourself in the bio section of the forums so that we can get to know you a bit better?
Hey there, and welcome. Have fun and try not take offense to anything said around here. By that, I mean, being largely a group of guys, things can get...well...guyish. *cough*likwidtek*cough*
Anyway, have fun! :)
lol dont mind them sierra, sieera, siera....however u spell it. seeing the opposite sex usually frightens them. try not to show fear :) and welcome. saw your struggles on the mxo boards, i was rooting for ya. welcome again, if you need assisstance, any one of the "veteran" members are usually willing to assisst. welcome again/
welcome to FA have fun and stay active. dont forget to check the stickys and our ventrilio server
Welcome to the Furious Angels, watch out for all above ^^^^^^^^^ except Eclipse.
hey welcome.
Welcome to the team! And, for the record, married + children = safe 8) I think you'll enjoy it here.
Welcome Sierra!
Don't be fooled by the long discussions about Zink's avatar.
That's not ALL we think about, really!
Damn this is giving you a bad impression. Get to know some of the people here, they're nice.
uh oh its a laaaaaadeeeeeeee
Welcome to the FA, Enjoy your time!
Welcome, hope u enjoy it here
*tears fall* Thanks angels Im proud to be one of you! Though im a bit shy atm for being in such a prestegious guild and the game isnt even out yet. Ive been trying to get in beta for a very long time and still no luck... But hey ill write on the bio about me and you all can think for yourselves..
PS: Its Lady ----> Sieera <---- S I E E R A
hehe im just playin as long as you know that yes i am female and my name is Sieera its all peachies in creams...
Onther PS: Im a controlling ***** when ya get to know me just thought id add it
heh, she thinks we're prestigious
We have several females in this faction - one is even a captain - so you shouldn't feel out of place at all. If any of the guys give you a problem, though, just let me know!
yah we'll have a one way ticket out of this clan REAL quick :) but if ur offended by my avatar....well ummm....sorry :)
Welcome to the Furious Angels! Hope you have lots of fun with us.
Zink: Lol.
Lady Sieera: Welcome to the FA. Congratualtions on freeing your mind.
Hey there, and welcome. Have fun and try not take offense to anything said around here. By that, I mean, being largely a group of guys, things can get...well...guyish. *cough*likwidtek*cough*
Anyway, have fun! :)
im not joking !!! I want his avatar back damnit!
oh and yeah... welcome. I will donkey punch anyone who doesn't follow through with the training program!!!!!
Wtf is a donkey punch... changed my mind I dont really want to know.
Any way welcome to the FA, have fun.
My Lady Sieera... I wish you welcome... Have fun and stay active...
Welcome! :) Nice Sig.
Why thank you Siren Seven made it for me !!! Love you all!!!! Please understand that im not a forum junky i post where i think i need to post and nowhere else so if you think im not serious its because theres nothing but garbage and nothing about the game right now.. I mean cmon were in a guild why we sharing music etc. I guess to waste time but thats not me i have better things to do like Update under MXO im the lead writer for it and im learning C++ PHP CSS and cold fusion so there!