The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on July 22, 2004, 05:42:25 pm
Welcome to the Furious Angels!
Welcome! Check out the stickies.
Hey, welcome!
Thanks for the warm welcomes everybody :) I can't wait until later tonight when I'll actually have some free time to sit down and surf the forums!
Yup check out some of the old forum posts its a good time.
Welcome to the team!
Welcome, glad to have ya!
Welcome to FA, have fun and stay active, and check out our ventrilio server
Hey Goob, welcome to the FA. Make sure you post a bit in the bio section of the forums so that we can get to know a bit about cha. Yeah, make sure that you do visit our vent sever, and just stay active bro. Welcome to the team.
werd man. welcome. And I will personally kill you if you don't read all the links in the training program. ALL OF THEM!!!!
Welcome to the FA, Have fun.
Cool name btw :D
Welcome Goob... Have fun and stay active!
Welcome :D