The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on February 03, 2009, 04:05:38 pm

Title: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 03, 2009, 04:05:38 pm
So I've been able to hop in a time or two and kind of get my feet wet. I figured I'd give you my first impressions as they come to me.

First off, the game is hard. Every aspect of it is pretty challening. A lot of this has to do with getting used to the controls, while some of it is obviously in the design.

It's so easy to bite off more than you can chew in this game. When you find some mobs, handle with care! We had a 5 man team and still were getting whooped. The AI is incredible smart. They aggro from a far distance, usually hitting you with a bow and arrow or magic until they get close enough to you. Then they switch to a melee weapon and start running around you in circles slicing your kneecaps off. If you are lucky enough to land a few blows on them, they'll run away. Your impulse is to sprint after them, but next thing you know you are out of stamina and realize they've led you into a trap where three of their buddies are waiting for you. Broin and I ran into this problem time and time again just trying to take out a few goblins.

Archery. So far, sucks. I don't know if it's my own graphical shortcomings and lag or what, but I have no way to tell if my arrow is going to hit the target or not. I don't see a stream or arc, and it seems if I'm not pretty close, the arrow simply does not land on the target. Arrows are ridiculously hard to come by. It probably takes at least 10 arrows to kill a goblin and the most you'll loot off of him is maybe 4. At minimum arrows will cost you a gold an arrow, and that'll get pricey quick.

PvP and the world rocks. The shadowing is excellent. The five of us were farming and a red came up and ganked Lithium. So we chased her down until she swam across the river and rested. I snuck up behind her and attacked, firing arrows at her. She took off running into the woods, and the rest of us sprinted after her. It was an amazing sight running through the shadows trying to track your target. She somehow lost us while ducking and dodging through the trees, but it was still a lot of fun.

Guild-wise we are going to have to be extremely organized. Everything has to be planned. If you aggro the wrong thing, you're all dead. Loot is always FFA, so you gotta figure out who can loot what, and kills only count if you land the final blow, so if you're questing together, you gotta time your attacks.

So overall, the game is superhard but superfun. I haven't even checked my stats yet to see my progression. There's no level system so I haven't even really thought about it. I've been more concerned with trying to raise 2000 gold to start the guild while trying not to die. The more I play it the more I like it. I hope I can get the rest of you in there soon!
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Anamodiel on February 03, 2009, 04:14:10 pm
You're making me want a key more and more.

I can't believe I'm missing out on the fun times in-game like that!!
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: likwidtek on February 03, 2009, 04:55:41 pm
It's really important for people to keep an open mind about this game.  It is NOTHING like WoW, never will be.  If you are wanting anything like WoW go home.  This is not your Sister's MMO.  You won't level, you won't get epics, and you will die.  A lot; And it matters.

It is hard.  Period.  You will punch your keyboard.  You will get mad and have to walk away from it.  You will feel your heart racing as you run for your life or as you chase down that person who ganked your buddy.

Seriously, this game is awesome.

It has its shortcomings for sure.  I'm sure it's going to be a rocky if not delayed launch but as long as you don't go into it with any expectations of what the hype has made it out to be you're going to love it.

My first piece of advice is forget what you think about how you want to play the game.  If you go into it saying, "I want to be an archer!" or "I want to be a mage", you're going to be let down.  Your character will naturally evolve into what it will be.  This is a classless game so stop creating CLASSES!  ;)

Go into it, go with the flow try out a bunch of different skills and have fun and I guarantee we're going to own at this game.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Fuse on February 03, 2009, 05:15:57 pm
This game reminds me a lot of Tabula Rasa. The UI, the skill/ability system, and combat are very similar.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Strod on February 04, 2009, 12:13:47 am
Has anyone tried the Spell Caster side yet?
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Anonymous on February 04, 2009, 01:14:33 am
I'm with Sorrows, I'm fascinated to see what the games magic system will offer.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: NoCry on February 04, 2009, 03:51:43 am
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Pirus on February 04, 2009, 06:51:06 am
Wow, glad im not going to be an archer.  Sounds difficult besides I'll just catch the poorly aimed arrow throw it back at you and then beat you with your own bow.  Melee ftw :)
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Anonymous on February 04, 2009, 09:44:20 am
Broin's doing a Caster. Your first caster spell is Magic Missle. However, as a caster you have to literally aim your spells and hope they hit.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: likwidtek on February 04, 2009, 09:51:02 am
I'm currently skilling up:

One handed swords
Lesser magic

The lesser magic I don't use often, they are like a utility skill.  Basically if I want to heal myself or need to shoot something running away.

One handed swords gets more love just because it's what kills stuff better right now.  Archery and magic are super slow and super expensive to level up.  Plus magic and archery are really hard to level up in groups.  You end up doing more damage to your group than the mobs.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Setun on February 04, 2009, 12:15:24 pm
What other melee weapon skills are there?  Any spears / lances / javelins?  Also is there a way to keep melee combat in 1st person, or do we have to live with 3rd person view?
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Zero on February 04, 2009, 12:22:40 pm
You say that kills only count if you land the final blow.  What is important about getting the kill?  Just for quests?  Or some type of exp?  Skills level up by using them right?  So you don't have to get the kill to increase skills, yes?
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: likwidtek on February 04, 2009, 02:35:13 pm
Not sure if there is a skill bonus for landing the killing blow or not.  But yes it mostly counts for quests.  You skill up mostly just by using the skill.  Also keep in mind... let's say you are doing a quest where you have to kill 10 mobs in an hour and you are in a group of 3 people who all have the same quest... it's not like WoW where you get shared credit... you have to kill 30 of them and landing blows count.

No there's no way to FPS melee.

There are a ton of melee weapons and skills.  See here:
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Anonymous on February 04, 2009, 09:10:32 pm
One question about archery. Is this like in Oblivion where the arrows that missed will be stuck in the ground or a nearby tree for you to pickup, and the ones that do hit become items on the enemy's body, or do the ones that miss dissapear?
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Setun on February 04, 2009, 10:09:34 pm
Oh hell yeah, polearms!!  I'm stoked now!
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 04, 2009, 10:37:42 pm
Once you load the arrow, you won't get it back.

So I've turned down my graphics a little and it has greatly improved my performance. Combat is now much easier that it is flowing smoothly, including archery. That makes me happy! Game keeps getting better and better!

The clan system is freakin awesome. It is HTML based, but it comes with a ranking system, ally and enemy clan system, KOS list, clan description, clan motto, clan emblem, public forum, private forum, officer forum, player achievements list, news feed, clan vault deposits and withdrawls...and those are just the things I can think of off the top of my head. All your statistics will be on's very nice!

I leave you with this goody. We were wandering around seeing if we could stumble unto a clan bindstone.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: likwidtek on February 04, 2009, 11:53:19 pm
Quote from: "Orphaeus"
One question about archery. Is this like in Oblivion where the arrows that missed will be stuck in the ground or a nearby tree for you to pickup, and the ones that do hit become items on the enemy's body, or do the ones that miss dissapear?

That would be nice but nope :(
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: likwidtek on February 04, 2009, 11:58:01 pm
Quote from: "Tbone"
I leave you with this goody. We were wandering around seeing if we could stumble unto a clan bindstone.

Sexy!  I took these when walking around with Lith the other day:

( (
( (
( (
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Fuse on February 05, 2009, 08:22:23 am
where do screens get saved to?
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: likwidtek on February 05, 2009, 08:34:10 am
your clipboard.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Fuse on February 05, 2009, 10:31:33 am
so you just prntscreen them? =/
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Phienyx on February 05, 2009, 11:14:34 am
What is the clothing/armor like?  I'm guessing clothing and armor is crafted by players.  Any idea on how customizable are the colors?

I ask because I'm wondering if we'll still have a uniform of FA whites.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 05, 2009, 11:28:19 am
So far we've just been wearing newbie gear looted off goblins. Crafting skills cost a good bit of money and the server has been down a lot, so we've just now made enough to start the guild. Things like crafting we have not had the resources or the time to even touch.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Phienyx on February 05, 2009, 12:01:29 pm
Are you in touch with any other players who may have some information on this?  Perhaps information from the beta forums?
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 05, 2009, 02:30:37 pm
So the server came up for like an hour, so I went out to kill more goblins. Night fell and I decided to use my bow and arrow (I had collected about 30 arrows by this point). I definitely felt like a stealth character. Using "c" to crouch, I could sneak up behind a goblin and put an arrow in his back before he saw me. I've gotten good enough at the bow to take him out completely via bow and am even learning to dodge some of the arrows being returned at me. It reminds me an awful lot of Oblivion.

There's a new skill called Crouch Run that enables you to travel faster while crouched as you level it up. It will definitely give stealth an edge, because crouching works for more than just not making as much noise around NPCs. It makes it hard for players to hear and see you as well. There's a lot of high grass in the world and it is very easy to blend in. There's no way to target someone unless your small cursor is directly on them. I happened to be resting and noticed how well hidden I was, so I figured I would screenie it for you guys. I'll try to get a screenshot of me sneaking through the grass at night if I can.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Subb on February 05, 2009, 02:40:59 pm
Do you get an email via your normal email (e.g. hotmail) or through the forums?
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 05, 2009, 02:48:36 pm
Phienyx: I haven't found anything yet, but when I have the time I'll look up on it.

Subb: Whatever email address your forum account is tied to.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: NoCry on February 05, 2009, 03:04:03 pm
thanks for the updates chaps.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Adad on February 05, 2009, 04:02:25 pm
(NSFW vulgar audio)
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 05, 2009, 05:09:29 pm
Sneaking up as it got dark to a goblin archer attacking someone from a tree limb:
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: likwidtek on February 05, 2009, 05:39:02 pm
Quote from: "Tbone"

Took me a minute.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Lithium on February 05, 2009, 05:42:02 pm
Don't be fooled the game looks much better with shadows and AA. :)
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Strod on February 05, 2009, 08:53:18 pm
Quote from: "Lithium"
Don't be fooled the game looks much better with shadows and AA. :)

*wipes forehead*
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: NoCry on February 06, 2009, 03:45:18 am
is it dx10? ta.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Lithium on February 06, 2009, 09:54:05 am
Quote from: "NoCry"
is it dx10? ta.

I don't think so but, I honestly don't know what to look for in differences between dx9 and 10.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 07, 2009, 02:30:57 pm
One cool thing...

Lithium got ganked by a Mahirim in a guild called Winter Blades. I added them to our "Wary" list and then they added us to their "War" list. Later that day we ran into one and killed him! In the clan window, it shows me as having 1 kill and Lithium as having 1 gank (I killed him, Lithium did the X gank thingy).

So clans/players who are on our KOS/enemy list will add to your kill count when you kill them. These stats are available for everyone in the clan to see. Basically, it's a PvP rank system! It also keeps track of when you rez teammates, so there's a support rank system as well!
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Jarimus on February 07, 2009, 04:51:40 pm
That is awesome! Our first warring guild.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 07, 2009, 05:02:27 pm
We finally found a clan city. It was a pretty awesome location and looked to be unclaimed. While I was eating, however, some Shipwrecked Pirates guys came and either claimed it or we just didn't notice it was claimed. Lithium started asking them a bunch of newb questions and wouldn't leave their city, so they killed So now we're wary with Shipwrecked Pirates. We need to find our own city...
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Zero on February 07, 2009, 07:12:02 pm
What Others Have to Say About the Winterblades:

In the last 5 years I think the only thing I can think of on these boards that has not disgusted me or pissed me off is the Winterblades posts that were just made. When I think about it I have mad respect for The Shipwrecked Pirates too. They just never seemed to be as fun as WB though
--Ciliano, House of Errants

This is a quote from the Winter Blades site.  I think it's funny that while I was reading about one clan that you had run into, I found something about the other one you ran into as well.

The Winter Blades seem like a formidable foe after having read about them.  They have an interesting History section full with pictures and everything!  It was too much to try to read, but I managed to catch another reference to The Ship Wrecked Pirates.  These guys obviously know each other, but I can't tell what their relations are.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Anonymous on February 07, 2009, 07:17:42 pm
Aw! *wishes I could test as well* that sounds great we already have a foe to deal with ??!!?!?  were they a mixed race or ??  Sigh All I can do is wonder! lol
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Phienyx on February 07, 2009, 08:46:09 pm
Sounds like we need to form an intel unit to keep tabs on information, locations and activities of our enemies......
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Lithium on February 07, 2009, 10:19:54 pm
Yeah found a hamlet that was claimed. We tried. It is very hard to explore because everyone and everybody is out to kill you.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Pirus on February 07, 2009, 10:28:04 pm
wow sounds like its time to own another game... man its kind of depressing in a way.. and then in another way its exciting to have to start over build our rep and own the game once more... :)
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Strod on February 07, 2009, 10:56:14 pm
The game seems to have a lot of potential. I mean all games do to a certain extent, I hope this game will be fun playing with all of you guys more than anything else.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Setun on February 07, 2009, 10:59:36 pm
I think Arch and I might be the intel spies you need, seeing as how we've had enough TF2 practice!  ;P

Seriously though I'm all for spying on warring factions when not exploring, maybe even jump a leader or 2 when they're alone hehehe....OH!!  Has anyone run into a guild called Heroes Fate as of yet?
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 07, 2009, 11:00:59 pm
Well, I like this game. It's not going to be easy. If you get pissed off easily, this is not the game for you. We're going to lose a lot. But hopefully we're going to win a lot as well.

So far there's about three of us playing - me, lik, and lithium. Feel free to yell at Broin, Bell, and Fuse for having keys and rarely being online. So with three of us we're only operating at 10% capacity. We're getting ganked a lot and dying and all that good stuff, but we're learning A LOT, which is the important part.

Essentially, don't plan on doing anything by yourself. You're going to be in a clan and we're going to have lots of enemies and they will kill you no matter what you are doing. The only way to survive is to be stronger, more prepared, and have more of you in everything that you do. I see the game operating a bit like a never-ending game of Risk. We'll be working hard to claim a city or hamlet, then working hard to defend it, then working hard to take over our enemies. Where you place your cities can be strategic to takeovers or resources or whatever else.

Right now every hamlet/city we've run across has been claimed. They're going to go fast. We'll either need to beat people to the punch or take over one right from the get go. There's not many safe areas in Darkfall, so having a city with your own guard towers is going to be essential to our survival as well.

It's a hardcore game. There's not much penalty for killing anyone, so you really can't trust anyone. At first I was surprised there weren't many mob spawns out and about - it made it seem rather easy to get around. But now I realize the reason why - other players will quickly become more dangerous and plentiful than any mob aggro. Hell, we were toting around a clan shard and took the long route around just to avoid running into any hostile players.

So just be prepared - when you first get in, you are going to die a lot and feel like you can't get anything done. But that's why we're all here together, right? Hopefully when we ALL get in TOGETHER, we can accomplish some big things.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Setun on February 07, 2009, 11:29:35 pm
Teamwork and maybe, just maybe, some friendship...anything is possible with friendship!
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Zero on February 08, 2009, 02:36:53 am
If I can handle Halo, I can handle anything, hahaha.  I believe Halo was the first time I ever experienced anger, hahaha.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Anonymous on February 08, 2009, 09:46:40 am
Wow, sounds scary... LETS DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! hows range compare to Melee so far? Are we going to need some hard hitters?
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Anonymous on February 08, 2009, 02:14:12 pm
Needless to say, I can't wait.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 09, 2009, 04:14:06 pm
I spent some more time in the game today. No one else was in, so I decided to try some solo things.

The first thing I did was experiment with crafting. I managed to buy the Bowery skill to make bow and arrows. Each specific craft needs a tool and you need to be at the right workbench. I decided to convert the timber we had been gathering into wood. So I went and got a saw and got to work. The success rate was 95%, so I had no problems cranking out 44 pieces of wood. For every 5 timber I would get 2 wood. I wanted to try to make an arrow, but to my dismay I had only managed to mine stone and needed iron.

So I stripped my character down and set out with a pickaxe to find some iron. Doing a little bit of reading, I found there were two different types of nodes - stone and ore. I could find stone everywhere, but couldn't find ore. I remembered a mining town full of baddies and thought that might have some. No, it didn't. I wasn't sure where to find the ore. I'm sure there are mines somewhere, but I didn't find any.

Giving up on my mining, I decided to do some more exploring in hopes of finding more clan cities. We had been exploring a lot to the north and east, so I figured I would head southwest to the coast. Along the way I saw a few ore rocks (labeled as metal spawn, I believe) that seemed to be close to baddy headquarters. Didn't have my pickaxe with me, though, so I ignored it and kept traveling.

I got all the way to the coast without finding a beam of light (from what I can tell, city and hamlet clanstones have beams of light shooting into the sky...though I am not certain if that is the case if they are unbinded). There was an island on the map that seemed fairly close, so I set out swimming.

Swimming was going pretty well until all the sudden I got attacked by something. I then saw something swim in front of me and was just able to make out the words "Great White Shark". Haha. It took quite a few chunks out of me, and I was pretty low in health when I finally reached my island.

The island was small, and to my disappointment did not contain any claimable spots. I did find what seemed to be some sort of skeleton voodoo altar and a bunch of baddies I didn't mess with on a dock. Feeling defeated, I began my swim back to a different point on the coast.

I got back to the main land and right off the coast was a beam of light. I traveled upwards to find this HUGE Mirdain-influenced clan city. Of course, it was already claimed, and it wasn't long before I had three Oromea guys asking me what I was up to. The city was the best I had seen yet, I think. And it's possible it might have naval capabilities, though I couldn't tell for sure. The Oromea guys were nice enough, answering a few of my questions before getting bored with me and shutting up. I added them to the clan's "friendly" list, made a mental note that the city might be a good one to claim come Live, and began traveling further down the coast in search of more cities.

I hadn't gone very far at all until I saw another beam of light. I started to run to it when...CRASH! Servers down! Sigh...I'll have to trek back out there later!
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: likwidtek on February 09, 2009, 05:06:45 pm
Nice!  Yeah I am looking everywhere for a city stone.  :(
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Phienyx on February 09, 2009, 05:16:10 pm
So we have a list here on the forums of friendly and non-friendly clans yet?  This might be good info for all to know even before we get in game.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 09, 2009, 05:39:31 pm
The list is in game in the clan system. It keeps up with all of that for us so we don't have to. We even have our own public, private, and officer forums via the game. Since the game makes it easily accessible, I don't really want to have to constantly update a list on our website as well.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Lithium on February 09, 2009, 05:51:03 pm
I will be coding a simple map that we can sticky notes to when we find points of interest. If I have time tonight I will probably get something simple but effective put together.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Anonymous on February 09, 2009, 05:58:22 pm
sounds like a whole lotta fun so far
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 09, 2009, 07:02:56 pm
Quote from: "Lithium"
I will be coding a simple map that we can sticky notes to when we find points of interest. If I have time tonight I will probably get something simple but effective put together.

That would be excellent!

Clan politics feels very local so far. You are gonna have alliances and wars with the clans who settle near you while those on different sides of the map you will never even see. I'm sure that changes as you progress in the game but so far that is how it feels.

The world is massive. I spent hours exploring today and probably did not cover half of the mirdain area even.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Lithium on February 09, 2009, 10:32:16 pm
This doesn't leave here obviously. I don't want to have to lock it down.

Be patient if you are on a slower computer, it has to load a large image and 10,000 positioning tiles.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Jarimus on February 10, 2009, 12:18:37 am
That is pretty F'in sick man. So good!
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Pirus on February 10, 2009, 05:52:21 am
wow thats awesome.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Setun on February 11, 2009, 11:57:59 am
Random question....are there crits in the game?
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: likwidtek on February 11, 2009, 01:40:33 pm
90% sure no.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2009, 03:09:21 am
I heard a guy that just made a char if he knows how to play can kill a guy who has been playing for a long time.

How does gear play a factor?
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Setun on February 12, 2009, 08:04:57 am
I figured there wouldn't be criticals, but was just curious.  Thanks dude.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Fuse on February 12, 2009, 08:51:05 am
Quote from: "Raddux"
I heard a guy that just made a char if he knows how to play can kill a guy who has been playing for a long time.

How does gear play a factor?

I could see it happening. If you keep gear for a while, you must be good. The gear in this game is nothing like any other game I've played - and I've played mroe than a few. =/ It really doesn't mean that much. Almost like MxO early days. Skills are what matter most.
Title: Re: Darkfall First Impressio
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2009, 09:22:46 am
Guild Wars ftw<3
Title: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Strod on February 12, 2009, 09:06:58 pm
I hope this game will improve after playing a while and getting used to it. Right now I can't believe they released it at it's current state.

I'm crossing my fingers that I will start to like it after I play along side of some of you guys.
Title: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Fuse on February 12, 2009, 09:22:59 pm
Title: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Tbone on February 12, 2009, 09:45:01 pm
Quote from: "TheSorrows"
I hope this game will improve after playing a while and getting used to it. Right now I can't believe they released it at it's current state.

I'm crossing my fingers that I will start to like it after I play along side of some of you guys.

This isn't the release build. They haven't added the release build to the servers yet. It isn't your mom's MMO and not everyone is going to like it. It's very sandbox and very harsh. It also takes some getting used to. If you like WoW, you probably won't like this game.
Title: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Phienyx on February 12, 2009, 10:08:32 pm
I hated WoW after about 2 months.  I hope that means I'll love Darkfall.

What is it about this game that you guys aren't liking so far, Fuse...Sorrows?
Title: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: likwidtek on February 12, 2009, 10:15:05 pm
I like WoW and I like this game as well.

You have to get it out of your head that they are similar though.  Controls and UI are totally different and it's a higher learning curve.  Get passed that and you'll love it.

So far the consensus is the more you play it the more you love it.
Title: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Pirus on February 13, 2009, 09:30:59 am
Ok, I didn't want to make a new thread so I will post this here.  I am having some trouble getting in the game.  I have all the patching done and validation of those files done.  The problem is that when I go to click on New Character the game says queuing and as far as I can tell doesn't stop "queuing" so its not allowing me to create a character.  I'm not sure if anyone else had this problem or if it was addressed on the Darkfall forums but under a quick glance I didn't find a thread on it.
Title: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: likwidtek on February 13, 2009, 10:08:35 am
Usually means that the server is down, no?
The NEWS page will tell you if the servers are online or offline.

Looks like this:

Server Status for testers: OFFLINE

Server Status for GMs: OFFLINE

Server Status for master GMs: OFFLINE

Server Status for Admins: OFFLINE
Title: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Strod on February 13, 2009, 12:48:44 pm
Well don't get me wrong. I'm not saying holy crap this game sucks. Don't play, Don't be dumb.

Tbone is 100% right.

IMO, I see this game as so different from the standard MMO it's like when the first person chose a car to ride instead of a horse. Your first reaction is to stare in disbelief and wonder what is wrong with that person.

After playing for a few hours last night, with some of the guys I gained a new liking of the game.

Even in WoW nothing was handed to you, Until they came out with addons that practically did everything for you. The World of Darkfall IS atleast 3 times bigger and longer to travel. (In wow I have all the exploration achievements and rewards) There is just so much to really get used to in order to enjoy this game, but it's worth taking the time.
Title: Darkfall First Impressions
Post by: Phienyx on February 16, 2009, 09:56:06 am
I played for a couple hours last night getting the first version of my keybinds in order and killing some goblins to get used to things.

My first impressions are mostly positive.  I think I am going to like the "improve the skills you use" type advancement system.  Over all, things look and feel pretty good.

Now for a few things I have issues with (most of them fairly minor issues):

- Character creation seems a little limited, especially when it comes to body type/style.  What if I didn't want to be a muscle bound human male.  What if I just wanted to be mean and lean?  
- It also appears that the skin-tone option isn't working (I am sure this will be remedied).
- When using "parry"  It would be nice to have a more blatant visual cue to show the difference between that and normal combat stance.
- It also appears that some commands cannot be rebound to certain keys (like right control or right shift)
- I think sprinting needs its own bar.  The ability for people to just endlessly sprint in circles around the target just swinging away is a little silly.
- ....and speaking of swinging, as a combatant gains skill in sword use, is it still just the hack n' slash action when they attack and the amount of damage dealt increases? or do you gain other "attacks"?  I can see battles turning into circle sprint strafing, bunny-hopping 'tard fests.  That would completely ruin the concept of battle as they are indending for it to be.

Over all, I have only played a couple hours, but I am enjoying myself so far.  I do intend on working my way West to meet you guys over the next day or so.
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