The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on February 02, 2009, 11:23:22 am
Well, I have good news and bad news.
The good news is that I just got invited into the selective club known as Darkfall Beta. The bad news is, I got an invitation as an individual and not as a guild leader.
Hopefully we're still in the queue as a guild and I'll get a guild invitation soon. In the meantime, at least I can finally check it out and have a better idea of what we will need to accomplish when we ALL get in there.
It appears invites go out at about 11 a.m. FA time every day and possibly later in the day as well, so check your email around those times.
Hellz yes but at the same time FUCK!
Edit: At the same time, woodgrain, what's your status?
Also is there anyone else aside from tbone woodgrain and myself that are in?
I'm also in guys...
BTW, go get this:
I am in now as well but not home until late due to company dinner.
For the record, the files we have on the torrent do work. It took my 5 minutes to patch before I was in. I have to go to work, but I'll be back around 7:30ish FA time.
I get no patch message from it. Just the "Server Darkfall Beta World/New Character" screen which i can't click anything. Does it do the patch automaticly?
Nevermind. Had to open it a second time to get it to start up.
It crashes every time I try and get in, so I'm going to have to redownload it all. =(
This is why some of us aren't in and haven't received our keys and now because of these dumbasses, we probably wont. Hope someone can make sense of it.
I got my invite as well today....
Kind of interesting that so many of us did but not the clan invite
It crashes every time I try and get in, so I'm going to have to redownload it all. =(
All you gotta do is this:
Assuming you installed the patcher in the rar file and moved over all the data files simply do this:
Go to control panel and UNINSTALL darkfall.
(Don't worry your data folder will remain on your harddrive)
Download the patcher from the email Aventurine sent you.
Install the patcher.
Now you should be able to run the game.
It crashes every time I try and get in, so I'm going to have to redownload it all. =(
All you gotta do is this:
Assuming you installed the patcher in the rar file and moved over all the data files simply do this:
Go to control panel and UNINSTALL darkfall.
(Don't worry your data folder will remain on your harddrive)
Download the patcher from the email Aventurine sent you.
Install the patcher.
Now you should be able to run the game.
All I heard was gobbledy goop gobbledy goop gobbledy goop... Then you know me :D
I'm patching the old fashion way. Started at 2:30 PM FA time will be back at about 6:30 ish FA time so hopefully by then. If not then maybe someone can walk me through the other way.
Invites seem to be going out based on date registered. So for those of you who registered close to when I did, you should get a key. I will be hopping in about 8 fa time tonight. Start at beldarins rest. Glad more of you got in! See ya tonight!
I hope I will get mine soon :/
Can we hurry and get the challenge up? I am meeting cool people in game who I would like to direct towards the path of light. ;)
Adad has been MIA the past few days. Not sure what happened to him but last I saw him was like thurs or fri
Bah. No invite for me.
This blows.
It crashes every time I try and get in, so I'm going to have to redownload it all. =(
All you gotta do is this:
Assuming you installed the patcher in the rar file and moved over all the data files simply do this:
Go to control panel and UNINSTALL darkfall.
(Don't worry your data folder will remain on your harddrive)
Download the patcher from the email Aventurine sent you.
Install the patcher.
Now you should be able to run the game.
Nope, that doesn't work. Neither does the other 5 things I tried.
Gratz guys hope you enjoy! No luck here yet..
anyone else having an issue with it? When I hit play it will show the small box like it's starting, then it will crash and bring up the 4-check NDA thing and then the crash reporter.
no Likwidtek's solution worked for me. You must be having a unique issue.
I did not get one either, but I am not dead, so will be hitting the Challenge hard tonight starting right now til roughly 4am, ha. Busy weekend, sorry for the setback.
I replaced the dfdata_0012.sfad file and it works now.
It's actually probably a good thing I didn't get an invite this week. I have way too much going on and I wouldn't want to be tempted with Darkfall.
I would like one for Thursday, though!
I hated it until I got intoa group.
This takes a LOT of getting use to. I'm not sure I'm gonna like it.
keep an open mind. Why are you not on TS? :P
No problems here, patched right up from torrent within a few minutes.
Got my key today...
The torrent failed on me twice..I'm down loading now and will have to patch it when it's done...
Got my key today...
The torrent failed on me twice..I'm down loading now and will have to patch it when it's done...
That is a very good sign. Your registration date is July 2006. Mine is September 2006. I expect mine tomorrow (assuming it's based off of registration date, which is seems to be, for the most part).
I'm September 2006 as well - we'll see!
January '09 FTW!!!
September 2006 for me thrice. I dohope we get our Keys, if what you suggest is how it is done, Ana. :D
I skipped my class today so that I could sit in my e-mail and wait for 11am FA time.
My luck would have it that nothing came, but we should get it by Monday or Tuesday. Maybe they're doing it by each month every other day... July '06 was on Wednesday, August '06 on Friday*, and September '06 on Monday (or Tuesday, depending on their idea of the weekend counting as a "day" or not).
*Please note that this information is purely conjecture and can only be taken at face level. No information has yet been brought to light on whether August '06 was sent out on Friday or that the invites are even based in totality on your registration date. Most of this is just blind optimism to make myself feel better about not having yet received my key.
Oh, and I will be gone until Sunday afternoon/evening (second to last weekend, then I will be on every weekend after that for a long while). Don't miss me too much. :)
still waiting for mine
Do we know how many keys they'll be giving out in total?
Did I already say how kick ass this pic is?
Hope I get one :(
Did I already say how kick ass this pic is?
ty, DJ.Jesus rocks.
LMFAO, I do not remember typing that![/list]
I'm surprised more of you have not gotten in. It did seem to be going in order of registration. Lately the servers have been down quite a bit, so it is possible they have paused the waves while the work out the problems caused by the most recent patches. Those of us who are in have been working diligently to figure out the clan system and city building. I'm not holding my breath for our clan invite anymore :(
I'm in!!
EDIT: I've calmed down a bit. I apologize for freaking out; I've just had a horrible day and this made it better. I will be feverishly working on my Accounting homework so that I can get into the game some tonight.
Those that are also September 2006 should have received your Beta invites in the current e-mail address that you have signed up on the Darkfall forums with. If you did not receive an e-mail, be sure to head over to the Darkfall forums. There have been reports that some people have been invited to the Beta, have been able to see the Beta boards, but did not, for some reason, receive their password to their Darkfall account. If that is the case, PM Brannoc and he will do his best to take care of you.
Can't wait to test with you guys... I won't be in at all this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, BUT after that I will have a lot less going on in my life, and I should be completely free to help out with whatever we need to do in-game. I should be able to be in a lot tomorrow in the afternoon if I'm not able to get in tonight.
awesome dude.
well I guess i wont make it in seeing as how I registered for beta last year. (first time I even heard of the game)
wtf nevermind I just got my invite lol.. I'll hop in game or atleast try to tomorrow night :) I'll need someone to show me around once I get in.
I just checked my email...I have my key! Hopefully will get it up and running tonight.
You registered for beta last year?? That's awfully close to last month... maybe I'll get my key soon!!!
Beta applications began around September, if I recall correctly.
Pirus registered on the Forums in September 2006, just like Jeyk, Sorrows, a few others, and I did.
Don't mean to burst your bubble, Zero, but I didn't want you to be overly optimistic. I really think the invites are based solely off of FORUM registration date.
haha, I think my humor is hard to grasp for people who haven't met me. I was being kinda sarcastic, haha. So don't worry about bursting my bubble!
I'm In.
No play for me seeing as how directx_aug2008_redist.exe is standing in me way.
always the next day :(
I look forward to trying this out. I installed the game last night and let the patcher run on it until this morning.. im assuming it finished that 8 gb (i believe it was 8) was a haus to download. Hopefully (being optimistic here) I can just trun on the computer hit darkfall and start playing... we'll see tonight.
sorrows; i will look after your key if you wish;)
Noooooooooo, everyone was is getting in!, The agony! .. Must keep waiting!
Anyone else? I hope to be on later tonight to game with all you guys!!
Still nothing for teh Manic. :(
Ana and Adad were doing something interesting last night... if you have a key and are unable to play for an amount of time, there are PLENTY of Angels who wouldn't mind babysitting!
Comp restart totally restarted my Patching. I'm at 23% right now. I hope I can get in by tonight.
The patching just failed... I'm not to happy atm.
that percentage is only of the remaining file size. You'll notice the total file size gets smaller and smaller each time you reset it. Don't worry you're still on track.
Yea, Ana was just saying you said something like that. I was about to go ape shit on someone.
Ill be on for an all-nighter tonight around 11pm fa time if anyone wants to join me, please do.
I'll be with you if I can be Adad. I'm at 72% right now.
ok mine is validating a chit load of files... so I dunno what thats all about but once its done I guess im ready
Well, it looks like I'm in also. I'll hopefully meet up with you guys sometime this weekend.
i now regret not registering in the forums earlier; i remember the first ever post and I was like, nonsense! MXO forever!!! now i am sat with a ridicoulsously overclocked computer playing chess titans waiting for a game to play!!
I now regret not registering in the forums earlier; I remember the first ever post and I was like, nonsense! MXO forever!!! now I am sat with a ridicoulsously overclocked computer playing chess titans waiting for a game to play!!
that is hilarious, I have been rocking out at some Minesweeper on Expert!!! so sad...
I am in as a human. That'll give me a chance to do some traveling to get to you guys.
Vosima Solu at your service, now where are the sheep.
Vosima Solu at your service, now where are the sheep.
Are you serious?!?!???
I'm going to try to get on tonight. I gotta learn this game sometime. It just has so many hotkeys!