The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on September 10, 2007, 03:39:34 pm

Title: Meeting with Drisena: 4pm/9/10
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2007, 03:39:34 pm
Drisena requested a meeting with a few Zionists today regarding someone by the name of Danielle Wright. Supposedly she made or had something to do with our redpills and we're suppose to track her down tomorrow and if my memory serves me correct, we're suppose to persuade her to come with us and discuss a new redpill. Other details are in the screen shots and Drisena has emailed everyone I believe. Or at least some of us. Also, this event will take place tomorrow evening MegaCity time. The exact time is uncertain according to Drisena but she said to be inside the simulation from 3pm and on. I sent Destyn a PM when he came on but he never said anything back. Oh well. Enjoy.

Title: Re: Meeting with Drisena: 4pm/9/10
Post by: Tecknik on September 10, 2007, 04:47:28 pm
Yes, Danielle Wright is the main character from the newest critical missions.  She is helping to revamp the redpill system... Drisena is a little behind though, as anyone who has played all the new critical missions has already gotten Danielle Wright to assist Zion. ;)
Title: Meeting with Drisena: 4pm/9/10
Post by: Broin on September 10, 2007, 07:14:19 pm
Beat me to it Wood... I got an email from her today stating that we would be being called upon tomorrow to help out with this... I shall be here I hope alot of you can be as well.
Title: Meeting with Drisena: 4pm/9/10
Post by: Bellthazor on September 10, 2007, 07:53:35 pm
Good luck to everyone!! I am working the night shift this week, so I will not be around much except Wednesday night for a bit.
Title: Meeting with Drisena: 4pm/9/10
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2007, 08:37:37 pm
Quote from: "Broin"
Beat me to it Wood... I got an email from her today stating that we would be being called upon tomorrow to help out with this... I shall be here I hope alot of you can be as well.

Once again I prevail!
Title: Meeting with Drisena: 4pm/9/10
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 11, 2007, 08:22:00 am
I'll be there.

And yeah, Danielle Wright is head of Wright Research in Downtown.  She developed the Emergency Jackout Protocol after the truce, and she's now helping Zion to create new redpills.  The Machines found a way to detect when the old redpills were being used (if I remember correctly), and the new redpills are supposed to be undetectable by Machines.
Title: Meeting with Drisena: 4pm/9/10
Post by: Anonymous on September 11, 2007, 12:17:32 pm
Quote from: "ManicVelocity"
I'll be there.

And yeah, Danielle Wright is head of Wright Research in Downtown.  She developed the Emergency Jackout Protocol after the truce, and she's now helping Zion to create new redpills.  The Machines found a way to detect when the old redpills were being used (if I remember correctly), and the new redpills are supposed to be undetectable by Machines.

You are correct, Manic. :D I knew it was something like that.
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