The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Bellthazor on September 05, 2007, 08:06:17 pm
We have 2 potentials to interview this up coming weekend if possible.
The potential are:
Time frame to be on will be set for 7pm to 9pm EST
Please post your available day so I may schedule with them.
** As usual if they are on and we have enough members on we will just do it then :D
Any day except Friday. Fridays are now off limits, per football games.
Wasn't WhiteMyst once a member? If so I think it only fitting we get an understanding of why he left. I don't know about you but I'd rather not re-hash the Voltio and Alchemist fiasco.
So the question is: Is this the original WhiteMyst or just the person who he gave his account to?"
Saturday or Sunday work great for me.
It's the same Whitemyst and everything will be brought up in his interview dicussion.
WhiteMyst was an Angel at one point. If my memory serves me correctly I thought he left and went Merv for a short time. BUT I could be confusing him with another old member. So don't get mad if I'm wrong ^_^.
Vesuveus, I thought he was one of the guys who was in that faction that mocked us and was banned... or something like that. I'm available any day after 9:30pm EST.
After reading Ana's post:
Him saying he gave his friend his account. His friend might've taken his character Merv. If that's what happened like I stated above.
I agree with wood on Vesuveus I thought he was with the collective?? or some other rogue group from recursion.. Could be wrong but thats just how his name hit me.
Given the events lately in regards to interviews and new recruits, I think it's important to stress that we all take this process a bit more seriously. We can have fun with it in faction chat, but we should really be putting the interviewee under the microscope.
Will they be a good fit with the group, both on a gaming level as well as a personal one? What are their goals as a player? Are their responses to our questions genuine, or are they simply telling us what they think we want to hear? Listen for red flags. Previous faction/organization experience are key indicators.
Remember that completing the challenge only entitles them to an interview, not a membership.
Given the events lately in regards to interviews and new recruits, I think it's important to stress that we all take this process a bit more seriously. We can have fun with it in faction chat, but we should really be putting the interviewee under the microscope.
Will they be a good fit with the group, both on a gaming level as well as a personal one? What are their goals as a player? Are their responses to our questions genuine, or are they simply telling us what they think we want to hear? Listen for red flags. Previous faction/organization experience are key indicators.
Remember that completing the challenge only entitles them to an interview, not a membership.
I thought Vesuveus had given us his other IDs, if I recall in fact he just had Vesuveus and iVesuveus - might even have been EPN. I could be, and usually am, wrong.
Vesuveus is the leader of "Daniels dream something something" its EPN on recursion last time i checked here is the website
I seem to remember him declining after we tried to setup an interview because we either took to long with the interview, or he got a better offer....
unsure...either way he completed it again, and now he gets his interview :)
Looking good for sunday night :D
Sunday night for interviews.
Thanks everyone!!!
I'll do my best to be there. That's dangerously encroaching on the 9pm EST MTV performance, however. I'll be gone for that 30 minute window of 8:50-9:20. Otherwise, I'll be here.
Let me guess Ana, Brittney friggin' Spears is opening?
Let me guess Ana, Brittney friggin' Spears is opening?
The least that you could do would be to spell her name right. Britney. One T.
Yes, she is opening. Chris Angel, the magician, has been helping with the performance, so I think it's going to be sweet.
She doesn't deserve to have her named spelled right!
Yes, she is.
That's unexceptable! Missing interviews for the semi-bald lady!
Let me guess Ana, Brittney friggin' Spears is opening?
...Chris Angel, the magician, has been helping with the performance...
So he's the one who made her talent and dignity disappear?
Maybe he can make her hair grow back! :P
Remember when MTV was cool? :p
Video Killed the Radio Star?
Chris Angel has the mark of the beast he is one demonic SOB.
What time are the interviews supposed to be tonight? Any time frame?
This still happening? Nobody's online.
I can jack-in in about 15 minutes. Going to eat dinner right now. But I doubt we can do interviews with only you and I, Manic. LoL.
im here just waiting on someone to get on.....
"I'm in."
So you're sitting in the AFK channel Pirus? lol
yep... :) just watching tv and waiting.
Wow. I am so incredibly disappointed in the VMA performance. Like, that was just a big let down.
I'm sorry if I missed this session, I worked 11 hrs. today. :(
EDIT: I'm on, looks like we're still hanging around for an interview. :D
Wow. I am so incredibly disappointed in the VMA performance. Like, that was just a big let down.
I ate a shit sandwich once. It was very disappointing.
Sorry, that was the only metaphor that immediately came to mind. :)
ok. When I got ingame tonight there was a message from WhiteMyst that his grandparents were here from out of town. So I have sent him a pm ingame letting him know that the interview will be rescheduled.
Vesuveus will be rescheduled as well. He was not, so i'm not sure if he got my e-mail of the time. I have sent him an ingame e-mail to let him know we are attempting to schedule the interview, and to confirm his e-mail address with me.
Man, I was looking forward to interviews tonight. :(
you and me both...
I was on yesterday from about 2:00PM to midnight helping CoNZ with a film they're making, and I didn't see Vesuveus at all that night. I did see Saffy though :p
That said I'm hitting X every few seconds so I do easily miss those alerts.
Vesuveus jacked in for a short while tonight, unfortunately I was attending to some other business and didn't get the chance to contact him. We can assume however that he read his in-game mail.
I spoke with him he said he wasn't sure what times he will be available and yes he got his email
Had a chat with WhiteMyst he said he's available for his interview on any of the following evenings.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
Later than 7pm FA time on Thursday and anytime after 4pm FA time on Friday.
He also gave me his AIM screen name but I wont post it here so as to respect his privacy. I will, however, PM it to any of the Admins that may want it.
Thanks Yotogi. :) I could've sworn he had an old post with his AOL screen name it it :/. I wonder? Hmm....
I agree Yotogi, his privacy should be respected. Not that we can use AIM names in-game any more anyway :p
destyn why bring up such a painful past?? I loved it when we had AIM and it was ripped away like a pork chop from rosie Odonnell... What a sad day that was. :(
destyn why bring up such a painful past?? I loved it when we had AIM and it was ripped away like a pork chop from rosie Odonnell... What a sad day that was. :(
lmao... Pirus I love you man :D