The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Manic Velocity on September 02, 2007, 02:05:51 am
I know Kung Fu...
With accompanying avatar:
And sig:
That is f'ing hot.
One remark though, is that a snake under your forehead?
Damn Manic those are nice... Personally I'm a TKD kind of guy though :D
Tae Kwon Do?
That's awesome, Manic. I wish I could do stuff like that.
One remark though, is that a snake under your forehead?
Look, I know it's not the prettiest, but that's my face. :p
Thanks for the kind words, guys. :)
So you didn't use the push brush in PS?
I used the Smudge tool on the tips of the eyebrows to push them up, and on the lips to effect the sneer.
It worked well on the lips, but I think you gave it a touch too much eyebrow. If you look, it's like they've grown and pushed together, creating a shadow/ridge over the eyes. You should be able to reduce that down by lightening it a bit
Nice pic! I wish I had PS skills. :(
Very nice pics are one of the great PS masters of the faction :D
I'm more of a Gracie Jujitsu kind of person btw :)
The pic is fine as it is.
Damn Manic... art again!