The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 14, 2007, 04:31:33 pm

Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on August 14, 2007, 04:31:33 pm
Earlier today Drisena held a meeting in the Zion Construct. In the meeting Drisena states that she is holding a contest. The top 2 Faction/team to collect the most Agent tie clips get's a prize, and the one's in 3rd and 4th place get a special operation, I think it was ( wasn't really paying attention, I was recalling our people into the construct). Also, make note, we have to take a screenshot with a time/date (/time) of the Agent's (Level 100's) we've killed.  All screenshots must be sent to Drisena.  We have until August 28th to collect as many Agent Tie Clips as possible.

 Da6onet, Alchemist, NoCry1, or Destyn; If this information is wrong, please post ASAP. Remember, I was busy porting and was in /tell hell (omg plz hurry recall meh, etc etc, sigh lol).  :p

Edit: Recursion had a similar contest too. Here's the link:
I'm not sure what the winners got though.
Title: Re: Contest for the Agent
Post by: NoCry on August 14, 2007, 04:49:56 pm
would point out that tieclips should be sent to drisena for her to hand over to ghost (who is arranging the event); also, photos should presumably be posted on DN1; she was not clear.

tally ho
Title: Re: Contest for the Agent
Post by: NoCry on August 14, 2007, 05:00:25 pm
oh, and forve the double post but when sending tie-clips include details of your "team" - no more than 10 people - in the email.
Title: Re: Contest for the Agent
Post by: Anonymous on August 15, 2007, 01:09:09 am
Also, there was brief news about Ghost being attacked by Agents during a recruitment mission; and Soluma is apparently sick and out of the simulation.
Title: Re: Contest for the Agent
Post by: Anamodiel on August 16, 2007, 08:06:04 am
Broin, Dmax, ManicVelocity and myself took down three agents last night.

We need to get more people on to do this. It took us 15 minutes to kill each one; not very efficient indeed.
Title: Re: Contest for the Agent
Post by: Anonymous on August 16, 2007, 08:57:18 am
Illface, Tonyjaa, Bossnake, Brembo and I spent most of last night holding off the reds.  With any luck we'll have more joy this evening and won't keep getting bloody knifed.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 16, 2007, 10:19:31 pm
This weekend is going to be a bust for me on this... I believe we have a limited amount of time to do this.  Let's make a push on it starting this coming Monday.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2007, 01:26:58 am
We have until the 28th
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 17, 2007, 12:04:12 pm
Well word has reached me that there will be RED players trying to capatalize on this Zion event by using their alts to pass their tie clips on to our liasson.  I'll be talking to her about this, but let's start collecting these things and just swamp the damn field.  

A good group is one person to IL, a healer, and the rest hackers.  Pretty much how we have done the Nodes.

I plan on doing a big push with this next week, but this is a whole factino effort.  The reward is a meeting with a LIve Event player and it is for the whole faction so it doesn't matter who gets what and turns it in.  Set loot on random or alpha, take your screenshots with time stamps and, group members and send them in.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2007, 12:57:42 pm
And remember to report all suspected spies to Drisena at her request, I guess that includes the douches on alts
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 17, 2007, 06:06:32 pm
So here is the deal with this... If you farm in a group for these and the loot is on random or alpha remember to /time and screenshot your kills.  Sometimes you may not get the Agent was killed by whomever.  In that case do a /time right after someone searches the body.  Also make sure when you take the screenshot that you have your mini team menu open so that confirms who was there for the kill.

If you recieve the tie clip you need to email Drisena the tie clip with a brief description.  Something like...

Another one for the FA collection... Operatives invovled (list names)

Then you need to go to DN1 and send a PM to drisena of your screenshot.  Don't post it on the boards... send it as a pm.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on August 18, 2007, 01:42:56 pm
I will be AFK for the weekend, so I won't be available to provide my heals.

Sorry. :(
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 18, 2007, 02:17:56 pm
If you have already sent a tie clip in please post in this thread how many you have sent.... If you haven't but do later post how many so we can keep a total.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on August 18, 2007, 02:48:41 pm
posted one; having trouble sending link of photo to drisena. photobucket something or other is required and I shall do this.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Adad on August 18, 2007, 07:36:39 pm
I have sent 1 tie clip thus far
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on August 19, 2007, 05:05:41 pm
I tie clip. I know Dmax has sent in 2 or 3, also...
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2007, 05:38:29 pm
I'll be in the Electus tonight if anyone wants to get some. If I don't answer send me a message at the bottom of TS.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2007, 07:43:12 pm
Yeah I sent 3 so far.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 19, 2007, 08:18:54 pm
Yup it appears that on the Recursion version of this everyone involved got a perpetual item of the winning team...  They however got 80+ tie clips and I think to win we should shoot for that number and more.  

WHICH we are way way behind... SO.... GET IN GAME AND LETS START FARMING
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on August 19, 2007, 08:21:59 pm
We have 9 days left. If we do 8 or 9 a day, we should be able to get first or second place.

We just need people on. A team of 6 could take them out in 5-10 minutes.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 19, 2007, 11:47:50 pm
Farming went really well tonight... With a full team of 6 we were taking them down in under 5 minutes.  We ended up with about 15 tie clips tonight.  

Everyone who participates in this will show up on my screenshots and will be acknowledged to Drisena as helping out.  Again on Recursion everyone on the winning team, who played a significant role, in helping out got a perpetual item.

I will be coming into game this week around 7-8 FA time.  Sometimes a bit earlier to farm these things with people.  I will probably also be in game on Tues. and Wed. Day.

Good work tonight everyone... Let's keep it up
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Tbone on August 20, 2007, 01:29:47 am
Quote from: "Broin"

everyone on the winning team, who played a significant role, in helping out got a perpetual item.

****ing **** ****
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on August 20, 2007, 05:58:12 am
hard for me to be on the same time as you guys; i shall be on from 2200hrs (at least) this week however. am always up for farming; might not be in TS but will be in game (harry does not appreciate your voices quite as much as me).
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 06:31:57 am
I should be able to do Thurs/Fri night with you Nocry, we could always pull in some of the regulars from Mara C to assist
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 20, 2007, 12:44:55 pm
I know it is hard for some of our Euro people to be in game during the times we are, so.....

I am dedicating Tuesday and Wed for them.  I will be here in game early sometime probalby around 9 or 10 FA time and will hang around until about 2 FA time.

I think you guys are 6 hours in front of us so sometime during these times you guys should be able to get into the action.  I'm on right now and Adad is here.  It only takes 4 people to farm these things... 5-6 people and you can crank out about 10-15 in an hour or so.  More than enough to qualify you guys as part of the group who helped out.

If anyone else can come in Tue. and Wed. during these times post here.  Also I'd like to do a later night as well for Sorrows and a few of our other members who can't get in during the regular hours.  

WORK it out people... figure out when you can be here and hop in.  Don't just look on TS and think... Awww no ones here it's pointless to go in game.  Chances are all the other dopes who want to do this are doing the same thing.  Log onto TS get in channel and people will show up....

Oh and by the way ML is getting into this pretty heavy as well so we really need to get moving
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on August 20, 2007, 03:07:53 pm
I'll be there Tuesday and Wednesday to help out.

When I was in-game Saturday night, I saw a lot... a lot of dead agents lying around downtown.  Sometimes in clumps of two or three.  Let's get crankin'.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on August 20, 2007, 04:19:11 pm
Quote from: "ManicVelocity"
I'll be there Tuesday and Wednesday to help out.

When I was in-game Saturday night, I saw a lot... a lot of dead agents lying around downtown.  Sometimes in clumps of two or three.  Let's get crankin'.

Those are the level 255 agents that spawn because the Devs haven't fixed their spawns yet. The level 100 agents disappear after being looted. No need to worry. :)
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Strod on August 20, 2007, 10:53:51 pm
Count me in for Tuesday.

Maybe Wednesday aswelll.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on August 21, 2007, 05:57:58 pm
right chaps and chapplettes; just had a little meeting with drisena who tells us that the rules of the contest have changed a little. I summarise per the below:

1. top 2 teams will be invited to special op (nothing new here)
2. a team can at most have 8 operatives (was 10, now 8)
3. each team must designate a team leader
4. team leader will "at the end" designate their 8 operatives
5. team leader's discretion to list them and those operatives do not have to be in the kill shots.

it seems to me therefore that we need 2 FA teams (or at least leaders who have sent in the most clips). I would like to be on either of those teams but tricky as it is now midnight gmt and only the good mr clark and I have been on. She said photos should still be sent before the end.

tally ho
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 21, 2007, 09:47:37 pm
Bah... That kind of isn't what it originally was... I spoke to her today though and she did state that things may have to change on it.  Didn't know it was gonna change so much...
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on August 21, 2007, 09:54:03 pm
Oh that's just wonderful. That'll be great deciding who gets them and who doesn't.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on August 22, 2007, 04:35:07 am
thing is though; take two of the highest tie clip gatherers from FA and assuming they had support that is a total of 16 active FA who can do the missions.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Strod on August 22, 2007, 05:56:54 am
Well broin is doing all the loots.

So does this mean that some how our vector team will not get perma rewards like recursion did?
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on August 22, 2007, 08:26:39 am
Why am I not surprised it has changed. >.>
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Ash on August 22, 2007, 08:37:07 am
Again we must leave it in the capable hands of our 2nd in Command because he is holding all the cards...err tie clips.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on August 22, 2007, 10:22:16 am
Quote from: "TheSorrows"
So does this mean that some how our vector team will not get perma rewards like recursion did?

I hope not. Maybe she mis-spoke. I'll be really pissed off otherwise. I don't care how cool the "mission" is. I want a damn perma!
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on August 22, 2007, 10:26:45 am
she said nothing of hte perma rewards chaps - hate to assume but the assumption must be that the individuals get the rewards (as nominated by the 2 "captains").
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Strod on August 22, 2007, 03:34:02 pm
Meh, either way well be the winners! We can do it people!
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Adad on August 22, 2007, 04:33:11 pm
Yea I dont know what else to do than to get 2 teams going, but that will kill our progress.  Otherwise, we put it up to Broin who his 7 teammates are...I don't know how else to decide it but to look at all the shots and see who was there the most or something.  Other ideas?
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on August 22, 2007, 04:48:45 pm
Quote from: "Adad"
Yea I don't know what else to do than to get 2 teams going, but that will kill our progress.  Otherwise, we put it up to Broin who his 7 teammates are...I don't know how else to decide it but to look at all the shots and see who was there the most or something.  Other ideas?

That automatically eliminates those who sacrificed to heal. Maybe we should do it for those based on how often they were online to help, rather than who has the most final kills. As we all know, that is largely based on luck rather than on skill. Just ask those who got the Assassin mask.. and those who didn't.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on August 22, 2007, 05:49:29 pm
i agree with ana; dont want to disadvantage healers. Best thing is for the 2 highest current tie clippers to be designated as "captains" then when either one of them is on to give as much support as possible. Remember, screenies of kill and final confirmation at end of programme as to "team" members.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 22, 2007, 07:20:21 pm
I think the two team idea is great.... HOWEVER from what I understand ML has been pounding these as well and have over 80 which we dont' even have yet.  So I'm gonna say we need to turn them in as one big unit.  

As far as selection we'll try to do it the fairest way as possible.  Personally I'd like to see the ones who have dedicated the most time get in it... So that would be out top 8.  If we could just have 2-3 more spots I think that would get everyone and maybe that's something I can talk to Drisena about... Anyways we'll see how it goes.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on August 22, 2007, 09:30:07 pm
I will be gone until next Tuesday, which, unfortunately, is the last day of the event. I'm sorry I scheduled college visits on these days.

Good luck guys. I'll be able to periodically check the forums, but not enough to keep a constant vigilance like I'm able to at work.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 23, 2007, 05:14:37 pm
Farming tonight T-1hour 45 min..... or before if you guys log in
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on August 23, 2007, 05:42:57 pm
Sorry for crashing out on you guys last night.  Comcast has been having some real connectivity issues lately.

I'm hoping to be on tonight and tomorrow, so long as my connection stays up for longer than an hour.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on August 23, 2007, 06:07:17 pm
My fucking flight was cancelled. The flight LEAVES at fucking 5 a fucking m tomorrow morning.

I'll be on tonight. I might as well just stay up the entire night now that I think about it.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 23, 2007, 08:43:16 pm
Okay by the time tonight's farming is done we should be very close to 100 tie clips... What does that mean.  Well we can do one of two things...

Keep all the tie clips we have farmed so far, and will continue to farm, with one group and have 8 members with certainty get into the event.

Try to get another 100+ tie clips under another group leader and send those in with the hopes that we can get two teams of 8 into the event.

Now splitting the tie clips will be a double edged sword.  We will have a chance to get more FA in the event... But a chance that we split our tie clips so much that no one gets in... I don't know it's a tough call
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on August 23, 2007, 09:42:59 pm
Wow awesome job everyone! I'll help out on Saturday (still in Florida and will be home Sat morning) if that event is still going!
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Strod on August 24, 2007, 01:47:08 am
I say, we keep farming with one group.

The reason I say that is because it's a rare thing to get 16 members on now days, with school etc etc. If we keep farming and pick an 8 man team, we can prolly make it close to 200 tie clips for one team. Which I think will better secure our chances of being number 1.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on August 24, 2007, 03:16:29 am
would rather one team as opposed to no teams. Although tempting for 2 mission teams given we have what we believe to be a high number of clips it would, as broin says, be a nightmare to split our numbers.

The winning captain (broin) could then appeal to Drisena's better nature and get 2 FA teams...

Finally there is the obvious problem of who would participate in any mission - good luck with that one mr broin et al!
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Adad on August 24, 2007, 03:24:01 am
Sorrows makes a good point.  Even if we got 2 teams in, what are the odds 16 of us would be on at the right time for the event/mission/whatever?
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on August 24, 2007, 10:34:51 am
I agree with Sorrows.  Keep it to one group.  That way, we have a better chance of winning the event, regardless of which FA members get to participate in this little mission with Ghost.

As long as FA gets the overall kudos, I'm a happy camper.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 24, 2007, 03:50:33 pm
Okay we will keep it to one team... Though let's do shot for that 200 + mark and I will plead our case to Drisena to have more FA members allowed in.  


I will not be in game until sometime around 9-10 FA time.  Please don't take this as a don't farm night.  If people are in game and around farm the tie clips designate someone to pick them up and get screenies that they can then send to me.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on August 24, 2007, 05:55:01 pm
Well something's up.  The Machines had a meeting at Kalt Chemical this evening, org locked and regular 55 patrols.  We took down as many reds as we could and eventually got in, but they had moved downtown.  We followed but the entire building (govt) was locked down.  I can't be sure, but the Mervs may have been allowed access, and the Cyphs.  The Mervs were definately assisting the Machines to kill Zion, and not just for sport.

We were supposed to have a Zion/EPN meet but it hadn't happened at the time I logged off (midnight GMT).  Sorrows is still in though, hopefully he'll get more than I did.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Bellthazor on August 25, 2007, 08:16:56 am
Did the Zion meeting go down last night, and did anyone get an update on what the Mech's meeting was about?
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on August 25, 2007, 10:15:49 am
Some of the other factions might have, we had representation from all the main players: ML, PdS, Insurgence etc
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 27, 2007, 11:01:44 am
Well Fri, Sat, and Sun. were a bust for this... I wasn't able to get back very early Fri night, but was on Sat. and Sun. afternoon but not enough people were on to farm.  I guess you guys were being night owls and came on of a evening which didn't work out for me.

Let's try to finish this up strong tonight and tomorrow.  I was looking at the screenshots and when we had a full team + a few extra we were dropping them in 3 min and under...

See you all tonight
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Ash on August 27, 2007, 11:07:14 am
I'll be available after 9pm EST.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Strod on August 27, 2007, 11:10:29 am
See ya there.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on August 27, 2007, 11:21:02 am
I won't be available, I'm afraid.  :( My internet connection is getting flakier by the day, and I've just unplugged the cable modem and given up.  Last night it dropped three times in the span of 10 minutes.  I'm having a technician come out on Tuesday morning.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 27, 2007, 04:03:33 pm
I'll be around tonight but will definatly be on after 9 est if everyone is thinking that is the best time...
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Bellthazor on August 27, 2007, 05:03:17 pm
I'll be on tonight from about 8:30pm till about 10:15 if that will help out...

cya then everyone.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on August 28, 2007, 05:44:12 am
I'll be available all day today during the afternoon until it all ends.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 28, 2007, 09:46:52 am
Sounds good Ana...  I'll try to be in about 11:00 or 12:00 FA time
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on August 28, 2007, 02:01:21 pm
I'll try to be on this afternoon as much as I can.  My internet connection held up through the night, which is more or less a miracle lately.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on August 28, 2007, 02:20:29 pm
Quote from: "Broin"
Sounds good Ana...  I'll try to be in about 11:00 or 12:00 FA time

Sorry, I was still in school then. :(

I'm on for the rest of the day. :)
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 28, 2007, 11:41:36 pm
Well we gathered another 14 tonight... Pretty good work and we have until 09/01/07 to get them farmed and turned in.  We did see a bunch of ML in the area we were farming on /who so I think they are pushing forward as well.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Jeyk on August 29, 2007, 12:39:06 am
I should be good to make it Wed. and Thurs. night this week.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on August 29, 2007, 12:18:41 pm
I'll be a tad late this evening, but I will be on.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on August 31, 2007, 08:19:37 am
Tonight is crunch time!  We have to have these things in by midnight Pacific Time.  That's two hours behind the FA clock.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on August 31, 2007, 08:40:16 am
I'll get home ASAP.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 31, 2007, 12:12:35 pm
Yeah let's put a big push in for this tonight... Unfortunatley I will need someone to take of ther reigns for me tonight as me and the wife have a annivesary that we have to attend to.  I will not be in tonight before the deadline passes...

Please have someone in the group... Probably Adad if he is in it since he has done this before.  Collect the tie clips and email them to Drisena in game before the 12:00 PM tonight Mega City Time.  As well as take the screenshots and PM them to her on DN1.

I think we've done great so far but we kind of pettered out this past week, where we could've had about 200 or so we've currently at about 114.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on August 31, 2007, 12:56:59 pm
will be there; started new job this week so early mornings, late nights. will be back in game more again once job settled (oh and I am off to france for 2 weeks from the end of next week).
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on August 31, 2007, 11:10:18 pm
FRANCE!  Why would you want to go there... The French are like, well like French-Canadians... but without the Canadian part... and that's bad  :D
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on September 01, 2007, 07:06:55 am
We were able to farm 3 last night, Broin. I sent the screenies and the ties in at 11 EST last night, then I headed to bed.


Be sure to watch this ( post for any new information on who won.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 10:41:55 am

Thank you to all operatives who have sent in Tie Clips.

I can now confirm that the operative team to submit the highest amount of tie clips was Furious Angels, with a final total of 117 Tie Clips.

This has sent a big message back to the Agents that are trying to hunt us down.

Zion Liaison Officer
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 11:08:17 am
I thought it would be more. I know a few of us sent them in ourselves in the beginning. Oh well at least we won.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 02, 2007, 11:17:13 am
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on September 02, 2007, 11:32:45 am
tally ho.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Tbone on September 02, 2007, 11:38:45 am
Good job guys!
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on September 02, 2007, 11:57:46 am
Nice job..  :D   To be honest I thought we may be in jeopardy of not placing at the top....  That rocked.  Okay I told Drisena that we were still figuring out who are top 8 were and I think I'll do it by using the screenshots of who put in the most time towards this.  I also made note outside of game when there was more than one team doing it so I got that covered as well.  I am also going to beg of her that we be given a few more slots to include everyone.  

How does that sound to everyone?  Any suggestions you want to send to me just throw them out here or in a PM to me.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Lithium on September 02, 2007, 12:17:03 pm
Good to hear
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on September 02, 2007, 01:50:43 pm
sounds good mr broin; pleased that we won. Tricky that brits could not farm quite as much although hope the odd bit i could do did help. Assuming we dont get 2 full teams then would be good if a proper record (screenies and logs etc) could be taken to show all what happened as it were.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on September 02, 2007, 05:42:49 pm
I am very glad that we got first. Nice job to everyone who farmed. I am happy that I was able to be a part of this!
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on September 02, 2007, 08:23:23 pm
In order of those FA operatives who participated most in the System Tie Clip hunt from most to the least is as follows..


Those are our top 8

Now for the wierd part is this...


All of these guys were either exactly the same or 1-2 points away from each other... and only about 9 tie clips seperated these operatives from Sorrows.  Oh I'm gonna have to do some begging that's just to close.

I will send this list off to Drisena tomorrow unless someone wants to suggest a change or has other input.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on September 02, 2007, 09:15:30 pm
Maybe those people on the secondary list can be back-ups in case those main operatives on the list cannot be at the event for whatever reason. I somehow get the feeling it's not going to be at the best time.

All of the same, we should try to appeal to Drisena.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 02, 2007, 10:06:01 pm
Quote from: "Anamodiel"
Maybe those people on the secondary list can be back-ups in case those main operatives on the list cannot be at the event for whatever reason. I somehow get the feeling it's not going to be at the best time.

All of the same, we should try to appeal to Drisena.

My sentiments.

I'm really hoping this special event Drisena has planned for us will take place at a reasonable hour.  None of this 2 or 3 in the afternoon jazz.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Adad on September 03, 2007, 12:23:11 am
This is awesome, good work everyone!  I'm honored to have made the list, and am glad I could help.  Please post as soon as we know when our meeting/mission/or reward is to be upon us.  As horrible as it may be, my new job may keep me from attending, so second team needs to still be ready.  I will be there if AT ALL possible, I've never been part of something like this, but if she keeps the limit to 8, dont be too discouraged yet if you're in the 2nd 8...  sorry if im babbling, im tired.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Bellthazor on September 03, 2007, 02:26:54 pm
Congrats....Did we get a time yet from Drisena yet?
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on September 03, 2007, 02:46:17 pm
just an idea but drisena did, at the off, state that the 2 highest teams of 8 would do the missions? if so, and on the assumption that FA doubled everyone else is it worth finding out if we could have 2 teams....
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2007, 03:06:00 pm
It's only going to be an assassination mission anyway :-P
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 03, 2007, 04:25:21 pm
Quote from: "Destyn"
It's only going to be an assassination mission anyway :-P

Nah, that's too exciting.

It will be a courier mission.  Our team, which managed to take down 117 agents, will be given the important task of delivering a disk to some unknown, unimportant operative.

The disk will be "encrypted", so we won't be able to read what's on it.  Six months from now, it will be revealed in a critical mission that the contents of that disk were actually the access codes to New Zion's mainframe.  The operative that we gave the disk to was actually a Machine spy!

FA will be blamed as the ones who allowed the Machines access to New Zion.  All Machine operatives will be given a special reward token for their efforts in infiltrating New Zion.

The end.  :p
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on September 03, 2007, 04:57:57 pm
Thank you broin.

I sincerely understand that you face a task in listing just 8, when more have helped. The main reason for listing 8 is that I was more than aware that a few factions would be able to have a large quantity of operatives and therefore to be fair on everyone, it had to break down into teams.

After you have listed your 8, please list the other operatives involved, I shall see what can be done, though I ask you not to hold me to anything on that.

Zion Liaison Officer

So with a little luck  :D
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Da6onet on September 03, 2007, 05:21:49 pm
Don't worry about me, I'm just hear for the free beer.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on September 03, 2007, 06:16:50 pm
always knew i liked drisena. such a nice manner of speaking.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Strod on September 03, 2007, 06:18:11 pm
Well, atleast we won yay!

Now for our fruits...
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Bellthazor on September 06, 2007, 01:37:40 pm
any update on the missions date?...I have to work this saturday until 5pm est.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on September 06, 2007, 04:59:36 pm
From: Drisena
To: broin
Date: 09/06/2007 01:32:34
Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Tie Clip Team confirmation
Hello Broin,

Could you please, for the records, confirm which are female and which are male from that entire list of 13.

Thank you

Zion Liaison Officer

I just sent in the response and said that all of you were female characters.... Muwhahahahaha... Well except for Ana who I said was a male character.... Muwhahahahahaha
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Tbone on September 06, 2007, 05:17:54 pm
Now I will be the only FA without whatever prize you guys get!
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on September 06, 2007, 05:25:09 pm
Quote from: "Broin"
From: Drisena
To: broin
Date: 09/06/2007 01:32:34
Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Tie Clip Team confirmation
Hello Broin,

Could you please, for the records, confirm which are female and which are male from that entire list of 13.

Thank you

Zion Liaison Officer

I just sent in the response and said that all of you were female characters.... Muwhahahahaha... Well except for Ana who I said was a male character.... Muwhahahahahaha

HAHA! Our plan is working! I will sell that male piece for exuberant amounts of information and abilities and you will be forced to sell me all of the females for a mediocre price. Our plan is working, Broin.

Too bad we don't know when the event is supposed to happen.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on September 06, 2007, 06:16:12 pm
loving it...
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on September 06, 2007, 07:04:09 pm
Well from the sounds of it there may not be a mission... May be just an item given to us and probalby a clothing item
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on September 06, 2007, 07:39:49 pm
Quote from: "Broin"
Well from the sounds of it there may not be a mission... May be just an item given to us and probalby a clothing item

It better be one hell of a unique clothing item, and not just an Overdrive or whatever. Something that no one (or nearly no one) has.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Bellthazor on September 06, 2007, 07:43:12 pm
Very nice...Thanks Broin :)
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Strod on September 06, 2007, 07:55:54 pm
Well, Gender matters on Perp Items. At least I think they do, would make sense. Granted you can not trade them anyways.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on September 06, 2007, 07:59:48 pm
Quote from: "TheSorrows"
Well, Gender matters on Perp Items. At least I think they do, would make sense. Granted you can not trade them anyways.

Can you confirm that? I was thinking it'd be sweet to get some special "I killed the most Agents on Vector and all I got was a bloody t-shirt" sort of thing that no one else had.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Strod on September 07, 2007, 12:21:06 am
Well, from persoal expeirence on other servers, they havebeen giving out the new data tap drops for rewards. Such as Quicksilver's and bluepills to event winners.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 07, 2007, 12:44:13 am
Quote from: "TheSorrows"
Well, Gender matters on Perp Items. At least I think they do, would make sense. Granted you can not trade them anyways.

I don't think gender matters on FX items, since they're technically abilities.  That would be like having a male and female version of Hyperjump.

Sounds like we'll definitely be getting some article of clothing.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 07:24:44 am
I think I would rather have a perp item than an article of clothing that will most likely have 5pts to all resistences and 10% I.S. regen.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Pirus on September 07, 2007, 07:45:13 am
Well I hope you guys get something good.  Unless its something for MA then I hate you... I hate you all. lol
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Bellthazor on September 07, 2007, 06:11:51 pm
I would not mind an enhanced clothing item based on the users loadout (Viral Accuracy 20pts, Viral Damage 30pts...I know i'm wishing but you know)....such as hackers, MA, MKT, etc. I think that would be a great reward.

Well what ever it is we should be happy that we will be the only faction to receive it :D

Again Great Team work Everyone!!!!!
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on September 11, 2007, 11:20:20 am
From: Drisena
To: broin
Date: 09/11/2007 01:15:21
Subject: Re:System Tie Clips / Ghost
Hello Broin,

As far as I was aware, Ghost was to be intouch with all the operatives involved. I'll be seeing him shortly, I'll be sure to give him a nudge.

Zion Liaison Officer
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 11, 2007, 12:16:36 pm
Sweet, thanks Broin
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Tbone on September 16, 2007, 12:00:24 pm
You guys got anything yet?
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on September 16, 2007, 12:05:02 pm
No, not yet. We'll bug Rarebit next week if we don't get anything...
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 16, 2007, 01:53:48 pm
If it were any other faction, they'd have their prizes by now.  :\
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 16, 2007, 01:55:06 pm
I can't imagine why it would take them so long to code an unbuffed t-shirt with "I killed 114 Agents and all I got was this lousy shirt" written on it
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 16, 2007, 04:59:39 pm
Quote from: "Destyn"
I can't imagine why it would take them so long to code an unbuffed t-shirt with "I killed 114 Agents and all I got was this lousy shirt" written on it

Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 18, 2007, 01:14:39 pm
Quote from: "Destyn"
I can't imagine why it would take them so long to code an unbuffed t-shirt with "I killed 114 Agents and all I got was this lousy shirt" written on it

Brewko would just hand them out as trivia contest prizes anyway.  :p
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on September 18, 2007, 02:50:17 pm
check your emails those on the team; i have just had a nice email from ghost....
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on September 18, 2007, 03:10:55 pm

I was hoping for something that would distinguish me from everyone else, something that I could show off. Although I didn't have one on this character, it sure is a let-down.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 03:16:03 pm
My god, that is uber fucking lame
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on September 18, 2007, 03:26:27 pm
odd that ana; i got patcher bandana and quicksilver gloves. saying that ana the zion hardware req does come in handy.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 03:59:44 pm
Hardly rare or exclusive items are they though... *cough*SystemPistol*cough*
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 18, 2007, 04:24:12 pm
Does the ZHR still work?  It's a CR1 item, so I figured they must have disabled it after CR2 like they did with Neo's Insight and other such items.  I mean, you can still activate it, but does it still apply the buff?

There have been times when I've let the timer on my ZHR run out, and I haven't noticed much of a difference in my toughness at all.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 04:45:03 pm
I got the hardware req
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Bellthazor on September 18, 2007, 04:57:29 pm
Got the zion hardware Requisition...not sure if it still works...I'll have to test it out during pvp...never had it, so a plus :D...well if it works..??
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on September 18, 2007, 05:25:19 pm
Quote from: "ManicVelocity"
Does the ZHR still work?  It's a CR1 item, so I figured they must have disabled it after CR2 like they did with Neo's Insight and other such items.  I mean, you can still activate it, but does it still apply the buff?

There have been times when I've let the timer on my ZHR run out, and I haven't noticed much of a difference in my toughness at all.

It adds 10 resistance points to each category (Viral, Melee, etc.).
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Da6onet on September 18, 2007, 06:25:48 pm
Quote from: "Anamodiel"
Quote from: "ManicVelocity"
Does the ZHR still work?  It's a CR1 item, so I figured they must have disabled it after CR2 like they did with Neo's Insight and other such items.  I mean, you can still activate it, but does it still apply the buff?

There have been times when I've let the timer on my ZHR run out, and I haven't noticed much of a difference in my toughness at all.

It adds 10 resistance points to each category (Viral, Melee, etc.).

It adds 10 resistance points to each category versus regular attacks, not specials. Since MKT and Hackers only use specials to damage you, it only really adds 10 resistance points to melee and ballistic regular attacks.

Also remember that resistance plateaus at 200. If you have anything over 200 you're only going to notice a difference if you get debuffed by something like sky high side kick or destroyer.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anamodiel on September 18, 2007, 07:03:33 pm
Quote from: "Da6onet"
Quote from: "Anamodiel"
Quote from: "ManicVelocity"
Does the ZHR still work?  It's a CR1 item, so I figured they must have disabled it after CR2 like they did with Neo's Insight and other such items.  I mean, you can still activate it, but does it still apply the buff?

There have been times when I've let the timer on my ZHR run out, and I haven't noticed much of a difference in my toughness at all.

It adds 10 resistance points to each category (Viral, Melee, etc.).

It adds 10 resistance points to each category versus regular attacks, not specials. Since MKT and Hackers only use specials to damage you, it only really adds 10 resistance points to melee and ballistic regular attacks.

Also remember that resistance plateaus at 200. If you have anything over 200 you're only going to notice a difference if you get debuffed by something like sky high side kick or destroyer.

Which makes it mostly useless, and shows that Rarebit didn't want to give us good items like Perpetuals. Bah.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 07:14:17 pm
I already had one. Are they tradeable?
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 18, 2007, 07:26:03 pm
Quote from: "Dmax"
I already had one. Are they tradeable?

Non-tradeable.  But there must be someone willing to pay out the nose for it.  Have people start bidding on the DN1 forums.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Strod on September 18, 2007, 08:01:13 pm
I also got the Q Gloves and Patchers Bandana. I bet you 100 million Broin either got Perp Item or 1 info. :P
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 08:02:51 pm
I just went in game and I was sent quicksilver gloves and a patchers bandana with one purity dot each. I was also sent another set with full purity. So I have 2 patchers bandanas and 2 quicksilver gloves.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Jeyk on September 18, 2007, 11:08:39 pm
I got the Patcher's Bandana and Quicksilver Gloves as well.  Would have been nice to get an Overdrive, however!
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Ash on September 19, 2007, 09:03:27 am
I got the ZHR and thanks to Manic's generousity I also have the patchers bandana and quicksilver gloves.  Frankly I'm pleased with the reward,  sure it's no "I killed a 117 agents and only got this t-shirt" reward but it has been something I've wanted for a while on this character.  Also, since I'm more of a pvp'er than a rp'er 10% toughness does come in handy.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on September 19, 2007, 09:55:10 am
Yeah I got a patchers bandana and a quicksilver gloves... Two sets one with one dot of purity the others with full... If someone is needing the lower level set let me know and I'll get it to them....
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 19, 2007, 10:57:20 am
Heh, I thought it was just me that Ghost sent two sets of items to.  I was going to sell the weaker ones, but Yotogi was there to call dibs.

I'm curious as to why some of us got the good stuff while others only got the ZHR.  Were the prizes doled out in accordance with which team members spent the most time on the contest?
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2007, 12:26:21 pm
Let me put this another way... you got farm items.  If you had farmed tie clips in The Barrens for long enough, you'd have got the same items sooner or later.  I feel pissed for you guys that you didn't get something truly representative of your efforts.  That is all.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on September 19, 2007, 02:22:25 pm
I think that those who had ZHR got the bandana etc whereas those without got the ZHR; they must have looked at our accounts.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Ash on September 19, 2007, 03:34:11 pm
Does anyone know precisely what the other teams on the other servers got as their reward?
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 19, 2007, 05:49:58 pm
This was a Vector only contest devised by our liaison Drisena.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Adad on September 19, 2007, 06:44:12 pm
what a rip off...damn worthless ZHR
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Bellthazor on September 19, 2007, 08:27:07 pm

I just went in game and I was sent quicksilver gloves and a patchers bandana with one purity dot each. I was also sent another set with full purity. So I have 2 patchers bandanas and 2 quicksilver gloves.

You received two sets of items?
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2007, 09:35:45 pm
Yes Bell, yes I did. I'm willing to give one to anyone that want it.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on September 20, 2007, 08:25:58 pm
Da6onet did you get a patchers headgear?  If not you can have my old one Yellow dot with three others full purity.  I'll get it to you next time I'm in game... If I ever get to be back in game again  :'(
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Da6onet on September 20, 2007, 10:26:00 pm
Quote from: "Broin"
Da6onet did you get a patchers headgear?  If not you can have my old one Yellow dot with three others full purity.  I'll get it to you next time I'm in game... If I ever get to be back in game again  :'(

I haven't been able to get back in game to check. Virus corrupted a bunch of programs on my computer, MxO being one of them. I want to get my hands on an external hard drive to get all my music and files off my computer and then I'm going to reformat. I will be visiting family this weekend, but there's a good computer place near DC I can pick up what I need.

I'll update you when I can.
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: Broin on September 20, 2007, 10:50:02 pm
Bah I thought it was a patchers headgear I got... but it was a bandanna... Yours if you want it though
Title: Contest for the Agent's tie clips
Post by: NoCry on September 21, 2007, 03:27:31 am
i'll take the headgear cheers broin;)
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