The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Lithium on November 23, 2005, 01:41:25 pm
I never really though about this but I accidently activated my gargoyl mask and it lsot a point of purity. Now I find out today it looks liek everything is decaying like mad.
I just wanted to know if anyone else had this problem. If it is going to be like this then so much for my bandana I better start making some new builds... shit.
It looks like it only pertains to dungeon drops. (Not sure about archive drops) They're allowing the old items to decay faster to get the new items into the system. I don't wear any dungeon loot clothing and I haven't noticed any of my clothes suffering any more decay than they were before the patch.
Dunno...I can't get past "Negotiating with servers". Meh...
yes im having decay on my perception shades, and i just noticed my yuki ninja bandana is decaying and my shirt which i dont member what its called but it is not a collector/dungeon/construct drop.
Yikes! Better start going through all the dungeons and collectors to re-evaluate the worth of each item.
*crosses fingers for dodge range items*
lol thats gotta suck