The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on October 06, 2005, 04:18:17 pm

Title: 1,000,000 $info on DarkSable's Head
Post by: Tbone on October 06, 2005, 04:18:17 pm
DarkSable posted a bounty on his own head for the next 12 hours.

The rules:

1.  The contract expires 2 am eastern time Friday morning.
2.  Prize is awarded for solo kills only.  No zerg/gank squads.  Prize will only be awarded if you take me from full health to death.
3.  I will not give any hints to my location.
4.  You may share hints or last known whereabouts in game or post them here.
5.  I will fight back, if I feel I am fighting a losing battle, I will try to escape, it is your duty to stop me.  
6.  For machines, you must get close enough to execute /bangbang emote, then I will accept a duel challenge. (Sorry, JoKeRz excluded.)
7.  All load outs permitted.  Be prepared, I could be using any load out... even TEH SPLOIT DATA MINER!
8.  You must kill me and say "Pay up!" and I will give you instructions on how to collect your prize.  

Well, with a few minutes to burn, I jack into the Matrix. I figure I could use the quick mil. My first instinct is to go to Mara C. I was right. The machines had taken over the area, and DarkSable was right in the center.

My first attack came from in sneak. I knifed him from the bridge, hopped down into the sea of reds, and began attacking. Before I could exploit his weakness, however, I was interlocked and taken out.

I came back to strike again to find that he was no longer near the hardline. I hopped up to the building next to it and found him on my target. A second later I had him stunned again, and this time we were alone. He had all his dodge ranged stuff on - hyperdodge, everything. I took a booster (worth a mil, right?) and went to town. Stun, cripple, blind as best I could. I got him down to about half health before he was able to bail out, jumping towards the safety of his friends. I don't give up, though. I was right behind him, landing on the bridge right next to Justero. Now I'm in interlock with both of them, but my rolls are overpowering the both of them. Just as six more Jokerz get there to help, I shoot DarkSable in the forehead in Bullet Time, landing a fatal blow.

I of course, yelled "Pay up!", as I continued to fight the onslaught of machines now eager to take me out. At this point it doesn't matter, though. I simply state "Mission accomplished" as they chip away at my health. DarkSable was good on his word and met me at a secure hardline and delivered the 1 mil. I think Mek owes me a mil as well.

Anyway, I'm not quite sure if the offer still stands once someone completes it, but it can't hurt to try! I had to post this story, though, because it really took me less than 10 minutes to complete. Hehe. Enough bragging, though. Here's the thread:

P.S. DarkSable says the offer still stands! Get your 1 mil while you still can! If you got the skillz, that is!
Title: Re: 1,000,000 $info on DarkSable
Post by: Anonymous on October 06, 2005, 04:28:27 pm
Damn T I think you killed him before the offer was even posted lol.
Title: Re: 1,000,000 $info on DarkSable
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2005, 12:53:11 am
Kudos on the win, son
Title: Re: 1,000,000 $info on DarkSable
Post by: Kosila on October 07, 2005, 02:17:07 pm
Congratulations! :D
Title: Re: 1,000,000 $info on DarkSable
Post by: Bellthazor on October 07, 2005, 02:25:37 pm
nice going... :P
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