The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on September 18, 2005, 10:59:01 pm

Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Tbone on September 18, 2005, 10:59:01 pm
We have reason to believe that Trucidos' and gang's most recent "plan" is to set up FA members as harrassing them. I've been getting reports that members have been getting random PMs from Trucidos saying things such as "dude, stop harrassing me" etc. unprovoked. I believe the reason for this is so that, when you reply, they can photoshop the screenshot to make it look like you truly are harrassing them.

If you get any tells from Viral Vendetta, do yourself a favor and don't respond. I know /ignore isn't working right now, so just ignore it mentally. If you do feel the need to reply, make sure you log and screenshot the chat.
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2005, 11:09:09 pm
Ok, will do. Already had some experiences like that last night.
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2005, 12:54:43 am
I see they also locked up their forums since we caught them last time
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Da6onet on September 19, 2005, 01:01:43 am
If they're really going through all that trouble just to frame FA all they really have to do is

Trucidos: space space space etc.

Tbone: big floppy donkey dick
Trucidos: don't be so immature Tbone.

then conveniently shrink the message window so you can only see from BFDD on down.

However, assuming they're not smart in the first place, I agree with Tbone to always play it like the Fonz.
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2005, 02:36:24 am
Yeah, smart wasn't the word that came to my mind :p
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2005, 03:13:16 am
Roger that!
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Broin on September 19, 2005, 09:00:36 am
Trucidos/psycedilicous/Daniel has done this before.  Just make sure that you start a chat log when he sends you a /t and screen shot everything.  For most of you I would agree with Tbone don't even respond to him.
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Bellthazor on September 19, 2005, 09:56:01 am
No problem. Can we get a list of crew, or do they change factions so much we can't keep up. :P
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 19, 2005, 10:43:36 am
Don't even consider responding.  It's the aim of these guys to piss us off, so don't give them the satisfaction.  By the same token, keeping quiet will only make them mad because it means they aren't in control of the situation.  

A powerless person feels powerful when they make others feel smaller than they are.  That's these guys in a nutshell.  Rather than earning power by actually accomplishing something, they'd much rather take the easy way out which is to feel in control by making others mad.  Psychology 101.
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Styan on September 19, 2005, 01:14:58 pm
Personally the only tells I respond to are people that I can see in front of me, or faction mates.  Always found it to be a good rule...
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2005, 01:49:41 pm
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Bellthazor on September 19, 2005, 02:35:46 pm
True words Destyn

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
           Eleanor Roosevelt, 'This Is My Story,' 1937
              US diplomat & reformer (1884 - 1962)
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2005, 03:08:52 pm
Will do.
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Kosila on September 19, 2005, 03:39:48 pm
That's funny :p .... Doesn't he have school or a job?
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Eroz on September 19, 2005, 03:41:50 pm
Mental Health patient, we pay all his bills with our taxes </sarcasm>
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2005, 10:01:24 pm
Well, i had an argument with him sometime ago. So If he has been doing this in the past as well, He most likely took a screen shot from me. although I never really said anything that they could actually use against me, was mainly telling him to fuk off in a polite way. :D
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Styan on September 19, 2005, 10:22:33 pm
Theres a nice way to tell someone to fuck off?  WOW... you must teach me in these ways. :)
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2005, 10:38:13 pm
Yea, you've never heard of it? It's like this "FUCK OFF... please." It really works.
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Manic Velocity on September 20, 2005, 09:58:23 am

Just thought I'd throw this thread in here.  Don't bother replying.  The guy made it very clear that he wants to piss us off.  Don't give him what he wants.

Edit:  That is, if you can understand what the hell he's saying.
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2005, 01:39:46 pm
Hah, 99% of those people replying were on our side.
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2005, 02:16:43 pm
Smell the love
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Heironymus on September 20, 2005, 02:37:58 pm
haha.. the most recent post mentions Grim...
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Eroz on September 20, 2005, 02:45:48 pm
Remind of you of anyone?

"Avoid PvP. WoW became mindless when the PvP honor system came about. PvP in MMOs attracts fickle morons that will ruin the game for the non-PvP majority through their bringing the "culture" that has grown up around PvP into a role-playing setting. The game gets ruined for the majority, who leave due to the atmosphere of aggression and griefing; then the game gets very very empty when the fickle PvP crowd go elsewhere for their kicks when a new game is released. PvP is not worth it."
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2005, 03:39:52 pm
Didn't get to see the Grim bit, the thread has been jacked
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2005, 03:47:02 pm
Actually pvp in WoW is quite fun.
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2005, 04:22:58 pm
Yeah, I heard Dark Iron got to be a pretty good experience, so long as you are willing to wait to get on the server.
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2005, 07:58:54 pm
Quote from: "Heironymus"
haha.. the most recent post mentions Grim...

thread = gone?
Title: A Warning about Trucidos and other VV
Post by: Avzeke (Khr0n1k) on September 20, 2005, 10:26:47 pm
yeah at least when i checked
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