The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Styan on June 22, 2005, 12:43:06 am
Sorry if this is old news, (i know we already know that they exist, I just found the response interesting).
My ccr title: Lvl 30 Karate Grandmaster
My ccr Question: Lvl 30 NPC is a grandmaster?? I was under the impression you had to be lvl 50 to be a grandmaster of any kind.
MxO.November's Response: Thank you for contacting customer support! NPCs in the game do not necessarily follow the same levelling / ability rules as players. As such, they may have access to abilities that may not correspond to their level. This is by design, and should not interrupt normal play.
CCR Status: Solved
My reaction: By design... ok fine,
should not interrupt normal play... here's where I have my problem... the npc was using uber l33t moves on me, and outrolling me by almost 100 pts... EVERY TIME! tell me there isn't a balance issue there.
If it weren't for the Interlock Immunity my ass woulda been grass. (more than once)
I've decided not to send in another ccr until they switch over to sony. Monolith doesn't give a shit anymore. Maybe Sony will. I have about 15 ccrs lined up and ready for when Sony takes over.
I've had problems with lvl 35 succubuses using suicidal butterfly on me. And goddamn hacker NPC's using evade and deteriorating code 4.0. Most of the time I have to stand out in the hallway and spend about 3 minutes shooting them.
Open the door, fire off a few rounds.
Re-open the door, fire off a few rounds.
Re-open the door, fire off a few rounds.
It interrupts normal play when NPC's that are at my level are using abilities that severly reduce my health, and that I don't yet have access to. There certainly is a balance issue here.
Monolith doesn't give a shit anymore. Maybe Sony will. .
As an old Planetside player, I can honestly tell you....
they won't either.
(that is unless you are playing their big cash cow EQ...then they bow down to you)
You should see my petitions about the grandmaster at lower levels, the CSR think I'm nuts everytime I turn that in. One day, they will listen to me, one day. (Don't mind that BFG you just saw.)
mewhaha I remeber Eroz saying something about this but then I tuned him out and well I shouldn't have to say as I'm sure the rest of you guys do the same thing when he starts talking :P
On the other hand this has been around since I think beta. Npcs titles and class abilities don't follow ours. Was told by a csr rep that this was to enhance the game experience and bring a bit of challenge. Half and half on it, sometimes you just got to pop one of those tactic boosters or get an extra hand.
Monolith doesn't give a shit anymore. Maybe Sony will. .
As an old Planetside player, I can honestly tell you....
they won't either.
(that is unless you are playing their big cash cow EQ...then they bow down to you)
Never a truer word said. That, and they only cared during the Planetside beta. After that, it was all downhill. When I left, you have to get EU involved to get any kind of response.
I bet they thought eroz was one of those little kids that thinks that everyone hacks when he sends in those ban this npc for exploiting ccrs