The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on June 19, 2005, 10:25:10 pm

Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Tbone on June 19, 2005, 10:25:10 pm
Here's the situation. A few people have come to me explaining that they no longer wish to play The Matrix Online. They either have cancelled their accounts or are considering it. However, they would prefer to remain in the faction and group up to play other MMOs or other games. They want to use the FA resources and still use the FA flag, so to speak, but no longer be a part of MxO. The question is, do we expand our "guild" to other games to allow those who used to play with us in MxO to still hang around or do we keep FA focused on MxO? I have my own opinion about this, but I want to see what the initial response is.

This vote will be considered but will not be the sole factor in determining the outcome.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Lithium on June 19, 2005, 10:33:19 pm
I've been involved with FA for more than a year and some odd months. That means I've also spent all that time anticipating, beta testing, CCRing, and playing MxO. FA is an MxO faction and the damn best. We won't be the best playing a new game every month. A lot of people are bored with MxO and I can understand wanting to play other games. But please don't drag us down with you into these games. If you have friends with members who are playing these games then form a faction for whatever game you are playing. FA is MxO and it should stay that way or we will never be the same powerful force.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Eroz on June 19, 2005, 10:40:27 pm
Same as ^
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Broin on June 19, 2005, 10:44:33 pm
Well here is my two cents on this....

I think it's cool if people play other games.  I have no problem with that. Hell, right now no one even knows what's going to happen with SOE and MXO.  For all we know in 2-3 months MXO will be gone and we'll all be looking for another game.  Maybe well go as a faction to another one maybe not.  But for right now I know that FA is a MXO based faction.  The faction was formed around MXO, it's home is MXO.   I would expect, that as happened with other members in the past, if you choose to leave MXO then you leave FA.  

It is a huge distraction, and as far as I see it, a problem to have 6-7 people hanging out in the non-MXO room.  It would be less of a problem if the people playing other games would contribute when help is needed within MXO.  However the few times I've came down to announce that help is needed in MXO to the people in the NON MXO room I've been met with silence.  

At one point people did come up and get in game during the last event to help out but they didn't stay long, and the help provided was next to nill, and not worth hearing the constant complaining they did while in game.  So shortly after jacking in they state that they are going back to whatever game they were playing before.  And they have the balls to ask to be notified when something happens with the LET.  Hey you want to know, you play the game, or contribute.

I think most of the guys hanging out down there don't even have MXO accounts and if they do they haven't been around for months.  Christ Almighty some of them are staff/captains.  Long story short you want to play MXO and help out when you're needed I'm cool with the other game stuff.... If not (well you all know I'm blunt)  hit the road....
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Manic Velocity on June 19, 2005, 10:48:16 pm
Seems kinda like franchising, IMO.  Franchising = loss of quality.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 19, 2005, 10:52:56 pm
Quote from: "Broin"

I think most of the guys hanging out down there don't even have MXO accounts and if they do they haven't been around for months.  Christ Almighty some of them are staff/captains.  Long story short you want to play MXO and help out when you're needed I'm cool with the other game stuff.... If not (well you all know I'm blunt)  hit the road....
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Styan on June 19, 2005, 11:01:43 pm
I came to MxO a very lost little Operative,  Since joining the FA I've learned a lot about the game, and the way things work in the game.  I've also found a group of people that I could confide in.  In ways such as, someone that will help me grind, others that will RP with me, and even, at my level 27 goodness, storm has good a hell of a lot of ninja rezzin practice with me for PVPin.

I think FA is a MxO faction. Right now at least.  Although, I can also see that we are a strong group of individuals that I believe could work well in other game environments down the road.  My vote however is with my first instinct that we are MxO based.

This is a good family, the last thing I wanna see is it get broken up.

Wow!! Second day in a row I've come out of my rabbit hole... *runs off again*
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: ArchNemesis on June 19, 2005, 11:16:20 pm
I Needed time to think on this one. This Is a MxO faction. Obviously. Everything we have done for this... has been for the matrix. I have had my thoughts of branching into other games but think about it... There are those that believe we have lost our focus... our "luster" if you will. How will branching into other games bring that back? The only way to bring that back is to suck it up and stick to this. To go ahead and basically tear apart what we have turned into over a year of time and investment is simply, for lack of a better word, moose piss. I am a victim of boredom with this game but by no means do i think that this faction should split into other games. It will merely be a cycle of going from one game to the next. Those that knew seven will know that this is what he tried to do. It ended up in failure because of obvious reasons.

Anyway now i'm rambling. As it is we have trouble bringing people to help out when they are needed simply because we just "play" other games. I can't even imagine how it would be once this faction splits to other games. I have been here for a long ass time. I have seen FA grow into what it is... to see it just transform into something else will just make it lose all of its meaning. The reason behind the name "Furious Angels", what we stand for as zionists, The wave of us coming in to protect one another. I already see it disappearing and we haven't even split games yet. I'm not trying to be negative... i'm trying to point something that needs fixing. Give the PVP/RP Crew missions some time and i'm sure we'll be able to pick up form there.

All i'm saying is that the few of us that wish to play other games and stay in the faction will tear us more apart than just leaving the faction altogether.

* tell me if something doesn't make sense cause i haven't had much sleep :P*
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 19, 2005, 11:22:25 pm
Quote from: "ArchNemesis"
The reason behind the name "Furious Angels", what we stand for as zionists, The wave of us coming in to protect one another. I already see it disappearing and we haven't even split games yet.

You people must be able to read my mind.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 19, 2005, 11:27:29 pm
looking at ts right now, half the faction online in ts is in the non mxo room, but still a family so already the faction has split, so I guess i'm saying should those be kicked because they don't play mxo as much anymore?
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Broin on June 19, 2005, 11:36:26 pm
Quote from: "Lelyel"
looking at ts right now, half the faction online in ts is in the non mxo room, but still a family so already the faction has split, so I guess I'm saying should those be kicked because they don't play mxo as much anymore?

I don't think that is it Lelyel...

The problem is that most of them aren't even playing anymore.  Accounts have been canceled and if they still have the accounts the contributions they make in MXO are non existant
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 12:37:45 am
On a semantical note, I think that the initial topic could have been broached with a little less bias.

Admittedly, MxO has given me good times, but it is by far not the greatest game I have ever played, nor do I feel the sense of dedication to it that I have others. Everyone gets burned out, and everyone needs something to refresh them. In that same sense, those that have put a lot into the faction should be allowed their reprieve when needed. Now canceling their MxO account? That’s something a little too radical, and I can follow the statement that if you don't play the game, why be in the faction?

One possible answer, and a simple one at that, is friendship. The Furious Angels may have begun as an MxO faction, but it has transformed into something a little more than that. Friendships have been forged and solidified here, friendships that will last a summer, or last years on end. If we had no care for another then why stay? If I wanted to go play SWG then what is to stop me from going out and finding the best faction in SWG? Why stay around and play with these newbies? Because they are my friends, and regardless of skill, level, or profession, we still manage to have a good time together. Telling jokes, making fun of Fuse’s mom (nothin’ but love for ya man), getting slain by our enemies or owning so much butt, we are still having fun with our friends, and THAT,  my friend, is what is going to keep us together. Friendship.

Quote from: "ArchNemesis"
The reason behind the name "Furious Angels", what we stand for as zionists, The wave of us coming in to protect one another.

Protecting and supporting one another.....

At level 39, I am finding myself grouping with fewer and fewer characters higher than myself, and am running missions with many lower levels in the faction. Now, I am not complaining in the least about this, because it still means that we all get to have fun, and I get to hang out with some cool people. However, it is well-known that if a level 45-50 were to get together with us and run missions, things would go a whole lot faster and smoother. However, there are very few of you that have stopped and ran missions with the rest of us. (I will point out specifically the kindness of MasterYoda, Phienyx, Jeyk, and Tizona, if I am forgetting you, I apologize). Just remember, a faction is only as great as the least of its members.

Let it also be known that this is not as big of an issue as others that need to be taken care of, just something that I would like to input while we are hacking things out.

Quote from: "Lithium"
FA is an MxO faction and the damn best. We won't be the best playing a new game every month.

I can't agree with that in the least. FA has fallen a lot since I have known it, and there is plenty of room where we can improve. The other night, we were running missions (Thank you Tiz/Yoda), and decided to break plan for a bit to head to the party being hosted by The Black Market at the Jade Room. They had some announcements, it was nothing huge, and there was a small brawl afterwards, but it was fun. I asked "Why don't we do more stuff like this? Host parties, do our own RP events and such anymore?" That answer I got? "We're too busy." Now I have nothing but love for the guy who said that, but that's a smoldering pile of bull. I don't have to explain it, it just is. We just need the commitment and the willingness to do so.

I'm going to stop typing now and go figure out why someone is trying to frame me for child molestation/rape.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Jeyk on June 20, 2005, 12:52:04 am
This is indeed a toughie for me to think through. I'm very reliant on forming attachments and friendships with people in the factions/guilds/clans I join, and I base my online gaming with that particular group of people in any game that I can.  I'm not leaving any time soon, but if or when I do leave MxO, I couldn't imagine doing any online gaming with anyone else other than who I've met here, and RL friends.

I do agree that "spreading" our faction around can do some damage to our strength and credibility, but at the same time it's definately a nice option, one that I'm sure everyone would use to some degree, so I'm not really sure which way to go on this.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: ArchNemesis on June 20, 2005, 12:53:26 am
Quote from: "Sared"

Protecting and supporting one another.....

At level 39, I am finding myself grouping with fewer and fewer characters higher than myself, and am running missions with many lower levels in the faction. Now, I am not complaining in the least about this, because it still means that we all get to have fun, and I get to hang out with some cool people. However, it is well-known that if a level 45-50 were to get together with us and run missions, things would go a whole lot faster and smoother. However, there are very few of you that have stopped and ran missions with the rest of us. (I will point out specifically the kindness of MasterYoda, Phienyx, Jeyk, and Tizona, if I am forgetting you, I apologize). Just remember, a faction is only as great as the least of its members.

True. Most of us have gained friendships... yet there are still those that don't help others... they instead go play other games or go fight. I'm level 39. My computer can no longer take mxo but that still doesn't stop me from at least going in and doing my all. Regardless of whether or not i'm "strong enough" i go in and do what is needed of me. Do i play as much as i used to? no. Do i go in and help when they ask even though i'm not playing and still not level 50? you damn right i do and i bring what ever crewmates are in my channel as well. The point is indeed
Quote from: "Sared"

 a faction is only as great as the least of its members.

I'm not trying to tear this apart. I, like you, am trying to show the flaws and what needs to be fixed. This faction has had MANY members. I'm not saying that more will come and others go, but rather make something of your time here. Instead try to make this faction more than just friendship. It is a commitment to MxO as well. Friends can be friends whether they are in the faction or not. What makes us a faction is that we are commited to the same cause.

Keep in mind this is still while we are a mxo faction. No branching has been made but splits have already occured.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 01:05:42 am
Ok, If I repeat anything someone else has said, I am sorry. I just want to get MY thoughts out in the open.

First of all, ever since people started playing Gunz, the non mxo room has had more people in it than any of the other rooms combined, for most of the day. I don't mind this, but I have seen a recent trend of the lack of involvement that Broin was talking about. They should realize, that this is the Furious Angels Communication. You are part of the Furious Angels and as such, you should help out a friend in need. There is no excuse for that lack of responsibility. I don't mind faction members playing other games, hell, I play games all the time. I do, however, have a problem with those that do not have their priorities straight. I have been playing a game recently on my PS2 but I check up in the Jacked in Channel every now and then to see if I am needed. Saturday night I was needed, so I dropped my game and came in to help out for the rest of the night with the battles in Mara C and stuff. That is what is needed, commitment.

Secondly, I originally liked the idea of branching because it would help us keep in contact with our friends in this faction and all that. However, after some thought, the answer was obvious. The answer was "no." To keep these people around would split our faction and that is the last thing we need at this point. I realized it is actually quite selfish of the people who want to split and of those that support it to think that it would be good, they will eventually destroy us.

To quote the greatest anime I have ever seen:
"It's always there. There's always something more important than ourselves or our dreams." - Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)

This pertains to our situation perfectly. Yes, it would be cool to have our friends stick around. However, we must think of the thing that is more important than our selfish desires and dreams, the life of this faction. That is more important than anything that individuals in this faction can want. This is a brotherhood and a community, as such, all members need to decide what is best for the FACTION, not themselves. Selfish desires like that have no place in a faction.

I too have friends in this faction, and I too would like to see them stick around. However, it wouldn't be right for me to put myself above the faction. I know that a couple people in this faction that I have grown to call friends are on the brink of leaving, and it saddens my heart. But, I know that I can talk with them and game with them elsewhere. They don't necessatily need to stay in the faction to stay in touch. There are other means of communication and they can be used to keep in touch with your friends.

My vote is for a NO. We can always organize with former members in other games once again, but to drag the FA name with them is unreasonable and unnecassary.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 03:00:40 am
for the time being i will agree that starting to play other games will only weaken the resolve of FA as a whole, for now. but the more i look at mxo the bleaker and bleaker its future gets. we have to stop and ask ourselves, how much longer are we gonna stop dancing around the truth, we're all FUCKING bored, and we're bored with MxO. and while i will agree if there is an effort that can be made to try and salvage what is left of MxO, it must be made, however we need to be realistic. how many of us actually see ourselves RIGHT HERE... 3 months from now? sad part is i dont. to be honest, im having a hard time deciding wether or not i shud cough up another $30 for another mxo game card and recontinue my account next month... beyond cookie cutter grinding and hunting... we have nothing to do. this game has no endgame, no replayable content to keep us here those 3 weeks out of the month when they have no Live Event going on. and even then it seems to me that only every OTHER live event is actually of noteworthy interest, and on top of that we have been getting the short end of the stick for no fucking reason than because we ARE too good and because we DO deserve it... and from the looks of things, the devs arent going to do anything about these problems in a timely fashion. im PROBABLY going to buy 1 more game card... 1 more... unless something dramatic and downright radical happens in those 60 days, i dont see myself staying here. and i think others feel the same way as i do, but just dont want to come out and say it in the face of the majority opinion. and i think as time goes on, even more will begin to share my feelings. lets stick with MxO for now, but lets also keep our eye on the future, and frankly, IMHO that future doesnt look good with MxO.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 03:14:41 am
Aight i thought about this and to me seems like the best thing.  I know the last few days i have been playing SWG.  I still have a very very active MxO account so SOE will still be getting my money in two places with a Station all access.  SWG is a fall back item for me.  I have been burning the candle on MxO since release and i just needed a 2-4 day break from it to keep the game fresh to me.  I dont want to quit MxO and never will until it falls or just completely sucks.  If you think me playing another mmo for a few days is dragging this faction down im sorry.  I could see it if i cancelled my account and have been playing swg for a month or two since MxO release but im not.  I truely look forward to June 27 as the next live event roles around.  When none is on MxO in the early day i find myself sitting starring at my character sitting on a bench in mara for hours on end. So to keep myself occupied i started my account in SWG as a fall back.  Im a bounty hunter and very close to master as soon as i hit it il take a break and switch back to MxO for my full attention.

Long story short FA=MxO faction to the death.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Tbone on June 20, 2005, 04:01:15 am
We all play other games, Orien. I couldn't possibly ask all of you to devote all your gaming time to MxO. The question that has been raised is whether or not to allow members who have chosen to give up playing MxO altogether the chance to remain in the faction via a different game. Those who have expressed their bitter feelings towards others playing different games are probably referring to the members haven't logged into MxO in weeks (or only for the live event or whatever).
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 05:16:33 am
There is an element of Irony in this vote, as those who would vote in favour of us branching out are those who are visiting the boards less and less, and so will be less likely to vote in favour. Somehow I can't really see it turning in favour of a split, even if all of those in favour voted, because there are just too many die hards in this faction.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Ketamininja on June 20, 2005, 05:56:31 am
I will maintain that FA is one of the best factions I have ever taken part in, regardless of Games actually played.
Our own little community is great, and I love the fact people want to stay together. Friends are friends I suppose ;)

Currently, the future of this community, these friends... The Angels, all depends on MxO and the direction it takes. There has been a lot of talk from people about leaving.. mainly because MxO is not turning out to be what it should have been (for them at least). From the current vote, it seems that there is still a lot of dedication.....

but we are all at the mercy of the game... SOE perhaps.
I think that the option should be available, perhaps we can get a HQ website set up for global games, so that the community will still be active. I just hate to see some good people leaving :( I'm only just coming back!
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 06:14:20 am
I personally do not think you ought to devote FA's resources towards other games.  If anything it would have to be another branch set towards it, if not something different all together.  FA is a MxO faction, and many of us are just losing interest in the game and do not want to play it anymore.  It's not worth any of the work and I no longer find it fun, personally.  As one of those on the deletion list because I canned my account, though I am sad to see all of you go, I would not expect to stay here.  One of my most important reasons for staying was the live events, and that is not something SOE does.  So I am going back to my previous SOE love, Starwars Galaxies.  

Unless you ever divide yourself, and form another branch - I doubt that would ever happen Tbone.  Though if you ever do decide to form another guild, go ahead and drop me an email at ((I suspect will be deleted soon.))
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Broin on June 20, 2005, 07:59:26 am
You know I hate to see anyone go... It is the last thing in the world that I think should happen, and there have been very very few times I have said this person needs to go.  I like everyone who has been in our faction so far and I mean everyone.  Do we sometimes get on each other nerves?  Yes.  Do some people rub me the wrong way? Yes.  Do I rub some people the wrong way.  Most definiatley. * Accept Grim she likes it that way  :D  *

I'd love for everyone to stay, to remain a part of the faction, to get in game and help kick some ass when needed.  Sadly that is not the way of the world.  Like I said before and like Likwidneo pointed out MXO/SOE is in question right now.  Will it get beter, will it get worse, will it stop?  No one knows.  The only thing I know is that FA = MXO and as long as there is MXO I think we all want to see FA inside MXO as a force to be reckoned with.

Here is the perfect example of what I mean.  About 2-3 months ago we did an interview with a guy who claimed to be in a faction/clan in Everquest when it first was in BETA.  I don't remember the clan but everyone who was familiar with Everquest was like, "Holy crap...." They went on to explain that this clan/faction was known for being a strong faction/clan and for helping out the DEV's etc. etc.  It sounded like FA.  Sometime down the road I want to be able to say hey I was in FA and have other gamers say

"Holy Crap..."  

Then I'll be like     "Hell yeah"
and they'll say       "Did you ever know that Tbone dude"
and I'll say              "Shit yeah dude don't you know who I am"
and they'll say        "Who"
and I'll say              "Man I'm Broin"
and they'll be like  "who the fuck was that"
and I'll be like         "WTF Mate... Come one... Broin, you know..."
and they'll be like   "Who?"
and I'll be like          "FUCKIN' BROIN MAN!"
and they'll say         "Well I've heard of Tbone, and Grimkitten, and Kayda, and Leylel, and Lithium, and MasterYoda, and Orien, and Tizona, and Gabe, and Doan, and StormRunner and boombye and Nemi and, etc. etc. etc.  but I've never heard of  a Broin."
and I'll be like          "GODDAMNIT!"
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 08:44:37 am
As usual, I will be the dissenting opinion.

I think FA should stay MxO only.
Here is why:
1.  We are having a tough enough time keeping say a full crew on at any time...Why make our numbers even more scattered (between games)?
2. EVERY guild/faction that I have been in that has tried this doesn't make it work.  The biggest reason is because not everyone will agree on a 2nd game or want to even switch.  Let's be honest...we are losing members faster than getting numbers.  Making a WoW division and a AA division etc will only screw the failthful MxO players even more.
3. With MxO going to Sony, we will need to be an even tighter, better guild.  Splitting up will not achieve that.

there are more reasons, but I am tired.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 09:25:54 am
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 09:41:07 am

Fill in the blank with your most pathetic story of how much FA means to you.

Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 10:25:10 am
Look, I've been playing MxO since beginning of October. Yah, some of u have been in it a little longer, but we've pretty much gone though it all....Anyway, I will always love the Matrix Online no matter how boring it can get. And yah, Lithium, I can agree that to some extent FA should be a MxO faction only, but my vote leans more to Yes than No with this vote...reason being is because until they add MxO to the Station pass, I;m going to suspend my MxO account soon...if things look better within a month or so, i'll easaily come back, expecially now SOE is taking over, if true.

My main reason I want to stay in this faction for even a month without being in MxO is because this faction kicks so much ass. I'm not asking to make FA tags in other games, i just want to lay low for a bit with MxO until things look better. And besides, for any teens like me who have no damn minimum wage job cant make money as easily as some of u can...

So like I said, ill probably come back to MxO within a month when things are better, casue obviously ill miss the pvp action with broin, lith, vinzeru, orien, etc...., but i justa save money where i can for now.....  :)

And Tbone, I have been playing MxO pretty much everyday since ive been in this faction, Ask anyone who is on regulary........... So im not one of the ones who havent logged in for weeks, im just suspending MxO for a month to give it time to evolve. And besides, ive taken part of every MxO Live Event so far, so no, im not part of that list who havent logged in for weeks and havent taken part of Live Events, etc..., ive put my fair share into it all......  :roll3:
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Ketamininja on June 20, 2005, 10:43:32 am
What a moment, I do see some heated issues here.
What is the real story behind the question? People are leaving FA to go and play other games. If they leave, our numbers decrease anyway.

Hopefully recruitment will still happen, so anyone who is wanting to leave will be replaced.
What I am thinking is there are many people who don't want to leave FA, but want to leave MxO, and not because of FA.

... don't know what I'm trying to say exactly... I'm not sure how letting another game team in would ruin the MxO side of things (as long as things were kept fairly separate). But I can see the importance of FA being MxO...

Just curious - how would people see things going if MxO died? What happens to FA? Obviously an executive decision - perhaps we would move somewhere else..... *shrugs* All I know is I love FA!
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Manic Velocity on June 20, 2005, 10:48:40 am
Quote from: "Y0d4"
3. With MxO going to Sony, we will need to be an even tighter, better guild.  Splitting up will not achieve that.

I agree entirely.

Quote from: "Ketamininja"
Just curious - how would people see things going if MxO died? What happens to FA? Obviously an executive decision - perhaps we would move somewhere else..... *shrugs* All I know is I love FA!

I'm a shamelessly admitted matrix fan boy.  I will play no matter how shitty the game gets.  Even with all the bugs and lag, I still think the game is the kicker of all ass.  Unless they actually take the MxO servers down, I don't see myself going anywhere.  FA rules!
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Fuse on June 20, 2005, 10:55:02 am
As much as I like some of the people who don't have accounts/play other games 80% of the time while on TS, I say kick them. Sorry guys. It's not that hard to setup a TS server-do it on your own box, not one for FA-the MxO faction.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Styan on June 20, 2005, 10:57:23 am
Quote from: "Ketamininja"

Just curious - how would people see things going if MxO died? What happens to FA? Obviously an executive decision - perhaps we would move somewhere else..... *shrugs*

Here is what I was saying perhaps down the road.  There is definantly opertunity here.   Like its been said, we're a group that had formed close friendships. Not to say we can't maintain these outside of FA, but I can see us in the future, in other gaming comunities, when MxO may not have any punch left at all.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 11:19:25 am
Hmmm... where to begin. For those of you who know me, and most of you should, you will know that I have been a pretty die-hard member of FA ever since I've been a member... Hell, I've been a pretty die-hard mxo player since I got into beta, even when people told me the game would fail, I kept my faith... up until recently. I have been very absent from the confines of the matrix for a good few weeks now, why? (Hopefully my opinion will be respected in this thread, even though it hasn't been in others...)

I think MxO is going down the shitter. The grind is mind-numbingly boring, I've been level 50 for a while and i still haven't regained the brain cells it took to grind myself up. The content, or lack there of, is probably the worst that can be expected from any MMO, with exception to live events. Speaking of live events... "Send one or two members to represent your faction" to actually hear about what's going on, meet the in-game-celebs... I don't pay 15 bucks a month to not get to witness the good shit. There is no end-game. PvP is a matter of who stuns you first. YAWN. - For any of you who are wondering why you haven't seen me in MxO much, if at all, this is why. And for fuck sake, this is my opinion, if you don't like it go fuck yourself, don't you dare try to bash me on this forum for expressing my opinion. That goes for you Lithium.

In response to those that feel I, or other people that choose to spend their game time out of MxO in another game, never help... never come when called upon? I'll tell you not once... NOT ONE single time has anyone came down to the non-mxo room, while i've been in there and not afk, and asked for my help or the help of others, not once. The only person that has even bothered to come down there to at least try to get us back in game was broin, and I commend him for that, at least putting forth the effort. However it was not asking for help, it was simply letting us know what was going on, and I appreciate the thought Broin.... Bottom line i helped whenever i could, to whoever asked. Everytime i logon to my mxo aim account, im flooded with messages asking, sometimes BEGGING me and the furious angels to rescue mara or some other pathetic warzone. EVERY TIME. And every time, I go. I haven't helped many lowbies level since after release, but thats simply because every time i login game "I'm needed" in a pvp battle. Another pointless stun someone as fast as you can before they stun you battle. And you guys act like it's other games behind the reason why "no one" seemingly helps when you need it? That's bullshit. Even before this "split" I can't tell you how many times I'd get chased, jumped, gang-banged... I'd ask for help and who would come? half the time maybe someone would decide to come help, someone that I have most likely helped before... but that would be 1 person out of 20 in the TS channel....

I believe Sared hit it on the head with his post. Why am I still in FA, why do i remain? Over my short time here, in this faction, I've met some really cool people, I've made friends. That's why I stay... Hell you want to know the truth, the only reason i've kept my mxo account open for this long is because of this faction and it's members.

Lastly, I think alot of people have some misonceptions going on here. I may not speak for everyone who plays another game, but I think it's safe to say the majority, if not all of them would agree with me. We aren't asking for FA resources, we aren't asking for a huge in-depth website, we aren't asking for anything. We simply want to be able to stay with the people we've gotten to know, keep the friendships we've made through this faction.

Have I canceled my account, yes... however, after the SOE takeover, I decided to just put SWG and MXO on a station pass, therefore keeping my mxo account. I have this blind faith that SOE will pick up the slack and bring life back to the game.

And by the way... have you looked down in the Non-Mxo room recently? IF you have, you would have seen some of the most die hard players in the faction, including myself. Some guys have been here much longer than me, some much shorter.. but all of them have still made great contributions to the faction, and you guys know that.

So what's the real question here?

Do you want to boot some good players, good friends, good people because they, like many others, have grown tired of a game that doesn't come to par?


Do you find them expendible, do you think they should not be a member of the faction because they choose to spend most, if not all, of their time playing and paying for a game they actually enjoy.

It's not that difficult of a question. Or is it?
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Avzeke (Khr0n1k) on June 20, 2005, 11:57:33 am
I know for sure that many people on numerous occasions have gone down to the non mxo room to ask for help. And the only people that came out of the room were the people who were only playing a round of cs or somthing. Now im not saying you heard it because like you said you could have been afk but i know we dont even try anymore because we know its a lost cause because rarly, actually i think never has someone playing swg stopped and came to help.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Fuse on June 20, 2005, 12:06:54 pm
Well i for one have asked a few times for help with no response. Gabe, this is MxO, so yeah we should boot people who don't play MxO. Can I bring in my friends from EQ to TS? It's not about where we start, it's about where we are now. If your not with FA in MxO, then do your own thing with everyone elsewhere. How many times have we not accepted a member because they say they don't play often or they play a lot of other games?

Why would you need FA to keep in contact with friend from the faction? Make a TS server, exchange some emails and BAM there ya go. As I said, some people whom I consider friends may take offense when I say all that, but if I go play whatever game their on, I would love to come join them. It's a separation of interests.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 12:53:20 pm
It's a tough topic, but heres my opinion.....

First off, No, the FA name should remain dedicated to MxO. We built our reputation and established our foundation in MxO.

Here is the ONLY topic I am concerned with... allowing members who left MxO to remain in the faction. In a way I am torn between both sides here. If we allow ex MxO members to stay, then the amount of contribution they may make to the faction is extremely limited. The main thing that I have noticed is that those who truly love this faction still aren't gone.... even if they've cancelled their MxO accounts they remain browsing the site and listen in on TS. Why? as many others previously stated, because FA is more than a faction, it is a family. I can't speak for everyone but I personally have made a lot of friends here and I wouldn't want to give that up.

What I think we need is a way to keep in touch with eachother, for those that left and those that are still around. The first method of communication obviously is TS, but again... the TS server is dedicated to FA and it's not in my hands to say how we use it. Again as Fuse said, maybe a seperate TS server for those that do play other games (doesn't have to be operated by FA) that we could all know and go to if we wanted to keep in touch.

What I am ultimately seeing is people that don't play the game anymore but want to stay in communication with the faction because of friendship purposes. We don't necessarily need to keep them in the faction but again.... I say we should have some way to keep in touch with eachother.

ah, I hear it coming, the bane of all communication, AIM!

*look at avatar for reaction* =P
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Fuse on June 20, 2005, 12:58:47 pm
Sounds like a suggestion similar to the bluepill forum. A friends of the Angel TS server-but that depends on the TS owner.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Broin on June 20, 2005, 01:00:39 pm
Let's make it simple...  Pretend you're being interviewed again.  Those who got in before the interviews pretend you are listening in on an interview.  LIsten to Eroz ask his questions and you answer them honestly as you would now.  Now with that in mind would you allow yourself into the faction.... I think most of you know the answer to that question.

There should be no problem with people playing other games.  Shit everyone has.  I mean we have all played America's Army, Poker, CS, etc.   It is not a problem when you need to step away and take a break from MXO.  We've all had to do that as well.  The problem is when you step away to play another game without the intention of really continuing to play MXO.    

Here is the problem everyone has.  The people playing other games don't want to leave in case MXO ends up getting real good with SOE, and they don't want to leave the people they've met (of which I think it should be easy to keep in touch).  The people who want to play MXO really don't want to see people leave in case MXO goes down bad then we all might decide to go elsewhere together as a faction.


It comes down to are you going to be here to help out when needed?  Are you going to be part of the new PVP/Diplomacy format?  Are you going to be here for the live events?  Are you going to be here just for the live events and just when things happen and only after everyone else has done the work in figuring out the puzzles and done all the talking to the Live Events Team?  Are you going to bring everyone down participating in the game and live events by bitchin' every time you come in game?  Does your staying and not participating hurt the faction and cause a rift that is irrepairable?  For those not playing or planning on playing MXO know that it is a thorn in the side of the people playing MXO to see all of our previous hard core members sitting down in the non-mxo room, knowing that they are not in MXO anymore and can not be counted on to help.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 01:34:31 pm
I will continue to say that i am still a die hard MxO player been since beta and always will be till its grave.  Someone else here said they were diehard matrix fan.  You have no idea when i heard The matrix was going to be a MMO.  I couldnt believe it i was so thrilled the day i got beta and i was so thrilled i got into FA and you let me take a place in your guys home.  This faction made MxO for me.  I have truely enjoyed my time here and will continue to do so.  I do not think this vote includes me because as i said in my other post i have been living in MxO more than real life heh.  Kinda ironic but true.  I will be back in a day or two to get rolling and pwn some newbs.  I just wanted to get set in another MMO to fall back on when MxO slows down or no one is on for some pvp action.  Hopefully we wont be loosing good people to this shit.  Im not gonna point fingers and shit at anyone no names blauh blauh blauh thats not what i do and i think taking it out on someone on the forums is 297% bullshit.  I think those that have beef with each other need to get on TS and short that shit out dont bring it here to a typing match.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 01:54:15 pm
Quote from: "Orien"
I think those that have beef with each other need to get on TS and short that shit out don't bring it here to a typing match.

Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Tbone on June 20, 2005, 05:04:12 pm
Ok, well I think everyone has had a chance to give their initial response, so now I'll add my opinion to the mix.

To me, Furious Angels is MxO. In many ways, we're the ones who have kept the excitement in the game. When other players play MxO, what is their goal? Even if they don't admit it, I believe their goal is to achieve the reputation that FA has. In MxO, we're legends - hands down. No one can argue that, out of all the faction, FA is most widely known across all servers.

I never had any plans to branch FA into other games. Like Orien, I was ecstatic when I heard that there was going to be an MMO based on the Matrix. That's why I've been in the MxO community since November of 2003. The reason I started FA is because I had a vision of what playing MxO would be like and what I would need to fulfill that vision. None of the other factions that were around seemed to have that certain something that lived up to being in the Matrix. I think we've fulfilled that dream of mine. We have interacted in the story and have literally become Zion. FA was always meant to be Zion's elite - mysterious and powerful. Sort of like what Broin mentioned, when a lot of people think of MxO in the future, the first thing that will come to mind is this faction.

So what does this have to do with other games? Well, I want to continue to be able to provide the atmosphere of gaming that was my original design. I personally feel I have an obligation to those who signed up to FA to deliver what I promised them, and I think that expanding FA to other games might inhibit that.

How so, you ask? Well, it's already been touched on by others a little. If the faction is not focused on MxO, then accomplishing large tasks and creating a solid MxO community simply does not work. Looking in Teamspeak right now, I see 2 people in the Jacked In channel and 9 in the Non-MxO room. Now you may say that those 9 people would just be gone if we did not expand to other games, but to be honest, I'd rather them be gone than all playing SWG in the FA TS. Why? Because if another person logged in right now, they'd see 2 people in Jacked In and 9 in Non-MxO and would proceed to go to Non-MxO to find out what everyone there is up to. They would hear everyone talking about this or that game and probably be encouraged to download it and try it and they might hear some comment about how MxO doesn't have this or nothing is going on in MxO. Meanwhile our two friends in Jacked In are getting the shit beat out of them and are thinking "Damn...what's the point of being in this faction if everyone plays a different game?" That's simply NOT the kind of FA I want to exist.

Now obviously, we all play other games at times. We even play those games as a group. The current question, however, is what do we do about those who are canceling or suspending their MxO accounts or haven't logged into MxO in several weeks. They would like to still be able to use TS and the forums while they play other games. I, personally, am not comfortable with that. No doubt MxO will eventually fade and our interests will begin to drift to other things, but I don't believe that time is now. If and when that happens, I think we should consider other games then, but right now. MxO is still in its infancy. I love the game and the events and am trying to give us some projects to help enhance our own fun, but I think another faction within the faction that does not play MxO will only distract from our goals and inevitably divide us into oblivion, which brings me to my last point.

No other faction or guild in MxO who has tried this has held together. Sacred Order, Illuminati, Kindred - nearly all the "Ascension Society" guys tried doing this multi-game thing. Where are they now? Gone. They died. Illuminati is still around but merely a shadow of their former selves and not near where their potential was leading them. I feel if we follow suit and try to spread ourselves to other games, our presence in MxO will diminish much like these other factions. You may say "FA is different than those other guys", but why are we different? I think it might be because we make smarter decisions.

I will say one more thing. I understand those who would like to remain in the faction even though they no longer play MxO. To be honest, it is very flattering that I have created a community that people actually want to stay and be a part of! It saddens me that several of my friends are losing interest in MxO and are moving on. As much as it sucks to say goodbye to some people, I think there are ways we can think of to still keep in contact. My primary obligation is to those who are dedicated to the Furious Angels, a Matrix Online faction. Those guys signed up to kick ass in MxO and not have to beg SWG gamers to come help out. It seems that, so far, a majority of the faction is in agreement that the hardcore MxO FA is the FA they want to see stick around.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 05:24:24 pm
I feel it nessary to weigh in on this question.  I don't post much but I do read and ask questions.  I've asked around and even played devils advocate on this very difficult problem and here is my take.
The FA is a Mxo faction and as long as Mxo is in exsistance it should remain so.  It will wax and wane depending on the members and their dedication to the game and group.  While here I have made new friends as I have in the past, but all things pass, people move on and often leave us with just our memories of good times past.  This is as it should be, nothing and no one lasts forever.  If and when the game fails FA will have a choice but until then it should remain with Mxo.  This is who we are, This is what we are about as a group. As for those who are in FA but not in Mxo as long as it is their intention to still play the game even if not at the moment, I say let them remain.  What harm are they doing?  Those who still wish to play will and are.  Dropping people from the mailing list or kicking them from the server seems a bit malicious and petty, unless they are trully using resources needed for the 'real' Mxo players then no harm done.  I have heard complaints about 'those people in the non mxo channel" and for the most part it is because the complainer felt betrayed or slighted.  Dont do this to yourselves.  These are still the same people you praised before, if they don't come to your rescue or feel they way you do then point this out to them and move on.  

What ever the decision, I as still proud to be a Furious Angel.  And some day in the future when people ask me "did you really know Tbone and Broin"?  I wil first deny it three times and admit that yes I was once associated with such infamous characters and could they sharpen the knives first?
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 06:11:43 pm
why stick around on an mxo faction's ts server if you're going to cancel your mxo account?

might sound bitter, but seriously, it's just going to pull people away from mxo and from that sometimes empty(lately) jacked-in channel..

someone explain to me what's going to happen to the electus ship now that the leader can't promote anyone else to be captain.

edit: on a sidenote, i'd like to play swg or any other game, but it's making others feel uncomfortable with more people filling in a channel and playing another game besides mxo, so sometimes i feel divided when i goto both channels. some time for mxo would be nice is all im saying, instead of just giving up on the game if that's possible. i play 4 games, including mxo, and i find time for all of them somehow..although the others aren't MMOs, I suppose I don't know what it's like.
Title: Re: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 07:23:43 pm
Quote from: "Tbone"
Here's the situation. A few people have come to me explaining that they no longer wish to play The Matrix Online. They either have cancelled their accounts or are considering it. However, they would prefer to remain in the faction and group up to play other MMOs or other games. They want to use the FA resources and still use the FA flag, so to speak, but no longer be a part of MxO. The question is, do we expand our "guild" to other games to allow those who used to play with us in MxO to still hang around or do we keep FA focused on MxO? I have my own opinion about this, but I want to see what the initial response is.

This vote will be considered but will not be the sole factor in determining the outcome.

It'd be nice if you guys could say, extend it to cover battlefield 2, then I might not have to be kicked out for trying to get out of MxO. ^_^;;
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 08:30:02 pm
Quote from: "Ristan"
The main thing that I have noticed is that those who truly love this faction still aren't gone.... even if they've cancelled their MxO accounts they remain browsing the site and listen in on TS. Why? as many others previously stated, because FA is more than a faction, it is a family. I can't speak for everyone but I personally have made a lot of friends here and I wouldn't want to give that up.

Quote from: "Tbone"
No doubt MxO will eventually fade and our interests will begin to drift to other things, but I don't believe that time is now. If and when that happens, I think we should consider other games then, but right now. MxO is still in its infancy.

these 2 statements pretty much sum up how i feel. as much as many ppl have said the purpose of FA is to play MxO and nothing more, i have to beg to differ. we have grown past that purpose, we have become more than that. we arent just a vessel designed to fulfill a function anymore, we have grown past that. we are a family. and just like i was very saddened to see my cousins who i grew up with move off to south carolina, i havent seen some of them in almost 10 years, i am saddened to have to think that i may never again see or hear of members of this family here. while i understand for functionality purposes, it is not good for MxO morale to have 83 ppl in the nonMxO room and Tbone all by himself sitting in the jacked in room which at that point may as well be called the jack off room cuz thats all their is to do, i dont see a reason why communication needs to be cut off completely. it does not serve against functionality to let them remain here on the forums. we're talking how these ppl can stay in touch with alternate means of communication, why should they when it will hurt no one if they stay right here on the forums to keep in touch and what not.

secondly, even Tbone himself is saying it. We have to consider the possiblity that MxO will reach total and absolute suckdom for everyone at some point or another. What do we do at that point, shut it all off, the TS servers, the site, pack our bags and never game together again? because if you start kicking people now thats EXACTLY whats going to happen. by the time the majority vote realizes mxo sucks, there will be NO ONE LEFT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT because they wud have all been kicked by now. we're talking about kicking all these ppl because they dont fulfill the primary function anymore, but what we arent realizing is that these ppl are the very beginning of the new age of FA, and  3 months from now we're going to go... "Oh shit... fuck man we shudnt have kicked omegus and gabriel and everyone else. Now we want to move on to this other game, but its just me, Grim, Tbone, and Ket..." they say hindsight is 20/20 and maybe until it is in the past some of you wont realize the mistake it is to kick all these people until its too late.

i say, for now, no, playing another game will only hurt FA. but we need to be mindful of hte future, something humanity as a whole usually fails to do. If we're smart about it, we can stick together when the shit hits the fan wether its 3 months from now or whenever. lets let all those ppl losing interest keep in touch and stay on the forums, maybe not on TS, but let them retain their forum memberships so that when the time comes, these ppl, thse members of our family can share with us in a new home that may better suit them. as long as we keep the recruitment threads to other games to a minimum i dont see how it can hurt.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: likwidtek on June 21, 2005, 04:02:58 pm
ok well to be fair I only read maybe 3 posts out of this entire thread...  two of which were gabe's and tbone's.

I dont agree there should be SWG FA and WoW FA...  not at all.  But I want us to still be in contact.  I am sad that people are moving on but I will do my part.  At least for the WoW people.

As you all know I did most of the work on this site.  I with the help of others built and designed this awesome space that we all use and love.  With your donations and my caffinated hands we have been able to maintain the best community ever.  Thanks to lith and tvod we also have the best tool any game could ask for.  Teamspeak.  With our powers combined were were captain awesome.  ;)

Anywho.  I have been playing with a group of guys in WoW and they have none of these tools.  So I'm gunna do what I do best.  Create them a community as well.  It has nothing to do with FA because I don't run it.  As you all know, I ain't a captain here.  I don't like being in charge of something that's not work.  I'm in charge for a living I don't like doing it in my off time.  So...  I approaced the guild leader and asked him if he wanted an online community.  Obviously he jumped at it.  So this will be a project for me for a while for the world of warcraft gamers.  Granted this will be a guild site but I am going to engineer it so that it is open to the world.  I'm also popping up a TS server for them as well.

I am not recruiting.  I don't want any of you punks to leave FA for SWG or WoW.  I want you to keep playing.  Again I am not recruiting of encouraging anyone to leave FA.  However for any of those who already have made the decision to either multigame or leave...  and you have chosen WoW, possibly you could do your communicating on those resources instead of hurting anyone's feelings here.  

Hopefully this helps...  and possibly someone will make a resrouce that has nothign to do with FA for SWG.  

It's not what we were all hoping for...  since this will cause a split...  but it's better than nothing.  Please let me know what you think.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: likwidtek on June 21, 2005, 04:09:25 pm
I would like to add something.  If any of you hate me for choosing to spend most of my time in another game then that's fine.  But you all need to realize something and maybe other people will agree with me.  My loyalties don't lie with Mxo, they lie with you guys.  You guys are why I even played MxO.  I could give a shit about the game.  if you all up and decided to go play Sims Online, I'd prolly follow suit.  But my point is... I don't want to loose this community.  I feel this is the BEST gaming experience ever and it's because of you all.  If you guys decide that we all have to break apart that sucks, because I don't think that we'll find a group like this ever again.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 21, 2005, 04:37:51 pm
"My loyalties don't lie with Mxo, they lie with you guys. You guys are why I even played MxO. I could give a shit about the game."

Agreed, I hope we can work this out so it results in something other than a complete split. Either way, I have made a few friends here I know I will continue to game with. MMO's are all about the community after all, no need to start the entire community over just because the original MMO fell short of expectations.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Tbone on June 21, 2005, 04:47:04 pm
Quote from: "likwidtek"
If any of you hate me for choosing to spend most of my time in another game then that's fine.

I hate you! Gwahaha! It's all good b/c I have your Widow's Moor Lenses. Lol

I don't think we're talking about a massive split here. I think we're talking about maybe 5 people here who don't want to play the game anymore. We have people leave all the time. This is just the first time one of those people have worked to find a way to stay in the faction despite leaving the game. We still have a lot of members who primarily play MxO. Last night we had around 15 guys online just goofing off together doing some PvP and whatnot. This isn't a major split in the community by kicking out those who are leaving MxO. It's just saying farewell to one or two friends that are moving on.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 21, 2005, 07:43:33 pm
I dont even think those of us who are leaving are even playing on the same SWG server :P  They want me to switch from starsider, but I dont want to give up my FS .. I'm almost Jedi - just 2-3 more months.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Styan on June 21, 2005, 08:00:52 pm
Quote from: "Tbone"
Last night we had around 15 guys online just goofing off together doing some PvP and whatnot.

Hehe that was funny... Tizona asked a group of like lvl 8 - 22 RiP's to stand close together,  mind you the 8 and the 14 didn't get hurt, but the area hack that Tizona executed killed the 3 that were PvP enabled... lol  t'was fun!  Oh then there was the walk hunt... and the "RUN!" and pointing ... and countless warnings that tiz was going to kill them again.

Anyway I appologise for the minor hijack of the thread... i just found it amusing that they basically fell for the stand close together thing.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 21, 2005, 11:28:41 pm
I did some thinking more so then my previous post, and the more I thought about it the more I understand both points of view. I too when I have a free moment find myself wanting to play something other then MxO, but I find that I still can't cancel my account in hopes that maybe something good will happen that gives me the feelings I had when I first started playing. I also don't want to leave FA because I find these forums are more informative then say the Official MxO boards. The few reasons I've stayed this long is because the people I play with. I enjoy the company of the Angels, and while I'm not always ingame I always find the time to come to the boards and post a few things before getting the moments of sleep before the routine starts again.

I guess I think those that still want to be with the angels should still be allowed on the forums because this is where you can find out in an intelligent conversation that the game is getting better again. Maybe not so much on TS because that is the Angels communication network for MxO and that would influence others joining to sway and play other games. (Told you I actually read this time :) ) Perhaps that could be a way to work it out, where you don't just have to remove the 7 (so far) names on the list of those not currently playing MxO. Some of us just had life get in the way of our gaming and while we still find comfort in our friends here online we can't get to playing with them as much as we would like to.

Who knows with SOE taking over it might spark more interest in the game once again, and those who weren't playing might just come back :)
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 21, 2005, 11:42:26 pm
i agree with lelyel, ive been around since practically the beginning of this clan, or at least one of the very few veterans left. i love mxo, the community and FA like a second family, hell some of the time i put you guys above my g/f lol. ive just noticed that MxO isn't what it should be and playing it isn't fun for me anymore, im hoping with SOE stepping in things will greatly improve, one of the main reasons why i havn't cancled my mxo account. just thought i'd add something in, since i got to read everyones post.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 22, 2005, 01:11:16 am
Quote from: "Styan"
Quote from: "Tbone"
Last night we had around 15 guys online just goofing off together doing some PvP and whatnot.

Hehe that was funny... Tizona asked a group of like lvl 8 - 22 RiP's to stand close together,  mind you the 8 and the 14 didn't get hurt, but the area hack that Tizona executed killed the 3 that were PvP enabled... lol  t'was fun!  Oh then there was the walk hunt... and the "RUN!" and pointing ... and countless warnings that tiz was going to kill them again.

Anyway I appologise for the minor hijack of the thread... I just found it amusing that they basically fell for the stand close together thing.

I might as well tell the story of what happened seeing as I have a bit of a chance here.

My mission team came out of a building to see a cluster of about 5 or 6 RiP members, including infect (I HATE this guy).

All of them were below level 20, and the ones below 16 had their pvp flags on.
They said hi to me, then one of them said out load"of course he will!"

I then told them to stand in a group together, and then I went and dev fielded most of them (2 got away when I started the hack). I would follow these 2 people, not by running or jumping. I just walked after their waypoint and gave them emotes like "take cover" and "danger".

After awhile I broke the act and killed them off after they would not leave the area.


(sorry for the major off topic)
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 22, 2005, 02:34:23 am
So I decided to stop by and see another one of these HUGE (topically, not in size) threads showing up.. I think it's one of those bi-monthly drama festivals Tbone organises secretly.. you little drama queen you ;)

MxO isn't what ALOT of the people I know were really that hyped up for, in and out the faction, of course with something they don't like they will leave it.. but when you have known people for longer than you have known your new college mates, it's quite hard to say "Well fuck it, don't like MxO, you guys can kiss my ass"  Because that's literally how I would feel if I left.. and how I did when I left.

Those of you who know me well know how loyal I have been to the faction before release and after, doing everything I can with my limited skills and awkward time-zone for you, and I did it because I enjoyed it.  I enjoyed it because I see the people I know more as friends than as clan members, once you start looking at it like that.. you are simply that, clan members.  In my opinion FA would make a brilliant small gaming community, the guys and girls here are SO friendly and helpful and FUNNY.  You know that I haven't been playing the game much recently, it's hard to play so often when your mission team starts at 9pm local time and you have college the next day, a bus to catch at 7:45am.  I digress.

However, this is an MxO faction and it's formed from MxO players.. perhaps it should just be a Maztrix community. (GTG)
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: likwidtek on June 22, 2005, 02:41:59 am
anyone want my bandana?
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Anonymous on June 22, 2005, 02:53:26 am
I'd take it but I'm sure there is other people higher on that list that want it. So they probably get first dibs.
Title: Should we extend FA to other games? Please vote
Post by: Avzeke (Khr0n1k) on June 22, 2005, 04:11:58 am
Oh hells yeah ill take your banndanna
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