The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on June 17, 2005, 06:18:52 pm

Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 17, 2005, 06:18:52 pm
It comes to me in no easy part that I have to make this decision. However, after thinking it over for some time I’ve realized it’s simply the only sensible thing to do. As many of you have no doubt noticed by now, I’ve been pretty well absent from almost everything. I rarely ever come in game or am on the forums anymore. Most of that’s due to my job as a programmer, though half of it I’ll admit is me just losing the interest to 100% pursue MxO at all times.

   I’ve greatly enjoyed this game in the past, and the community that comes with it. However as time has slowly went I’ve noticed myself become less and less involved. Anyone still around from beta will remember there used to be a time when I was almost always jacked in and running missions with or for someone. However, in recent days I’ve just been too much into other things to take time out for MxO.

   The final nail in this coffin came after the demo for battlefield 2, and after the latest MxO story event was over I realized to myself “I can make time for this game, even though it’s not much, but why am I not trying to make time for MxO, especially a big story event?” It was at that moment I realized that something was wrong and I had to figure it out. Why was I avoiding the game? Ultimately I think it was because I often felt left behind as far as grinding and levels go (nobody generally wanted to help a level 25/26 gain levels fast) and the fact that I seemed to for some reason mesh less and less with everyone.

   So it is with heavy heart that I inform you all I am cancelling my subscription to The Matrix Online. Therefore, as also an act of attribution, leaving the faction (can’t be in an MxO faction if you don’t have the game after all.) I’ve enjoyed my time spent with all of you, though nothing for me will top the days spent in beta. And I just cannot in good conscience remain in a situation where someone may realistically depend on me for something that I may not have the ability/time to fufill. Thank you all for the good times you’ve provided, I will miss them. I am going to see if I can get the remainder of my subscription time added to kayda’s account so that he might be able to afford to at least stay longer with everyone here. I’m sorry it ended up this way, but it was fun while it lasted.


- Chris G.

Edit: No, they wouldn't let me add the time onto his account, damnit. -_- Oh well, with the SOE takeover I doubt he'd want to play anymore anyway.
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Avzeke (Khr0n1k) on June 17, 2005, 08:26:35 pm
Fallout it was nice knowing you man. Good luck on your future endevors!
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 17, 2005, 08:54:39 pm

my ship is all leaving!! wait!! come back!!! *reaches*

*arms aren't long enough*


well, it was great having you, fallout. you'll be missed, especially by your walaby-throwing family .... *sniff*

summon ... your squirrel ...

*lights flamethrower*
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Styan on June 17, 2005, 09:31:50 pm
Good to have run next to you in game Fallout.  

Good Luck!
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 17, 2005, 11:49:39 pm
A small ammedium for anyone that cares.

If you feel like talking still, and want to say hi, just leave me a message here ( It's the website I spend all my time programming for now.
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Manic Velocity on June 17, 2005, 11:53:40 pm
Take care, man.  Sorry to see you go.
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 18, 2005, 12:09:01 am
You'll be missed Fallout...however, I'll still get to see you IRL, so hellz yah! X3

There's talk of a West Coast FA meet, and because of the extenuating circumstances, I'm still gonna drag you your long hair...tied to the muffler of your car.........on fire.

So, anyway, I'm sorry you have to leave the game and the faction. Won't be the same without you.
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 18, 2005, 12:14:35 am
sorry to see you go Fallout, best of luck...though poor grim :)
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 18, 2005, 12:17:49 am
i'm sorry to see you go fallout... i too remember back in beta, yes you were a very avid player... i may not have known you well but we did game quite a bit together in beta... anyways, i wish you good luck, who knows, perhaps some day we'll see you again... peace bro
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 18, 2005, 06:39:31 pm
Good Luck to you in whatever you do.
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 18, 2005, 07:44:10 pm
alright cya dude take care
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 19, 2005, 05:57:12 am
take care fallout
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 19, 2005, 01:26:01 pm
Good riding with you man here to your fortune in future games!!!
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 19, 2005, 11:53:41 pm
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Avzeke (Khr0n1k) on June 20, 2005, 12:15:30 am
ahhh sploitz the screenshot is from that pre release rough cut version thing I forgot what its called..but yeah.
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: ArchNemesis on June 20, 2005, 12:21:47 am
I think Tizona said it best...

Quote from: "Tizona"

Oh well, i ran outta candles so...


(Yeah i was bored ^_^)
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 20, 2005, 07:15:49 pm
Bah, WB now says they can't refund or credit the account to anyone else. I'd really like to have my 100$ back, they're saying that I'm stuck with it. So, what I think I'll do is this. If someone here knows someone who'd be willing to pay 100$ or so (50/45$ less than buying it from WB) for an account with ten months left on it, contact me and let me know. I'll give them all my $info, inventory (minus FA uniform), abilities, and such, but not my actual character, which I'd delete after getting someone from here to hold my stuff for the new guy.

Only condition would be they couldn't use my Fallout2man as a character name. (I'm the only one who ever uses Fallout2man on anything and I'd like to keep it that way. That name's my entire online identity so I'm a tad attached to it.)

Anyone maybe know someone who may be interested? I normally wouldn't want to violate the terms of service, but after the WB just told me to "suck it up and play it out" after explaining my situation and pleading with them for some sort of solution, I've decided I really want some money back from all this.
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Styan on June 20, 2005, 08:03:09 pm
I'll had a few friends that before the Friends and Family event were interested... I'll talk to them and see if theres any glimmer of hope of them gettin the game... maybe with this offer one will open their eyes...
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 22, 2005, 01:21:09 am
since no one has yet, I call dibs on his info and items! :D

on a more serious, less asshole-ish note, you'll be missed, it was fun playin with ya.
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Styan on June 22, 2005, 01:23:21 pm
Nope... All three of them are stuck on not getting the game. So drop that idea.
Title: A sad conclusion reached.
Post by: Anonymous on June 22, 2005, 06:04:06 pm
blah, well I need to find someone. And nobody gets my stuff unless they want to buy the account. :p I'm going to have to try something else. -_-
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