The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 26, 2005, 07:25:22 am

Title: New Morpheus mission
Post by: Anonymous on May 26, 2005, 07:25:22 am
Sadly, I missed out on this. Can anyone tell me what happened?
Title: New Morpheus mission
Post by: Anonymous on May 26, 2005, 08:07:37 am
There has been some suspicious activity by the imposter agents in the Matrix latley, and Tyndall has asked you to see if you could dig something up.  The first location she sends you is the known location of a pyrotechnics specialist who it is believed is supplying the imposter agents with a bomb.  When you arrive, you find several imposter agents there to pick up the bomb.  You kill them all and speak with the scientist.  He tells you that he has been held against his will, and that the imposter agents would be back again soon to take the bomb again.  So you leave a tracking device on the bomb and go elsewhere to investigate the IA 's activity.  When you arrive, real agents are fighting IA's, and the fighting stops in surprise that you are there.  Now you have to finish off what;'s left of the IA's.  After kiling them all, you speak with an Agent and he informs you tha they too have been trying to stop this new threat of IA's.  In a bold move, you tip your hand, telling them that you know what there next move is, and you think you can stop them.  The Agents then offer their... services in exchange for stopping the IA's.  You take the Agents and followt the tracking device's signal.  You and your new found Agent teamates kick some ass.  You take back the bomb inorder to return it to a Zion scientist who will dismantle it.  When you arrive there, you find none other than Morpheus waiting with the ZIon specialist.  You drop off the bomb and chat with Morpheus for a bit.  He congratulates you on bieng a light in the darkness.  You leave the area and discover that Morpheus has given you a gift.  An experience enhancer...

(The enhancer is currently bugged) so most of us are not using it so that we dont waste it.)
Title: New Morpheus mission
Post by: Avzeke (Khr0n1k) on May 26, 2005, 08:27:19 am
bugged? since when? i wouldnt know since im saving it till lvl 49. Also to add to the story Tyndall is surprised Morpheus is there and tells you to act with caution, but i find it wierd that you are giving Morpheus a "Large Bomb" and tyndall is fine with it. Once you complete the mission Tyndall then calls Zion opertives to surround the building to take in Morpheus but obviously he escaped because he had to go get him self shot up else where.
Title: New Morpheus mission
Post by: Anonymous on May 26, 2005, 09:01:39 am
i finished the mission last night but when i went to check my inventory this morning... it wasnt there and i know i didnt recycle it becuase i didnt recycle anything after the mission and i didnt get rolled back because my xp and info were still there after the mission... wtf? anyone know what happened?
Title: New Morpheus mission
Post by: Manic Velocity on May 26, 2005, 09:49:28 am
This mission rocked!  Best critical mission so far.

As for the lack of reward, I've heard other people say the same thing.  Check your inventory.  It looks like a code analyzer tool.
Title: New Morpheus mission
Post by: Anonymous on May 26, 2005, 09:52:46 am
yea i did... i only had one and it was an actual code analyzer i have had forever...
Title: New Morpheus mission
Post by: Anonymous on May 26, 2005, 07:36:23 pm
im still working on it, hey a skill enhancer might be able to boost me up so i can actually help out once in a while.
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