The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on May 24, 2005, 06:53:14 pm
Welcome to the Furious Angels!
Willkommen zu den Engeln
HI!!!!! *waves*
*throws a walaby at your heads*
..... yeah! so ..... you've been added (
Hey! welcome aboard guys :)
welcome to the ranks. stay true to the path.
Welcome Guys! Glad you're here!
welcome to da projects.
Welcome aboard
Thanks Guys.
Welcome to the faction! :D See you on Teamspeak!
Welcome to FA, careful with your wings.
Glad you joined us Torque. My life expectancy in MxO just doubled.
lol, thanks a bunch :D
Ah snap Torque is here!!!
lol, i did a double take when i read torque. nice to have you onboard.
Oh no! Added to Grim's "Naughty" list already...
I feel sorry for the lot of you :)
Good to see you weren't put off by the challenge!! Welcome!
Welcome fellas
Welcome. Good to have you aboard!
welcome aboard
Always glad to have new recruits. :)
Welcome to all! and you can finally stop asking me questions to which I have no answers Heironymus. :-) Now lets go kill somethin'
Welcome to the Furious Angels.
Welcome to the FA family!!!!
Yes, Welcome to our big happy family! :D
Welcome friends, good to have you with us.
Welcome guys, and have fun wupin ass coz we do :)
thank you everyone. it's an honor to be apart of the faction.