The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 12, 2005, 09:50:42 am

Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 12, 2005, 09:50:42 am
Is The Matrix Powered by PC or by Mac?

And if applicable, what operating system?

Haven't you ever wondered this?  


btw: I"m not completely serious.  Just something to toss around.
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Manic Velocity on May 12, 2005, 10:10:30 am
The Matrix is cluttered and unstable.  Obviously run from a PC.  :)

If it were run on a Mac, things would work and they'd be a lot prettier.
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Ketamininja on May 12, 2005, 10:21:16 am
I think there are lots of cluster servers.
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 12, 2005, 10:48:48 am
Unix biyatches! :D
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 12, 2005, 12:14:48 pm

Clusters?  What clusters?

( (

Time for a defragmentation
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 12, 2005, 01:05:12 pm
I mean the Ficitonal version of the Matrix, not the MxO servers.
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 12, 2005, 01:56:56 pm

if you think about it, if they were smart enough to create a true AI, one of two things happened.

1) microsoft bought out EVERYTHING and elimatated competition, therefore all creative minds could work together to create the best OS in the world (and computers don't come in 60 lb steel cases and still manage to have severe power supply and motherboard problems ... brand new) OR

2) someone blew up the microsoft HQ and microsoft was forced to re-program everything and not allowed to use old codes or programs that, when they try to fix, create more bugs and programs .... wait, isn't that how the Matrix is now? looks like it must be windows then :(
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 12, 2005, 02:22:57 pm
A question that I've always had that is somewhat related.

Who is the "task manager" in The Matrix and does he use Alt F4?
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 12, 2005, 02:37:57 pm
I undoubtedly believe matrix is run on PC, but would have liked to have been built upon some sort of *nix based machines, it would run a hell of a lot smoother and solid than PC. Yes, this would include mac as well, as much as I'd hate to admit it :P All I have to say as far as my liking for Mac: The G5. Period.
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Styan on May 13, 2005, 12:04:28 am
Deffinently PC... And there are GSOD's (Green Screen of Death) showing on the code screens right now!
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2005, 02:43:11 am
They're run off of IBM X Series servers, that much I know, and I think they have it so that they can change stuff via Unix or Windows.
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2005, 03:03:49 am
PC. Definitely.

I'm thinking it's probably Windows, since they've been through 6 versions of it already, and it still manages to get fucked up in the end.
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2005, 03:07:25 am
It's gotta be PC...

Unfortunately, im running widows xp pro.   :'(   and yes, i don't like it......
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2005, 03:23:41 am
here's the answer from IBM:
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2005, 10:05:31 am
i say the Matrix is powered by Walmart. everyone in the early 21st century knew Walmart was going to take over the world. its just so much of that history has been lost that we dont know. Walmart is still lurking in the background somewhere, subjugating all of humanity in there illusionary reality. either that or AOL. you know what... yeah... AOL. thats it.
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2005, 06:55:46 pm
Most of the people here think I'm asking about the servers that power MxO.

In actuality, my question is in regard to the concept of the "real" Matrix, where human minds are held captive while their bodies are used as batteries.
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2005, 07:19:34 pm
Machine city is owned by microsoft and the matrix is powerd by microsoft's windows MXP. but Zion is owned by Apple because when you buy a mac, it comes with no progams on it, when a pc, comes fully packed. the Exiles are owned by a small privetly owned company called Ap-frenchman-soft.
Title: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Kosila on May 14, 2005, 02:51:58 am
You know that big face at the end of the third movie? The machine face that Neo bargained with? That was Bill Gates.

... and Smith represented Firefox ...
Title: Re: The Matrix: Powered By PC or Mac?
Post by: Anonymous on May 16, 2005, 12:58:59 am
Quote from: "Phienyx"
Is The Matrix Powered by PC or by Mac?

And if applicable, what operating system?

Haven't you ever wondered this?  


btw: I"m not completely serious.  Just something to toss around.

Probably  a linux Distro. It's known they run these on special IBM servers (probably a suped up blade) and those usually run *nix. If they're not running that then probably solaris, as frankly macs suck at server work and most servers either run *nix, solaris or BSD.
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