The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 11, 2005, 09:19:07 pm
For serious, who is the BEST bartender!?
Lelyel, of course, is my most humble and kick-ass assistant, no vote needed!!
Coytote Ugly, anyone? Chick's rules at bartending.
You are the best oh great master.
wooooooo! Grim for prez in 2008... ahem... you in need of an intern grim?
Hmm Getting my drink from a good looking bartender... Sounds like a winner to me.
you got boobs. no contest.
Sorry, Vin. Grim gets my vote. I'm seen her mad skillz in action
Bah, all of you voting for Grim have obviously never had my world famous Bloody Mary.
Even Flood expressed his enjoyment of my Mamosa.... you know how picky those Merv's are.
grim is the best hands down...even the machines have to say she is
.... you're going to trust the frenchman over your own angels?
you know he's infamous for how "truthful" he can be .....
pffffft go play with the frenchies then :p
well i am the best, but i will give my vote to grim.
No contest, I'll mix you a corkscrew and a jack-n-coke better and faster than the next schtick. Here's the REAL question. For Grim and Vinz,
What is the best way to serve a martini? Shaken, or stirred? And why?
Whoever can answer that correctly should be the barkeep. :)
depends on the person sared. some like it shaken some like it stirred. i'd go with the way the person ordering wants :)
/agree with lel
if not specified, you ask. is it that hard?
the customer is always right
even when they are drunk behind the bar hitting on you and your bouncers (including the married ones) are hitting on the girls on the other side of the room *sigh*
lel, we need new bouncers :)
as far as which TASTES best? i couldn't tell you. hard to get martinis when you're underage unless you go to a lot of weddings or travel out of the state ... and i don't do either. i sit in my room and play mxo all day :p
Okay, then answer it another way, whats the difference between a shaken and stirred martini? I'll give you a hint, a stirred martini has a better flavor, and Bond is a pussy. :)
I'll vote.... only if you pull the coyote ugly bit.... ;)
Grim has just been bartending longer. Now that I think of it though, who was the first player to roleplay as a bartender?
shaking up a martini breaks up the ice cubes and dilutes the drink
actually, sared cheated and told me before i got back to reading this thread :(
as far as who was first, i really don't know. i haven't seen anyone other than myself and lelyel ever bartending, and we started just a little bit after the last character wipe near the end of beta. i've heard of other people who did it, but i never got names, so i dunno
Soz, thought you had replied already. I was out job-hunting. :)
ok, can any of you spin 5 bottles with your feet. if the answer is no, then i claim, like i always have, i am the best.
vin gets my vote. even though grim's got some "tita's" and has served some great drinks in the past, vin's Bloody Mary's are a real "knockout"......I choose vin's drinks over grims "tita's" because there are plenty of sluts with big tits to go around in the Matrix..........and no, not Nemi, the FA Slut.......... :S
Hey, Bond's not a pussy, unless you count wanting to enjoy a bit of a drink, while stilll bein able to keep sharp by not having a drink that meant to get you drunk as fast as possible. Shit, if I had as many people out to kill me as Bond did, I probably wouldn't drink at all.
ice, you have no room to talk about what i serve. everytime you have been around when i was bartending, you were ... umm ... "bouncing" .... and just served yourself .... you never even let me serve you, so take this sock, stick it in your mouth, and talk about something you know about, eh?
plus, since when am i a slut? what defines me as such? just because i'm a woman doesn't make me a slut .... bastard :p
didnt say u were a slut....... :'(
I said that i can go get a few sluts to get some "tita's" from......
And as far as bartending goes......U got me too drunk too quick...
Vin got me drunk slowly.....which is what i like :D getting drunk slowly..... :2d
Hope that clears things up.....
dude ... you got YOURSELF drunk .... like i said you wouldn't let me serve you, so you can't comment on my bartending skills. end of story.
as far as you calling me a slut, where the fuck did you come up with "tita's"?? yeah ... obviously you have never let me serve you ...
.........................calm down...................
You have served me a few times now and then when i have taken breaks from bouncing. You're bartending skills are great, it's just I prefer vin more, that's all. it's an opinion.................. :S
and i got the word "tita's" from Dave Chapell Show, even though now i heard he's locked up in some mental institution somewhere.....blah
so grim, calm down. :p Nothin to be mad at........
dude lol i'm not mad, i was just making my point :)
Well Either way anyone looks at it id rather receive a fine looking drink from fine looking bartenders end of story.
Okay, barkeep question again for the boths of ya. What do you call it when you mix creme de menth with hersheys? What is 1 part coke, 1 part vodka? What is the minimum age for a good scotch? Whats the difference between Twisted and Triple Black?
Have fun. :)
Sared, perhaps you should check your local AA meeting place ;)
1) Kahluah After Eighteen?
2) Dormitory Madness lol
3) 10 years
4) I believe Triple Black is carbonated, Twisted is not. And Twisted has nasty after-tastes. I'll take Pucker instead, thanks :) I like my liquid suckers :p
Sared your beginning to scare me....especially since your not even 20 yet....
Okay, Smirnoff ya got right. The first one is right, but just pull the kahluah, it doesn't mix with food (desserts and such) very well. Second one is actually called a Roman Coke. 12 years is the minimum age for a good scotch.
I'll post round two in a few here, but for starters, whats the most distinguished (and oldest) vinyard in SouthCA that is recognized for a red wax seal to cover the cork?
BTW Ket, Lel, I'm a connoisseur, not an alcoholic. :)
edit:// Oh, and please don't use, its cheating, and they have idiotic names for some of that stuff. Dormitory Madness? What the hell?
Tsk tsk sared...if you did your research you'd know to look for a bottle of scotch that is atleast 10 years old...making that the minimum...believe me I researched...the better scotches are 12, 15 or if you have the money 20 yrs. The year being when the newest was added to the barrel not the average age of the brew. It should be stored in a cool dark location also. The first question I asked a bartending friend of mine he gave me the answer of Liquid After Eight or it could be Astroturf, both being served in a highball glass. I was also told by this person the difference between twisted and triple black is that twisted adds extra flavors and crap, (which is why i like it) vs the triple black which is just distilled 3 times for a smoother taste. The coke and Vodka one, well he said most just as for coke and vodka :) lol but eh...what do I know, I don't go to the bars that often any the way June Bugs and Alabama Slammers are my favorites....Followed closely by chocolate martini's and Sex on the Beach :)
There aren't any distinguished vineyards in southern california. There's a very good reason that Fresno and south are known for producing raisins and not for producing good grapes. Climate ain't right. That's like saying what's the most distinguished samoan automobile manufacturer?
The only real bartending question is: What's the maximum number of ingredients in a classic good drink? (Not including ice, but including twists, wedges, etc.)
'better' might not be the right term, again, it's personal preference. stirred has a more 'abrupt' flavor, where as shaken is a bit more smooth and consistant.
Ratio got it right. SouthCA isn't the home of any good vinyards because of the crappy soil. If you get the waxed bottle one right, then I'll be impressed.
BTW, I've tasted a 12 and 15 year scotchs and there isn't any discernable difference. In fact, the 15 had more of a woody flavor to it and didn't go down well. :P the difference between a 10 and 12 year is noticable though. :)
no, actually that name came from a friend, not a site, but ya know, i hang out with crazy band people. they're prolly the ones who submited it :p
and ratio .... 4 :p
ok I have two for you. the first one was going around the internet for a while:
Beer Prayer
Our lager,
Which art in barrels,
Hallowed be thy drink.
Thy will be drunk,
(as I will be drunk)
At home, as it is in the tavern.
Give us this day our foamy head,
And forgive us our spillages,
As we forgive those who spill upon us.
And lead us not to incarceration,
But deliver us from hangovers.
For thine is the beer, the bitter, and the lager.
Forever and ever,
Pass the pretzels.
SO THEN a friend of mine decided to write his own beer prayer .... it's ... fun ....
Beer Prayer (Revisited)
Now I lay me down to sleep,
My 50 beers I pray I keep
Cold and iced and ready to drink.
I pray not to pour them down the sink.
I pray I find bottled beer
Far from the cans of yesteryear.
Now I lie back - not have to think
About the beers I had to drink.
Or as the room spins where I'm at,
I pray not to throw up on the cat.
I pray for time all for myself,
in silence so my head don't ralph.
To sleep in my nice soft bed
and pray not to hit my head.
Some silent moments for goodness sake,
I pray all night my head won't break.
And that I need not eat or drink,
For recovery is what I think.
Yes, now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my schlitz within me keep
But as I look around I surely know,
I threw it up an hour ago.
~BCZ aka CHC~
the real beer preyer is:
our beer,
who we kjgdgsf,
because we all know, you can not prey to the wonders of beer. you just gota drink it. and the thump is when you hit the ground after drinking the total amount your body can hold. somthing i still need to find out.
Sared, I am saving that poem of Dr. Seus being drunk!!! LOL!!!
gonna print it out and show that one to my friends cause i think its that DAMN funny.... LOL!!!!