The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => Off Topic => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 29, 2005, 01:16:33 pm

Title: Guild Wars
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2005, 01:16:33 pm
Ok............. before I get my head chopped off by some of you :P let me say this. Yes, I went out and bought the game. Yes, I enjoy the PvP system the game offers. And I am also playing it because a bunch of my friends from my SWG guild are playing GW and it's refreshing to be able to see them again.

With that said..... I will be on and off with MxO for a little. I am in no way cancelling my account though, and will pop in often.

The main reason for posting this though is to see if anyone else got the game. If you did, then you can add my characters name (Kayte Hunter (my SWG chars name)) to your friends list and maybe we can hook up some time.
Title: Guild Wars
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2005, 03:26:01 pm
*cuts off head* ok back to Mxo....j/k hehe i'd like to get the game, but im in Italy, im poor and im not home.
Title: Guild Wars
Post by: ArchNemesis on April 29, 2005, 06:48:42 pm
It's cool dude... i'm playing other games as well  ( not MMO's so that i don't get addicted to anything else other than MXO just UT2k4 and stuff :P) but yeah i understand how you feel. A good break from MxO isn't a bad thing
Title: Guild Wars
Post by: Eroz on April 29, 2005, 07:12:26 pm
From what I understand it should be titled MORPG (no massive) and not MMORPG? So whats your take on it.
Title: Guild Wars
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2005, 07:31:09 pm
i plan on getting it too, don't know when because im a broke ass...but ill let you know when i do though...
Title: Guild Wars
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2005, 01:16:12 am
Whenever I have a spare $50 to put into this game, I probably will. Although I don't see that happening any time soon.
Title: Guild Wars
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2005, 09:22:18 pm
Well........ I went ahead and started a guild with my buds on GW. We're called HAUNT and are currently 12 members strong. Because I'm "In charge" I've been spending a LOT of time on GW. So until I can show the other officers the fundamentals of the game and equalize the responsibilities, Imma be over there for a while.....

ROFL in the process I convinced one of my SWG friends to give MxO a shot, he's pretty interested. =) So if I'm on MxO and you see me with a noob, just /wave and say hi! =P
Title: Guild Wars
Post by: likwidtek on May 04, 2005, 08:15:12 am
bastard....  you too good for MxO???? huh????

(heh any of you guys play WoW?  look for widlik on doomhammer)  :P
Title: Guild Wars
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2005, 08:36:13 am
yeah ive seen info on the game here and there. not too impressed. and yeah that game is no MMO. i wouldnt expect many content updates for it in the future if any at all that arent expansions themselves that need to be purchased. theres a reason we pay $15 a month to play FFXI, WoW, or MxO. as far as im concerned its a tricked out Diablo2 thats calling itself an MMO. its not the real deal.
Title: Guild Wars
Post by: likwidtek on May 04, 2005, 05:49:50 pm


OH!!!  You are talking about guild wars... nm
Title: Guild Wars
Post by: Anonymous on May 05, 2005, 06:11:13 pm
I got Guild Wars today and i have a lvl4 right now the name is Hyuga Orien.  Anyone ingame that wants to group up for some quests let me know.
Title: Guild Wars
Post by: Anonymous on May 06, 2005, 08:23:53 am
I've got it as well.. Aydyn Kent is my name :) Would love to find out about your guild Ristan :) I'm lookin' for a good one, been in 2 already and noone cares to really help out a no0b.
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