The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 29, 2005, 03:47:50 am
Apparantley Alot of there level 50s are bored so a handfull Have come to enumerator
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Is this old news? or new I dont know
dill is really upstream btw...
Oh Didnt Know:( Just kept me figuring
You can't know unless you ask so ask away.
yay more reds!
it will be a bloody day when they hit level 16 ...
is it just me or was it a really dumb idea to take on enumerator AFTER method ... ?!?
Yea boy are they in for a PWN Castle special order suprise when they get to PVP levels.
I think I know what happened.
Viral Vendetta is getting cocky that they can take on Zionists. They tell Collective that the server is safe now for the weak such as themselves to start playing on. They probably offered protection or something. Basically, they'll probably stick around the higher level machinists to avoid getting pwned.
once we get a few more 50s in FA i don't think we'll have much to worry about.... as it is a small team of us can hold our own with their entire faction (V V)...imagine what i large team of us would do.... and yes, this is me, being cocky :P
Ah the collective...such wonderful memories.
good times, good times.
We should throw a welcome back party for them.
we really should, and i'm not joking
*double post sorry*
Who is the collective comming in after a huge part of History in FA kinda leaves you clueless. May I suggest a Timeline or something? I would be more then happy to assemble it from the very start of the FA. First whim of thought you had Tbone about the FA. Anyways anyone explain who they are or what this means?
they are the antichrists
The Collective=machinest version of FA
How can this be bad? Don't we share a common enemy? Or is as I see it currently Zion vs All?
a little history rundown
god created man
man created beta
beta was wonderful
rip ... was ... .created?
rip ruined events
rip sploited
the collective formed
the collective try to be friends with FA and fight against rip
the collective change their mind and make up some BS about us ganking them when we were 50 and they were 30 (ironically, the same story we keep hearing from rip)
rip was banned
we threw a party
the collective took rip's place in society
the collective went to method
FA went to enumerator
we threw another party
individual members of the artist formerly known as rip form the factions sin and the syndicate
said members joined enumerator
people give FA a bad name because there aren't enough real sploiters around
the collective got jealous that they can't be gankers so they joined too
predicting the future:
the collective will regain their former place in the mxo community
the name of FA will be cleared
we kill the collective over and over and over and over and over
the collective will complain to the devs/csrs/gms/whoever they can get e-mails/phone numbers for
said mxo staff will ignore them and tell them to deal with it
the collective will react with hostilities toward the community
the collective will be banned
neo will return
the FA will receive gold trophies and REAL white uniforms that MATCH
the matrix will be pure and everyone will live happily ever after :)
did i miss anything? :p
actually the collective formed before they even had beta, just like us...
as for the collective complaining about us? heh, they wouldn't..they came here for us =)
yeah collective was the first ever faction i do belive.
that I don't think is true, though I might be wrong
Lol Nice Little Prediction Grim.
theres More..
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yeah they were the first faction, or was it the anarchy faction? or the pwntouchables? hah i forget
The Collective=machinest version of FA
Hah, not quite. I remember a battle we had. They managed to round up 9 members. We had around 24. They definitely do not equal us.
grim your synopsis has a flaw, the part about FA owning collective over and over and over.... yeah that's not gonna happen unless we pick up the slack, we can barely handle V.V. right now, let alone collective + V.V. + syndicate + SoG + drunken masters + Continuity + whoever else jumps on the must-kill-FA bandwagon... our army of level 20-30s aint gonna cut it, not tryin to sound hopeless, just tellin it how it is, at the moment anyway
The end is near
The Collective=machinest version of FA
Hah, not quite. I remember a battle we had. They managed to round up 9 members. We had around 24. They definitely do not equal us.
didn't we do a battle again and even out the numbers, and while they were getting their ass kicked they called "we win", while the fight was still going on and only a couple of us were on the ground dead..there was still a fight going on and they called it lols..they suck so bad one on one...
when I say machinist version, I don't mean the are equal to us, but they are one if not the strongest machine faction...or at least one of the bigger ones.
yeah they were the first faction, or was it the anarchy faction? or the pwntouchables? hah I forget
see the thing is pwntouchables call themselves the non clan clan so i think that may count them out or somthing.