The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 21, 2005, 10:38:50 pm

Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2005, 10:38:50 pm
Just a suggestion...

Since the game went live the construct loot tables have been totally revamped... there are alot of new and very powerful construct items that we need to start collecting before everyone gets to level 50. I know of at least 2 nice items in Sakura that would be very helpful to many of us, as well as 2 more items in Widows Moor. I wish I had thought of this earlier, as I'm sure many of us do... Many of us neglected to check out the constructs thinking they would all have the same crappy super jump beret, but lots has changed. I suggest we get what mid-levels we have that can still get into these constructs to farm for these rare items as much as possible... I know it's alot to ask, but if we miss our oppertunity now we may pay for it in the long run.

Sakura Boots
Stealth 40pts
Combat Evasing 50%
Min Char. Level 35

There's also a Sakura Mask... it looks like a black rag that you wear over your mouth. I believe it gives various buffs, one of them being 50pts Viral Deflection.

Widows Moor Glasses
I forget the exact stats on these but they are extremely nice. I believe one of the many buffs is 15 levels of Belief.

Widows Moor Beret
IS Regen 25%
+ another nice buff that I don't remember... basicly making the sparkling fedora look like childs play.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2005, 10:47:14 pm
yeah i agree...good lookin out gabe.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2005, 11:02:56 pm
W00t. Let's get some teams up into these constructs to start farming the items. I think we should also get a signup list going for those who want the items, and the people in charge of the teams could make sure that the individuals can join their team to receive the loot.

(Not necessarily requiring the individual who wants the item to come to the construct. I remember Broin or Beleev was out hunting the berets, and would give a shout in teamspeak whenever he got one, and would invite the person who wanted it to his team and set the loot to the "FFA" setting, so that it would be given to the other teammember)
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2005, 01:42:58 am
I haven't seen too many of these items so I'm not sure of the accuracy.  Can anyone confirm or deny these items?

According to the Prima MxO Guide:

Yuki  (15-25)
Warrior Initiate:  
Yuki Ninja Gloves (F/M) (Rare)
15: Melee Damage 20pts| MDR 4%

Warrior Priestess:
Yuki Ninja Boots (F/M) (Rare)
20: EC 25% |Stealth Ability 20P

Yuki Ninja Mask (F) / Bandana (M) (Very Rare)
30: F 10L |MDR 6P|RDR 6P|VDef 25pts
possibly Rare Code Frag

Ashencourte  (20-30)
Blood-drinker Whelp:
Ashencourte Vestment (F/M) Shirt (Rare)
20: Max Buffer capacity +20units

Ashencourte Leggings (F/M Pants) (Rare)
25: MVS 25% |RDR 5%

Ashencourte  Shades (F/M Sunglasses) (Very Rare)
35: P 12L |Detect 10pts |CN 10P
possibly Rare Code Frag

One Zero Archive  (26-35)
Light Meson Rifle
10: 60-90dmg |Range=20 |-5 Tactics; Stun Target (15%)

Medium Meson Rifle
20: 100-150dmg |Range=20 |-5 Tactics; Stun Target (15%)

Task Master:
Heavy Meson Rifle
40: 180-270dmg |Range=20 |-5 Tactics; Stun Target (20%)
possibly Rare Code Frag

Sakura  (30-40)
Warrior Initiate:  
Yuki Ninja Gloves (F/M) (Rare)
15: Melee Damage 40pts| MDR 6%

Warrior Priestess:
Yuki Ninja Boots (F/M) (Rare)
20: EC 50% |Stealth Ability 40P

Yuki Ninja Mask (F) / Bandana (M) (Very Rare)
30: F 15L |MDR 9P|RDR 9P|VDef 50pts
possibly Rare Code Frag

Widow's Moor (36-45)
Widow's Moor Wool (F/M Coat) (Rare)
36: EC 40pts | VR 8pts

Deathfang Alpha:
Widow's Moor Cap (F/M Hat) (Rare)
40: V 10L |ISRegen 25pts

Widow's Moor Lenses (F/M Sunglasses) (Very Rare)
40: B 15L |F 5L |P 5L |ISRegen 25pts |HRegen 25pts
possibly Rare Code Frag

Zero One Archive  (40-50)
Light Meson Rifle MK II
30: 130-200dmg |Range=20 |-5 Tactics; Stun Target (15%)

Medium Meson Rifle MK II
40: 190-280dmg |Range=22 |-5 Ranged Tactics; Stun Target (15%)

Task Master:
Heavy Meson Rifle MK II
40: 200-290dmg |Range=22 |-5 Ranged Tactics; Stun Target (20%)
possibly Rare Code Frag

EC=Evade Combat
VR=Viral Resistance
MVS=Movement Speed
MDR=Melee Damage Resistance
RDR=Ranged Damage Resistance
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2005, 08:24:05 am
hell yah beleev start putting all the crap from that book in here.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2005, 08:49:04 am
I was thinking about going and picking one up myself today. That and I want the stealth and melee damage clothing before I hit 36 lol.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2005, 09:00:00 am
damn the constructs for taking so long to get up and running. Those are some pretty good items there.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2005, 09:01:56 am
*dances happily cause she didn't race to 50* :p
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2005, 01:08:55 pm
I have a boring week ahead of me of 5 levels in Sakura then 5 levels in Widow's Moor.  I'm gonna be screwed for money but maybe I can collect a bandana or three.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2005, 01:14:32 pm
i don't think the items from the constructs are tradeable cortico....
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2005, 04:30:26 pm
on the contrary it appears some are tradeable, others can be passed to the next member of your mission team.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Fuse on April 22, 2005, 04:48:22 pm
The way we did it beta:
Max out all your inventory space, invite the person to your group, loot item. Because your inventory space is filled, the other person will get the item no matter what zone they are in, or even if they're in loading area. This also works if everyone in the group except the person to receive it has thier inventory filled.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2005, 07:43:00 am
I think the way you'd have to do it would be the way fuse so beautifully described to get around it, however gabe the probablility that the rarest of items being tradeable i don't see happening :) just my opinion though i could be wrong.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2005, 08:15:10 am
fuse your beautiful beautiful exploiter :P
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Fuse on April 23, 2005, 09:52:47 am
It's a feature. =)
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2005, 10:12:57 am
Who wants to go on a Yuki raiding party? I figure we can take out Tengu with 4 players: At least 2 MAs, at least one Rezzer, and a hacker or ranged.   The more the better though.

I'm lvl 25, so time is running out for me there.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2005, 02:29:02 pm
Subtek, I'm game. there's 2. we need 2 more.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Tbone on April 23, 2005, 05:28:21 pm
Wow, if I could get the bandana and the Widow's Moor shades I'd be very happy. From what I understand, though, these items are NOT dropping often.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2005, 06:27:19 pm
Again...According to the Prima guide:

Construct Special Loot

There is a 1% chance that the Rank 1 and 2 AI enemies in a Construct will drop their unique items.

There is a 0.5% chance that the boss will drop his unique item.

1 out of 200 kills seems a bit harsh.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 24, 2005, 05:19:28 am
I was able to get him a couple times earlier today.  A team of about 6 mervs and 4 zions attacked him at once, so it wasn't too hard.  The first person to interlock him takes the brunt of the damage so as long as a healer is there it should be no problem.  But there wasn't this time and I died after the 3rd or 4th spawn.  When I came back, everyone was gone.  

| didnt get any of the special items, just some pants and some red frags (which i lost when I died).

I'm going out of town for a few days so I'll try again when I get back.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Tbone on April 24, 2005, 05:53:47 am
I've been leveling off of the Zero One construct for a good while, and that boss hasn't dropped his rare item yet. We did get two heavy meson rifles, which are the 1% drops, tonight though. It's gonna be a while...
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 24, 2005, 07:22:31 am
Just wanted to make a modification to the list, so i'm posting it here. I got 2 One Zero (26-35) Heavy Meson Rifle and it's 20% chance to stun for 8 seconds.

I'm opening a new thread, that should be bumped up to top just so people know how important constructs are VS missions. Nothing much, just the thought.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2005, 09:13:16 am
i dont suppose that any of those items are able to be decompiled...
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2005, 11:45:32 am
nope, boss drops, dungeon drops and collectors items aren't decompilable.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2005, 12:51:34 pm
I was told the rare drop is a 1/500, which is .2%, with both male and female version availible that makes it .1% chance you will get the item.. but Smallchips got his bandana after a full week of camping.  Statistically, I bet you have to kill him more than 500 times to get out of the 10 level range.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2005, 01:38:53 pm
I'm an idiot for giving away female yuki ninja gloves to another zion faction then... *:bangs head on wall:*
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Avzeke (Khr0n1k) on April 27, 2005, 03:42:08 pm
well i got 2 female pairs of the yuki gloves before i even got a male i gave on to grim and if another female wants the other just tell me in faction chat or send me a tell.
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2005, 03:53:12 pm
While I'm still in the appropriate level range, I would like to get a group together to hit up Ashencourte. Not only for the boss drop, but the Blood drinker (level 25) there drop the ever-so-sexy movement speed +25% pants. I looted TWO, count 'em, TWO of the female versions and gave them out, and I'll be dammed if I hit 30 before I get one! </pout>
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2005, 07:51:35 pm
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2005, 02:01:08 am
I can help in ashtencourte! sared... I'll look for u next time I'm in
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2005, 07:04:55 am
i need a lot of stuff, prefer to have it be may 20th
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Avzeke (Khr0n1k) on June 13, 2005, 10:52:12 pm
/bump because i was looking for this and other people may like the info
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 12:20:05 am
I'll /bump you!
*shakes fist* :)
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 02:23:52 am
I have TWO!!!! thats right... TWO!!!!! sakura ninja MASK's! any female that needs one is welcome to PM me. HOWEVER! I would be very grateful if one of you could trade me for a Sakura Bandana!!. Thanx!
Title: Construct Boss-Drops
Post by: Styan on June 21, 2005, 10:10:18 pm

/request for sticky... (or moved and stickied, or cls listed... or whatever a mod/staff member thinks is best)
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