The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 16, 2005, 07:39:57 pm

Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2005, 07:39:57 pm
Agent Skinner showed up today in Mara Central. He didn't say much and then a whole bunch of people started to swarm him so he started to run. He ran away from the hardline then into the church and then to the roof and then vanished. Then I went into Club Polyvinyl to chill, then I see Morpheus run past me with a few people follow him. From the looks of it, he contacted specific people.

The following factions were there: The Kindred, The Risen Triad, The Sacred Order, The Illuminati

Here is the conversation:

Morpheus: Quit
Cozmic: Agent Skinner knows you are here.
Morpheus: Skinner is nearby.
Morpheus: I know, Cozmic
Morpheus: What I am carrying cannot get into his hands.
Morpheus: I am not concered for myself.
Cozmic: I can carry it.
Morpheus: Keep an eye out.
Couger0: hi Morpheus
Durkin: I'll watch the stairs.
Cozmic: If you need someone to.
Morpheus: Quiet. We must not attract attention to ourselves.
Comic: yes sir
Morpheus: I wish I could spend some time and talk to you, but I am in hast.
Durkin: Main floor is clear.
Morpheus: Listen. I'm going to head back out. Skinner should have moved on by then. Cover me to the hardline.
Kotar: yes sir
Xaviya: Yes sir.
Cozmic: yes sir
Morpheus: Wait, something is on the roof.
SolisFates: Yes Sir.
Pyrokenetic: yes sir
Arezon: You got it
AlternateMethod: you are in safe hands sir
Morpheus: Ok, go!

And that's where it ends. After that they all start running to the Mara Central hardline and then he jacks out. Here are some pics. They aren't the greatest though.
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Tbone on April 16, 2005, 09:48:15 pm
How nice of the Staff to include us....

How nice of our allies to include us...

Seriously, I understand the Staff not including us in the first event, but this is a new month and a new event...
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2005, 10:05:59 pm
You have a point there, Tbone.
Man, and this wasn't even a global, story-altering event.
What the hell is next?
Are they gonna stop inviting us to Niobe's little pep-rallies?
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2005, 11:40:35 pm
That's a pretty silly thing to say - I think.  Because if they include ANYBODY there will always be somebody who says "Funny how the staff included them and not me"
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 01:48:46 am
Yeah... I wasn't too happy when I saw Morpheus running into the club with every zion faction leader out there except ours.... even though it wasn't a big event, it would have been nice to be contacted.
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Tbone on April 17, 2005, 06:02:18 am
We have never been contacted by the Staff for any event. 1/5 times Morpheus logs on, Kotar gets a tell from him. 2/5 times Morpheus logs on, Morpheus replies if Kotar messages him.

For us it is 0/0 every time. And the rest of Zion has blacklisted us. That explains the rest of it.
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 09:14:19 am
We're also under investigation last I heard, so it should not be that much of a wonder as to why.
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 11:00:13 am
We should make our own storyline. :D

Tbone comes in with all of us in our whites and... well, I wasn't really good at my RP sheet, someone wlse can pick up from there. ;)
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 12:49:49 pm
...and he starts makin' one of his award winning speeches.
Pretty soon we got a huge crowd formin' up all around us because we're standin' somewhere conspicuous like the Hypercube monument.
Next thing you know there are Merv & Machine bitches on the rooftops lookin' down and listenin' in like it's really their business (even though it might be).
And pretty soon they're all up in this because they says they don't likes the "cut" of Tbone's "gib", and we's gots a nasty little tussle on our hands what with the crowd and all that.
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Eroz on April 17, 2005, 01:31:33 pm
I think we should just try that. Just white up, and stand next to some monument (Don't say a word.) and see how long it takes for a crowd to form. (To do this in real life go to Walmart, stand outside the front doors and look up, don't look at anything, just look up. Don't ever say a word, just stand there looking up, once a large crowd forms, leave.)
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 02:35:51 pm
Eroz, you are crazy :P
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 02:36:32 pm
I love how Morpheus can't spell. That is really, really sad.
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 03:13:56 pm
you would not be able to spell either if you were a drug dealer :p
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 03:42:00 pm
I accidently ran into a meeting between the other Zion factions, they asked me politely to leave, and I felt that I better. This is the only SS I had time to take of their conversation, before I was killed. I do wonder how long it will take them to stop sulking?
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Tbone on April 17, 2005, 05:18:41 pm
Quote from: "AcidicPlague"
We're also under investigation last I heard, so it should not be that much of a wonder as to why.

That was over a week ago. Whatever "investigation" was done was over by now and we were found innocent. We have not been included prior to that event, so to say that one causes the other is poor logical thinking =P
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Tbone on April 17, 2005, 05:19:43 pm
And yeah Charm, there's a good bit of "Et tu Brute" going on right now. We were always the rogue/mysterious type anyway. Heh...
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 05:35:11 pm
I like Eroz's idea.... Have you ever thought that maybe the Devs are doing this so we do take our own action? I believe we would be the first faction to do this post beta if it gets big.
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 05:50:20 pm
I guess the Devs just don't like you :P  'Cos you know now that I dont have my faction tag they're all over me...


Not really.  :(
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 08:38:59 pm
So then let's come up with some material, shall we? Something dramatic to broadcast.
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Avzeke (Khr0n1k) on April 17, 2005, 09:26:15 pm
yeah i like the idea of making our own story line i really think we should do this have our own events get other people involved etc.
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2005, 11:17:13 pm
Tbone Shouts: Angels! Please gather around!

Tbone: Thank you all for gathering on such short notice. It has come to the attention of Zion Command, that there has been unusual activity about the Agents as of late.

Tbone: As you may or may not have heard, Agent Skinner was searching out Morpheus for some data he was carrying. Zion Command has requested that The Furious Angels be mobilized immediately to search out any clues or areas of activity that lead to the root of this mystery.

Tbone: We have been asked to gather Zionites as volunteers to assist us in this endeavor. You will all be divided into a series of squads, designated within certain areas of each district to search out any unusual activity and report immediately.

Tbone: We have also been told that someone will be coming soon to assist us. For now, I will designate which teams you will be on. (Tbone divides up present Angels into a series of Sweeper Teams).

Tbone: Excellent. (Turn to the gathered onlookers) Are there any one brave enough to help us on this undertaking? (People volunteer, assign them to the already made parties that are now standing grouped together, give another briefing, that is an overview of everything that was just talked a bit, in summary. Ask the remainder of the people to send you a tell in the event the "someone" should arrive to assist, and that you wish you could stay to wait, but time is of the essence, and you need to deploy now)) Alright, you have your orders. Go forth my Furious Angels. Be watchful, and may She be with you.
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 18, 2005, 12:15:32 am
I don't like it.  Not enough typos.
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 18, 2005, 12:42:15 am
Yeah, nobody can top Morpheus.
That man spouts out "A" material every time he talks.

Here's my revised edition:

Tbone: OMg GuyZ!11! LeiKZ Thers sum 57ufzz0r goin down r sumfin iono. Furrieus Aingles HOoOooo!!!!!!!!!1

Angels: WuZzAp Charlie!1/?!?

Tbone: BitZCHeZ upn nthis hizzy! FinD SUm SHi7z0r, K? T4k3 sum Pplz wit j00.

(Nah, but seriously, good stuff Kayda. We just need to add a little more depth...or perhaps the depth will create itself once the event is announced? Nah, too much of a leap of faith to take I'd say.)
Title: Agent Skinner & Morpheus / April 16, 05
Post by: Anonymous on April 18, 2005, 01:03:01 am
I dont like it.  I can still understand what it says.
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