The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 14, 2005, 09:44:12 am
During the Shaper event we were given "clues" as to where the Shaper was located, some of these included "Red hill", "Purple" etc:
for future reference, here is a rough translation of all the names
Akasaka - "AKA" scarlet, red, bloody "SAKA" slope, hill
Furihata - "FURI" unreasonable, irrational, furious "HATA" flag, loom
Ikebukuro - "IKE" pond "BU" part, percentage "KURO" black, dark
Jurong - god of longevity (not sure about this one) it is also a location in Singapore
Kaede - Maple sugar, sugar, sweet
Kowloon - sin, crime, fault
Murasaki - purple, violet, soy sauce (for sushi)
Sai Kung - "Sai" psy, companion, son "kung" master, discipline
Shinjuku - Divine gift, God Tree (Ailanthus), pearl, belief, acceptance
Shirakaba - White birch
Ueno - the older child, higher position, section of Tokyo
nice shit dude, how'd ya figure em out?
Wow desync thats awesome, thanks for taking the time to find that out :)
I could have told you some of those, I've learned them in class.
Acidic, well mate, you are right, I could, but... to do that, I had to know you were taking Japanese classes ;)
Hmmm...Interesting. Thanks, Desync
i wish i was taking japenesse classes....damnit italians....
I was putting up my Furihata the other day when I fell into a Kaede tasting Ikebukuro. All of a sudden, Jurong appeared and told me that I have committed Kowloon. So I get out of there and put on my Murasaki combat clothes and give my Sai Kung a Shinjuku. Then I tripped over a Shirakaba on a Saka and caused it to be Aka. And to think, I am the Ueno in my family. Sheesh.
I was bored. Could you come up with a better story? ... I think not :p
hahahahaa omg kosila that was f* hilarious! lol! :D
haha, btw desync, u post but dont say hi to me in TS, i hate you
and my sig dooesnt work, i feel special
woot, k it works
Oh your special in so many ways nemi... I can't even begen to list them.
Well you special too, cause you are the only one in 6 weeks i've had s......uuhhh.....nvm
Hey you never had anything, but you did recieve something special :P
lmao... Nemi, who is that in your sig?
shut up, you're canadian
This thread as been hijacked by the Orange Menace.
damnit nemi, you put your sig in your its all fucked up!