The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on March 13, 2005, 10:18:32 pm

Title: Zionist Meeting I
Post by: Anonymous on March 13, 2005, 10:18:32 pm














Title: Zionist Meeting I
Post by: Anonymous on March 13, 2005, 11:56:24 pm
DAMN that a lotta nuts!!!!!!!
Title: Zionist Meeting I
Post by: Anonymous on March 14, 2005, 12:11:22 am
We'll looks like we've got a few other groups behind the same ideas. I'm glad to see countzero is being the front man for the phrophets of peace, hes a solid player and can be counted on.
Title: Zionist Meeting I
Post by: Anonymous on March 14, 2005, 12:18:51 am
i dont know why we had the meeting with illuminati since we knew they were gonna side with Locke but whatever, i thought the meeting accomplished pretty much nothing. but it was cool to have a briefing among factions
Title: Zionist Meeting I
Post by: Anonymous on March 14, 2005, 12:31:41 am
Was under the impression it had a couple objectives.
1) first get the groups talking and stating what they believe, the more we know we have in comon the better chance we have of communicating with one another. Although we are pretty well self suficiant it doesn't hurt to have a few extra friends around.

2)There has been talk of forming a zionist council, kinda of a group meeting of the leaders to decied on future moves. I can't say what are stance on it is but either way its good to have open lines of communication to keep our options open.

3) At one point when the meeting with morpheus was learned of, it was suggested that we creat a distraction from it. Keep the machinist and mervs guessing when it will be. Although at this point its not possible to keep it a secret or even divert the truth its possible that this was started in that fasion.

4) RPing, there are people who get more enjoyment out of game by doing this type of event. And by the looks of it, they had to have a good time.

5) Events like this are good for us to show up at just to make a presence.  We might not be intrested in the out come but it puts us in a good light. Our particpation is good for us and the community as a whole.  Plus if we don't make a show it has been misinterperted as an insult to the people who put it on, and there is no need to get peoples pantys in a twist.

6) It also puts our message out there. One of the tells from morph today was to the effect that we should continue taking a stand against the machines. By showing up and stating what we believe we've taken a step in that direction (although i'm not sure that this is what he meant it didn't hurt).
Title: Zionist Meeting I
Post by: Anonymous on March 14, 2005, 12:39:18 am
some things that werent in the transcript above...

Our meeting was interrupted by some Exiles crashing the party, so we all had to immediately vacate the area. I later contacted all of the leaders and invited them to a mission team to talk with them once more. Fuse suggested we should have more of these meetings in the future, and i relayed the message to these people, I also invited them to gather prior to the morpheus gathering tomorrow so that we can try to coordinate our efforts.

I thought the meeting went well overall, although I know Im still rather new to the faction, I had no problem stepping up to represent us, I can only hope I did a satisfactory job.  In any case, I am happy with the turnout of the meeting and i look forward to future meetings like this.
Title: Zionist Meeting I
Post by: Anonymous on March 14, 2005, 01:31:27 am
i think you did an excellent job gabriel. and although i dont think this meeting accomplished moving things forward, it definatly was a good start. establishing where everyone stands, as well as meeting the voices of the factions is a step in the right direction.
Title: Zionist Meeting I
Post by: Anonymous on March 14, 2005, 07:36:23 am
I think overall it was a great idea. I love to RP, and this game seems like its going to definently give me the medium I have been looking for. Being included in the storyline of the game, rather than imagining myself in it, is just plain out amazing. I cant wait for the game to go live, and for us to delve deeper into the rabbit hole. :) Hopefully I will finally run into some FA's ingame. :)
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