The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Eroz on March 12, 2005, 08:26:20 pm
(shout) People of the City, attend to my words!
Some of you have come here invited. Others stand here now only because of random chance, passing by on an errand, or making their way to work. They shall likely never realize their fortune, or the bounty of truth which is placed into their lap today. But rest assured I can make them understand. I can open their eyes. A very smart man once said that reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. But what if that persistence is also an illusion? Man has always sacrificed truth to his vanity, comfort and advantage. He lives by make-believe. Are we so desirous of these that we would purchase them at the cost of our freedom? Of our reality? Of our very humanity? Some of you know the question. You have asked and answered it. Some of you have dreamed the question, but dare not speak it. Others of you… You have the question within you, in a part of yourself that suspects the truth. Though you may slumber through this lecture and indeed through your lives, it is still within you, in a part of you that cannot help but desire to know the answer. They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. Or rather, they who realize they are dreaming by day…
An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted. Are we standing at the edge of understanding, at a time when our illusions are exhausted and all that is left to us is reality? Is reality what we want? Cold, harsh, unyielding to what we might like of dislike? It has always been a choice. A choice left to each individual. But that can change. Illusions, no matter how precious, can be shattered. I have always been gentle. I have always used a velvet glove. But trust me when I tell you that I have a hammer now, and I am not afraid to use it to shatter those awakened. Those who have been deceived can be enlightened.
(shout) If what was taken from us is not returned, all this and more shall come to pass.
This I promise you, in Neo’s memory
damn i hate work
Shit! Of all things, I wish I would of been, this sucks.. :'(
Oh, I about soiled my pants when Morpheus whispered that to me :D
CURSE YOU WORK!!!!!!!! i hate my damn job for making me work. i truly wish i couldve been there but deep inside i know theyll be plenty more of those after release.
I'm completely lost? Morpheus paid us a visit?
And Seraph personaly talked to us. (ok ok PoP were there) I'm too lazy to type out Seraph's talking.
*mumbles* I just HAD to choose tonight to look for a job..... I just HAD to.... *mumbles*
was this on QA or on Algorithm?
Morpheus stole my in-game speech idea!:-P
no it was in Algorithm in Mara
i cant believe I missed all of this.....apsodpaosd UGH!!!!!
i did too evan and so did many others so dont feel too bad. but im sure theyll be many more things like this, perhaps better, after the release
Damn..... I can't believe I missed that.