The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on March 11, 2005, 05:22:52 pm
Hey guys, just thought i'd tell yall, im getting married tomorrow! It's at 2pm central time over here in houston.I'll be on around 11pm central time tonight if yall wanna party or something. ththrhrgj. That was me trying to type after my ferret climbed up my pant leg on the inside. Yikes! well talk to ya later.
hey man congrats. ill see if i can show up to the MXO bachelor party if there is one but congrats again.
wow! That's awesome, congratulations! :D
congrats man
congrats, and enjoy the honeymoon.
Wait theres still time... RUN AWAY, and fast. Quick befor she permently has her claws into you, if you need one of us can come with a car for a quick escape to the side or else send one of the females in to intrupt the ceromony by yelling he can't marry you hes having my baby... I"m sure Nemi will volunter for the job.
dang guess you're not going to listen to any of that inane ramble so Congratulations
I hope the day is nice
the ceromony wonderfull
the bride charming
and the bar well stocked and open.
Best wishs to you and your soon to be spouse
That's cool. Congratulations! Today happens to be my Anniversary, but my wife has to work so here I am. Here's to you guys and the many great years in store for you together.
Congrats to you and your wife to be.
I wish you both many happy years together.
good luck dude. hope you are very happy.
I wish you and yours all the best.
Congrats! Enjoy yourself and best wishes, dude. :D
Peace out...
Congratulations!!! And on my birthday, is going to be easy to remember.
Wish you all the luck.