The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on March 09, 2005, 10:44:05 pm
Time for Tbone to go on an adventure. I'm headed out for a week and a half to keep a certain kitty company, as well as have secret meetings with some FA in the Illinois area. Think of it as the calm before the storm, because once I get back, it's craziness! Of course, Grim has internet and MxO, so we'll be all set to go - you just probably won't see as much of us because we'll be busy doing...other things. (gwahaha). Uh...yeah, that's all for now because I am sleepy and have a LONG drive ahead of me tomorrow. Peace out!
God Speed Sir!
Come back to us in one piece...
women can be dangerous creatures. =p
Have fun man, you've earned it. Be sure to use protection *wink wink*
AHHH... grims allready giving the evil stare of evil... RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN MAN...
dont mind me... im in a wierd mood tonight =p
Have fun you two...and Grim take care of know how boys can be. :p
Ahhh Lelyel's in on it too... RUN... before they can institue their plot for world domination and all men of the species are reduced to nothing more than sex slaves... for the love of all that is masculine!
...we interupt this broadcast to bring you public service announcement....
This is only a test... in the event of an emergancy or that you want me to shut up please say so... BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
NoOoOoOooOOO eVeRyOnE rUn fRom The GirRLLLLSSSSS THEY hAve COooTIes!!
teh c0ot13$ w1LL p\/\/nZ0rz j00
Attempting to return rationailty for just a moment, as long as she doesn't sacrifice him to her feminine goddesses, I am sure Tbone will be fine. (You don't sacrifice unsuspecting males do you grim?)
nah they tend to sacrafice non virgins and well tbone, doesnt fall in that category, be careful grim, hes a beginner. and i know you band geeks are prettty good with your....instruments....right yah thatll keep em happy.
venlar please edit your post so that your darn beep doesn't extend the page to the width of texas
and no, i don't sacrifice anyone to anyone. if tbone sacrifices himself, well, that's his own choice ;)
oh and by the way, after about 8th grade we stopped using the term "cooties" and moved on to "AIDS" haha :P
acKKkkKk !! *falls out of chair*
ewwww i like cotties better than aids :S
i dont know, aids has a distinct flavor and goes down smooth, but cooties doesn't mean your gonna die slowly. its hard to decide
OMG teh cooties r all over!!! Wat is dis new feling I hav in my specil place?
words of advice...
play it cool...
wrap your tool
nicely said pr0z4ck
the best advice to ever be given