The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on March 09, 2005, 02:47:32 pm
"Access Node keys have been added to loot tables."
This sounds like in order to tag an access node, you will need to loot a key from the gang members in that neighboorhood. This means no more hopping from node to node - you'll have to be able to take down the gangs to tag the nodes. I'll test it when they add the patch today, b/c I still haven't tagged the nodes in International.
Thats interesting.... sounds like a good idea to keep everyone from going node hunting at lvl 10 then be done with it for the rest of the game.
Apparently if you're a hacker, you can hack the nodes without the key ;)
Doh! ::bangs head against table:: Hackers......grrrrr, heheh
node tagging was one of the first things that i really enjoyed in mxo. kinda defeats the purpose to me tho. tagging them makes it safe for you to be in that zone if its purple (regarding agents). if you are able to take out the mobs in that zone, then agents wouldn't bother you anyways. so this just forces players to stay in zone appropriate to their level.
Yea it was a good move to make, so no more power leveling from 2-15, hehe
w00t i'm a hacker....well patcher but same difference :)
You can still that at a low level with hacker skill from the hacker tree. Its the forth skill in the tree, not much memory required to use. No big deal in the long run, it will be intresting to see were the keys are gotten from.
Yea i know I wont use teh uber h4ck3r way to get the nodes....pure MA'ist here till the end, hehe
same here lelyel. just another reason im going to continue the patcher route on launch. it wasn't the xp that kept me tagging nodes, it was the rush of having to find a way to make it to the node before an agent show up, tag the node surrounded by a mob of +15, and get away with just a sliver of health left. now thats fun.
*mutters something about cheap hacker tactics*
er ... umm .... that is kind of good, kind of bad .... not too cool since mara will become even MORE overpopulated ... *slams head against wall*
and i agree xorsyst, there's no joy left in tapping nodes. it's going to become a bothersome chore *meh*
but then, if you think about it, the devs have been slowly pulling back the reigns on us. the new rules that they have been impliementing (this, no more afk leveling, no combat tactic clothes) is going to make getting to level 50 VERY difficult, and that's the way it SHOULD be. we might even *gasp* ENJOY some of the level 10 perks!!
Though I did enjoy jumping from building to building in a mad dash to avoid the +20 exiles in order to tag the next node, it does add a fair amount of balance to things so I think the addition of codes is a plus. As Grim said, getting to lvl 50 should be a challenge. Making it easy will really decrease the quality of the long-term game-play.
Go Hackers! Yay! :)
Hum, but wait ... I'm guessing each access node would require a different level of the "Hacker" ability to be able to hack it. So in other words, a hacker will have to be level 15 anyway to be able to hack the Access Node of level 15 areas. Plus, a level 15 hacker alone couldn't beat level 15 gangs anyway. So this situation doesn't put hackers at any advantage, it makes it more fair for a hacker since the operatives have the advantage!
So before you think that hackers are blood sucking bums, please realize that we are very fragile creatures in a very unsafe world and we need lots of lov’n and care. All we ever wanted is to support you operatives. *teary moment* Group hug!
lol :P Anyway, I'm also guessing they'll be non-tradable and non-codable.
What ticks me off is not the fact of having to have a key to tag a access node (which is a good idea), but he is what I'm mad at:
1.) The hackers can not only kick the shit out of you outside of combact, but they can also kick the hell out of you inside combact, no thanks to the stupid Force Enhancer branch (I don't know if they have changed it in QA, but I doubt it).
2.) The fact that they can almost crash you everytime to your last used hardline with the ability "Crash". (This ticks me off because then everytime you go into the constructs, one minute you're fighting a NPC for special loot or another player for fun, and the next minute a hacker hides in a secret spot and crashes you out of the construct, which in turn, will made the archive book less stable. If you're seriously broke, this is a real pain in the ass. Crashing someone out of the archive without even trying to fighh the person first is both cheap and shows how much of a wuss they are.)
3.) Now, supposely, hackers can tag access nodes without a key, Obviously, this doesn't bother me at all since they are 'hackers'. I just hope they balance it really well. I just don't want to see a level 10 Hacker hack a access node in a level 48 area, like Creston Heights.
Hackers, at the moment, are pretty much a triple treat to the rest of the community.
If they even balance the Force Enhancer tree, I would be most definitely happy. But since they haven't even change one damn thing to it for a month or longer now (from what I know), it really irritates someone like me who is a martial arts fighter. Even though I will always be a MA at heart and I will never change that, what's the point of being a MA when you could be a hacker and win both outside and inside combact, plus don't have to fight mobs to get a key? That's the real question.
Folks, you do realize that people will start selling these keys, at relatively affordable prices, so all you'll have to do is go to the marketplace (or find someone who's peddling them) and grab a few keys before you go out hunting. It won't be much different from before =P
i doubt the keys are sellable, but then again I dont know for sure
i like how the "Driver of the green van in South Vauxton has been told to drive on the wheels, not the roof." i told him but he wouldnt listen.
Well, I couldn't find any hacker ability that would let me hack access nodes. I did pick a Kowloon Access Key off of a mob in Sai Kung, so maybe the key drops are random or something (I only assumed that it would drop Sai Kung keys).
Force Enhancer has been nerfed. Each lvl gives .4 combat tactacts for 30 secs, I think, so now it has a timer on it and isn't as strong.
such a turn off.....damnit they're so lucky im obsessed with matrix
i read (i believe on the post that walrus made just recently about the access node keys) that keys for one district will be dropped in the surrounding districts. so if you are looking for a stamos key, it could be in lucero or any of the othe surrounding districts. that eases the pain ... a little. haha :)
im sure you could hack one of them, the only problem in that is that there are usually guys surrounding the node, so walking up to it and sitting next to it, let alone taking the time to hack the node and then accessing takes quite a bit of time, spy might have to be used in this too, invis i mean otherwise your gonna have lots of ppl on your ass before you even have a chance to hack it.
There is a hacker ability that you can code ((Or used to be able to code)) but it's nowhere on the tree that I could see. It's simply called Hack Node Key.
on a side note, when are they gonna fix the marketplace? I wanted to get some health pills the other day and there were like only 4 that were 9,999,999,9999.999 each!
I think that people are using the market place as their personal inventory box....... no one would buy a health pill for that much.
You have to pay a fraction of the thing you're putting on the market though.
I guess my real question is where does that little amount of money that everyone has to pay to put an item in the marketplace go to? Does it just disappear, or does it somehow circulate back into the Matrix world? Who knows.....if this little amount of money does disappear, then why even charge that little amount? If this is true, no one is making any profit for letting the people advertise their product in the marketplace. I just want to know where it all goes, if anywhere.....
Peace out...