The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on March 08, 2005, 01:12:55 pm

Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Tbone on March 08, 2005, 01:12:55 pm
It's hard to believe, but the Furious Angels was conceived nearly a year ago. I started work on FA in March, so this month marks our one year anniversary!

To celebrate, we are arranging a party in the Real World! That's right! Meet the people behind the RSI's! Next week is spring break for me, so I'm headed to Illinois. Several of us have decided to meet up in the Chicago area sometime next week. So far these people have said they will attempt to take part in the party:


Do you live in the Chicago area or even close? If so, you might want to consider joining in on the fun! We're still formulating the best time and what we'll do. I think suggestions have been to eat at this place Grim wants to go to and then hit up some museum of video games or something like that.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 08, 2005, 01:31:36 pm
i think a trip out to california would be a lot better and warmer for that matter. but lets book it for like may or june, yah that sounds good
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 08, 2005, 03:05:02 pm
Damn, I'm sonewhat close...but if I am having somewhat of a hard time coming up with money for monthly payments of the game, there is no way in HELL I can pay for my gas to even get there. Oh well, I'll just be the pimp of my town. Have fun.  :D
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Eroz on March 08, 2005, 03:33:38 pm
March 15 is the exact date FA started. April 1st was when I joined, and I was the first memeber to join by completing the challenge.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 08, 2005, 04:21:08 pm
Bah what happens to us Euro's lol.  We should have a party aswell but meh I won't be able to afford to go anywhere unless everyone wants to come to ireland for a house party at mine lol.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 08, 2005, 05:57:19 pm
Guys, I'm trying to work something up for dates and studd to do. If your over 21, we can hit up a club one of the nights, but one of the great all ages, latenight, cool things to do is hit up a comedy or jazz club. I'm thinking Improve Olympic. It's only like 6$ for a midnight show and it's usually good stuff. Also there's second city, but it costs a bit more. They're under 21 to get in, +21 to drink. One night that we all don't get together I may hit up Smartbar or some other nice club.

So... comedy club/museaum.... whos interested and CAN go? I'll get dates/times/costs by this weekend.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 08, 2005, 06:06:57 pm
man I can't spell
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 08, 2005, 06:46:28 pm
Ok, I want to come. If I can get enough money together......Because driving is out of the question for me I looked up some prices on flights...For a two way ticket non stop is $183 so....donations are welcome :) I'm going to try and get money together and head out, I'm sure it'll be worth it.

To meet some of you guys would be fun.....or scary haven't decided which yet :P
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 08, 2005, 07:19:19 pm
aaura, the pep band here at college is looking into an ireland trip sometime either next year or the following year. you will have to give me your address so i can stalk you *evil grin* jk

fuse, unfortunately many of us are not 21. i just turned 20, tbone doesn't turn 21 til april. an all-ages jazz bar, however, sounds excellent. the place tbone mentioned that i want to eat at is just a fast food kind of place that sells the best gyros in america. perhaps, depending on the times, we can do lunch there, dinner at a jazz place. or we can all just meet for dinner at a club.

we should definately pick a day soon, because this is next week we are talking about, and if we are going to have a mass horde of Angels meeting up, people will need to book planes, taxis, get off work, etc. I mean, the more the merrier, but if we are going to have a large enough crowd to need a reservation, we need to go ahead and just pick a day and go. if we go during the week, not only will the clubs be less crowded, but weekends here are already planned haha.

my suggessions:
monday night the 15th
tuesday night the 16th
wednesday night the 17th

we are counting out thursday night the 18th because the minute that clock strikes midnight making it the 19th, we best all be at our computers getting ready for release!! hahaha

so .... if anyone planning on going can mark which of those 3 days they definately can or can't make, that would be AWESOME! whooooooo
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 08, 2005, 07:31:51 pm
*takes out map of USA*
hmmm, I would die from the cold anyway
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Tbone on March 08, 2005, 07:35:00 pm
Good point, if the three days early thing holds true, that's gonna be that Friday, pretty much counting out that last weekend.

I'd love to go to one of those theatre thingies. Second City is well-known for breeding SNL people. I'm an actor, so those kinda things would be nice to see.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 08, 2005, 08:34:54 pm
Grim, not sure if you understood, those places are 18+ and 21+ to drink.

If it's a weekday I'm not sure if I can do it. I don't get home from work until 6 and really need to learn to sleep at night (damn you camfrog!). I'll check events around here those days. BTW, even if it is a weekday, we have to hit up that gyro place grim.

If we went to an improv place can you do an act tbone? Your "I Fucked a computer" act may actually work there. =)

Also, what is everyones real names? I'm not going to call you "bone" and "grim". Also my girl is very confussed when I explain we're going to the museum with a Tbone and a sad kitty.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Tbone on March 08, 2005, 10:06:21 pm
"I Fucked a computer" act?  you are twisting my story all around!

My real name is....  Cory

du duuu duuuuuu
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 08, 2005, 10:37:31 pm
no, i understood fuse, i just thought you mentioned one of the places being 21+, i took that as them carding at the door, not the bar. of course, 18+ also rules out half of our members haha (sorry)

actually, you can just call me kitty, since that is what everyone here at college (and most people even through high school) call me. it's really katie, but katie=kitty=whatever.

as for it being a weekday, there is not much of a choice on this end as far as planning ahead goes. this coming weekend ISU is hosting the women's basketball tournament, which means me being in the pep band, whatever team doesn't bring a band, we have to play for them. since it's a tournament and we don't know ahead of time who is going to win, we have to just play it by ear each night. as it is, the dorms close here at 2pm on saturday, and if we have a saturday night game or a sunday game, we're already having to stay with friends haha. the following weekend is release.

i also had those dates on my previous post wrong. the correct dates are:

monday 14th
tuesday 15th
wednesday 16th
thursday 17th

mah bad. so there ya go.

as for the gyro place, it is outside chicago in tinley park. right of I-80, called mickey's. if we don't end up meeting there as a group, i would definately reccomend it to anyone who can get there. they just opened up another one i think in joliet, don't go there, go to the one in tinley. original=best.

i just looked up the address, it's on oak park avenue. for some reason i thought it was on harlem, but i was a few blocks off haha. i haven't been up there in over a year, so that's my crap for memory. it's what i get for living in the country haha. so there ya go. i'll go ahead and post the address, you guys can mapquest it.

Mickey's Gyros
17432 Oak Park Ave
Tinley Park, IL 60477

aaaaand this post is long as hell. MEH!
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 12:35:14 am
chicago fast food is the best...vienna hotdogs and polish sausage, best gyros(kronos brand meat), best everything...

wait til u try this philly by my crib..omg g2g im hungry

edit: oh shit how could i forget  about our pizza! we have the best pizza!
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 02:18:07 am
I laugh at you poor americans who have to wait till you are 21 to drink! Oh well, that is my rant over. I wish I could come, but you are thousands of miles away :(
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 03:16:19 am
how old do you have to be to drink over in england?
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 03:19:11 am
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 03:21:12 am
HAH! No it is eighteen. It has led to the Uk having the largest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe, the largest drug intake and the greatest amount of deaths due to achohol in Europe. It makes you proud.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 03:22:04 am
hell yeah sounds like my kinda hood!
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 03:28:38 am
But then I live in the refined upper class southern part of England, and we don't hold with that sort of thing. What what ;)
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 06:26:59 am
chicago WTF why would u want to get together there, thats like wanting to get together in a dumpster, at least come out to cali so you can have in the sun, you pale people might be able to see the sun for once.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Broin on March 09, 2005, 07:02:21 am
Mmmmmm.... Gyros.... Gyros good...

Best place for Gyros in the world though are in Detroit by the Como Center take the tran. to Greek town.  Get off and walk about a half block East ( I think it was east) To Plako's (at least I think that is the name).  

Gyros.... Mmmmmm
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 08:31:32 am
excuse me from being from New England... but... WTF IS A GYRO
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 09:12:56 am
Woo Hoo, Venlar we can be clueless New Englanders together :)
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 09:26:15 am
phhhht... Rhode Island doesnt count... its too tiny... lol... J/K (=þ)
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 09:36:11 am
I'm from NH originally Venlar i'm only in school in RI :)
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 09:39:30 am
ok, zink, you seriously need to shut up if you don't have anything "pleasant" to say

broin, if i ever go out that way, i will look into it :)

venlar, gyros are a greek food. it's pita bread with strips of lamb meat, condiments are cuccumber sauce (which is what differs from place to place), tomatoes, and onions. or, if you are one of my brother's friends, french fries are a condiment to everything .... ??
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Ketamininja on March 09, 2005, 10:42:23 am
Hmmmn, I remember when I had to cash my GIRO every two weeks...
No wait, GYRO? Hmmn, that sounds exactly like a kebab over here...

DAYUM! Chicago is probably my most favourite place in the US, been there three or four times now. Checked out some flights, its not that bad at all!
£275 for the 12th - 19th March (Flight Only so I guess I'd be staying on Grim's Couch).
Yes, thats not a bad price at all, at least for us Brits. Its a shame I can't make it tho because I have a lack of that kind of money at the moment, plus I've already booked for time off work the week AFTER :S

Would be great to come over and party tho. At least I'd get into the clubs... heh ;)

Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 09, 2005, 11:39:27 am
Booo for weekday stuff. Actually, Boo for having a dayjob now.
I would pass that address all the time on my way to subway. Never did see a mikey's. You sure it's still there?

And yes, the decent clubs around chicago are 21+, though there may be other options, thgouh I doubt you guys would be interested... So who is comming for sure?
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 12:23:23 pm
Well it looks like unless I win powerball tonight then I can't come. :( which really stinks because I wanted to go. But  I'm sure there will be another time....Or at least I hope there will be another time .    

Donations still welcome for me to head on out to meet a few from FA.......*coughcamcough* sorry i'm feeling a little under the weather lol
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 09, 2005, 12:50:22 pm
HA! I don't get paid until next friday, sorry L.

By the way, in case someone didn't know, I'm Brian.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 01:06:53 pm
Its okay fuse. just going to have to watch me from afar thats all :)

anywho, my real name is Teri (blah) but I think i might change it to Lel lol....sounds much better :)
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 02:34:48 pm
Damn you grim... your description made me hungry =p

anyways... i think i'll join in on the real name fun... I'm Joe... Wooo freakin hooo... lol =p
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 04:12:20 pm
hahah ket, my mom is still antsy about tbone staying in my house, i actually live over an hour outside of chicago, so you would be better off staying with one of the guys who actually live up there haha

so ..... who's game?

(p.s. there will be LOTS of pictures taken haha .... now, i don't know how many of them will be appropriate for our members under 18 ..... lol)
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 09, 2005, 04:50:45 pm
We's needs to party. Perhpas I'll kick my parent out and we can just have a lil getogether at my place so even the kiddies can drink a bit.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 04:54:43 pm

*le sigh*

*tries to think of another way to get fast cash.....*
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 09, 2005, 04:56:36 pm
Lelyel, that's one of my favorite Mark Twain quotes in your sig. One I quote many times.

Here's another- "A fool beleives himself to be wise. Though a truely wise man knows he is but a fool" I'll get you to chicago in your dreams if you can tell me who said that.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 05:04:14 pm

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.    by  William Shakespeare
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 09, 2005, 05:57:56 pm
yeah, so my memory was a bit skewed... I like it said my way better anyways. You get one free trip to chicago in your mind. FA members not included in this package deal.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 06:35:28 pm
Wait I still wanna go for real :(
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 06:58:16 pm
OK, it is far too late in the game for me to request a day off in the middle of next week. I have already requested off the entire following week. So, if you all want to be in my blessed presence, I suggest a meeting over the weekend. I apologize, because it seems that the weekend just isn't going to work for the rest of you. Looks like I will be sitting this one out because of that. I'd come down during the week, but damn, it's a couple hour drive, so I'd be heading back sorta early. I dunno, we'll see. Tell me what day would be the best to come down on, cuz if I do come, it will only be for one of those days. BTW, my name Bryan. Just like Fuse's, only better :P
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 08:42:06 pm
Hi Bryan! I'm Rick! Good to have you on board! lols jk...

Yeah I want a gyros right now, or a gyroscopic ufo...

Hey when we hit up the musuem, we gotta hit up millenium park too!

Pictures from there:  <thought it looks like a ufo and the next one looks like a hatch opening up lols - hella dorked out dooo
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 09, 2005, 09:56:11 pm
Here's some random pics of melenium park, foster beach, and some random shots of the sity.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 10:08:54 pm
Big Brother:
Huge Monolith:

i always used to goto foster beach back in 99/00 after gettin out of Club XL at was that spot where everyone rolled on xtc and nothing but hot girls were there, it'd be like from 5am-10 on like saturdays and sundays..but then the mayor shut it down and the news fukd it up for us lols

edit: wtf is this fuse?

 a freakin anime?
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 09, 2005, 10:13:58 pm
yeah, actually I used to hit that up as well, but not after XL... Foster/Belmont/Melrose rocks...
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 10:15:37 pm
hey but what's that anime lookin thing? that shit looks like somethin out of my animes lols
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 09, 2005, 10:18:31 pm
It was just some wierd guy in a robot costume thing. We couldn't figure it out either.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 10:20:52 pm
what if it was a robot! from the future! 1000 years before the dawn of the robot chicken take over

k everyone just catchin up to this now, refer back to page 3 towards the bottom for cool pics..
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: ArchNemesis on March 09, 2005, 10:42:44 pm

and now for the worlds most one sided fights!
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 11:09:54 pm
.... omg chicago has become another disney world .....

Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 11:10:50 pm
woo hoo go Arch and Boom. Who wants a bat bitch slap?
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 09, 2005, 11:58:57 pm
Quote from: "GrimKitten"
.... omg chicago has become another disney world .....


I mean the names of the streets in the first Matrix movie are actual intersections here in Chicago. In the scripts the number Neo was at starts with 312-555 something somethin.. 312 is the area code for downtown Chicago and the southside. I mean, the Wachowskis are from here, so if anything, we're livin where the Matrix takes place in their imagination..
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 10, 2005, 12:40:36 am
Don't forget the train that was on it's way to "Loop". Actually, the first script (somewhere in the FA download section) took place inside Chicago, not "megacity" or some ransom city... "Chicago".
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 10, 2005, 06:43:31 am
not i, liked to, but cant be easier if it were in cali or in italy for that matter, hey thats a good idea, everyone take a vacation to Florence Italy, bam and its a meeting and a vacation, im a genius. no contest. hmmm everytime i seem to post grim enjoys putting the man down, some ppl cant take a joke, its ok im over it, dont worry grim i still like ya
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 10, 2005, 10:20:23 am
My real name is Acid.  'Course I'm one of the younger members and I have no way of even getting to Chicago - plus would be kind of silly because then I couldnt get into half the places without certain means.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 11, 2005, 03:59:37 am
Since I will be unable to attend, I would like to please ask that someone (or more) please take pictures of the gathering. I only wish I could be there with you all. You've all become some of the dearest friends I have ever had, and I would like to apologize for my not being able to attend
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 11, 2005, 09:52:43 am
you should be kayda, shesh how could u!!! lol j/k these things arn't mandatory, if they had it in a better location, that might be on thing, in CALI see me and kayda would be able to attend, well maybe we'll have a cali party, much better than any chicago party :P
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 11, 2005, 12:00:43 pm
yeah, to me it would seem much better to just go somewhere as a vacation for everyone, not go to a city where many of the members already live and party there. there should be some fairness when it comes to choosing the meeting points. it would be better to choose a vacation city or something, maybe even out of the country, where all the members can meet, vacation, and have a good time together.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: ArchNemesis on March 11, 2005, 12:05:54 pm
well it was more of a "grim meets T and they get it on" kinda meeting.. it's just that there were a few people that are near chicago willing to go so that's what it became a "FA meeting"
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Fuse on March 11, 2005, 01:49:04 pm
Plus it makes a ton of sense to hold a get together near where many of the member live. This assures a higher probability that  more people can go. If it was in jamaca onyl a few people would be able to get off work and have the money to go.
Title: FA's One Year Anniversary RL Party!!!
Post by: Anonymous on March 12, 2005, 06:46:41 pm
Hope that you have a great time. Sounds wonderful.
But we do have to make a RL party over in Europe too. HumanDevil, you live in the middle, couldn't we meet in the Netherlands?
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