The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Ketamininja on October 15, 2004, 08:03:24 am

Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Ketamininja on October 15, 2004, 08:03:24 am
Hey hey,

I think we need some guidelines set up in TeamSpeak.
I'm making this thread because of the "Eligoh's Resignation" thread, where he says he was ignored on TS.

Well, to be honest, sometimes I am ignored. Sometimes.
Then again I suppose we are all ignored at some point.

Anyway, one of the most frequent problems I have on TS is locating other users. I frequently ask someone for their coordinates (using map), but rarely get a reply. Trying to team up with people I find difficult as well, as they all want to do their own things.

I suggest that we get something sorted where we need to group together. I appreciate the fact that some members are loners, but I feel the majority want to be working with another member, after all we are all in the same clan!

I don't want to grumble too much on this, but any ingame requests should be answered please. Does anyone have any suggestions to help in these situations?
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 08:23:03 am

In the past I created an in depth TS etiquette guide that could benefit the faction, in the past I might have posted a link here but sadly I've lost all hope in faction wide communication aid.  Too bad other 'Important people' failed  to take initiative early on.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 08:26:05 am
This is what happens to me:

1) Someone starts narrating everything they're doing in the game, at home, whatever.
2) My random bs filter kicks in and I start ignoring everything that person is saying. If they have an especially annoying voice or a really bad microphone, I mute them.

It's habit with me. Among the various things I did for the gov't was coordinate fire support at the regimental level. That meant at times that I was talking on three different types of radios, hammering away at three different data devices and with my free hand (haha) directing incoming aircraft with my lightsaber while making sure the boot next to me isn't illuminating the grass in front of us with the mule. So... I don't have a very high tolerance for inconsequential voice traffic when I'm busy.

The game doesn't condone grouping - or hasn't. The latest patch were things have gotten tougher due to hyperdodge being somewhat fixed makes the party of two + healer a fairly attractive option. The other problem is that characters of varying levels do not group well due to the way that info and xp is divided (with the lion's share going to the higher level char).

I agree that ingame requests should be answered, but I think that that (currently) works both ways. If someone asks to join a group where there are already four people, and that group says no, the person that wanted to join should absolutely not view it as something personal - sometimes having too many is a nightmare. Anyone remember the access node hunt and trying to keep people together? Too many disconnect/latency/etc. issues. A small group is managable and fun. A large one is not.

And yeah. If everyone followed Sev's guide, I'd never ignore anyone.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 08:39:59 am
That's understandable, but I hate it when I join TS, and I hear like 3 ppl talking; I ask a question, and absolutely no one responds...

It's the worst feeling ever...
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 08:53:27 am
I echo most of Gillette's comments.

I don't like TS because there always someone that goes on and rambles/complains about every single aspect of the game.  Some people just don't have any kind of "mental filter", everything that goes through their heads they say on TS.

I wish we could hear more interesting things.  Things that can benefit others.  Stuff like an area being down, something new in the game, tricks, etc.   Not "Oh no !  My inventory is full" or "Damn I can't find the stairs".  Nobody cares !

Just my two cents.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 09:13:48 am
I'm usually ignored...and I often turn off TS while playing because I often don't get any response any way, and the constant chatter gives me a headache..

So far I've done a couple of mission with HD, but thats about it. I've asked on the Decerto forum if anyone is interested in some team missions tonight and saturday, and so far at least HD is with me.

About turning off beacuse it gives me a really is annoying. There must be some alternative to staying on TS all the time just to be available. I really can't take the neverending chatting that is totally irrelevant to what I'm doing at the moment.

Sure...if I'm doing a mission with someone TS contact is practical, unless we are using the chat.

Is there any way we can have players create temporary private channels? This would help a lot, as those who were teaming would just hear eachother, and not another one doing a solo mission telling everyone about what is happening, and another team chatting like crazy trying to find eachother.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 09:25:29 am
Well, there are the gaming rooms, and a few of them are usually empty.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 09:37:28 am
noob TS question: I register with server, but next time I logon I have to be registered again...? And how do I get into a gaming room without being registered? pls hlp ppl
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 10:03:26 am
When you relog into TS, change your log-in information to that of the information you are registering with.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 10:09:42 am
Yea I agree with a lot of the posts here, theres nothing worse then getting your ass kicked and someone is listing all the bugs they've encountered. Or talking about clothes... I hate that.

Perhaps we should have a room dedicated to real game talk only, as in no small chat.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Tbone on October 15, 2004, 10:57:15 am
All of the gaming rooms are dedicated to game communications only. The lobby is for general chat. If you find yourself annoyed, make sure that you are not in the Lobby while playing. Go into a Gaming Room. If someone follows you in there and continues to annoy you, let me know. As for grouping together, it is better to find someone at the beginning of the play session. Right now the game is not very group-oriented. They still need to implement a lot of group functions. I suggest finding people that you enjoy gaming with in the faction and stick with them. The Hovercrafts will come from those gaming groups.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Broin on October 15, 2004, 11:32:09 am
I agree with Gilette there is quite a bit of unnecessary comments, (Nix that there is just way to much unnecessary and irrelevant comments), and yes the game is structured right now so that people who are at various levels don't group well, and xp and info doesn't work well with more than 3 people right now.  Everyone should understand that it is not that higher level characters don't want to group with the lower ones it is just the game is not set up that way yet.  I often go onto TS and see what is going on during game time and if someone of my level is around I'll join up with them but if they are busy doing something else with someone else no problem.  I think the main beef people have is that when you come onto TS and ask a question sometimes you don't get a response.  I think a concerted effort does need to be made by everyone to greet those who come onto TS and answer any VALID question.  Don't be offended though if people don't group with you.  If you want to get in on a group get there early and make it known before the game starts, or PM someone and let them know when you will be playing so you can set it all up.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 11:46:02 am
For now, I'm always ignored on TS. Whenever I come in the lobby to chat, no one is answering or they say they are busy. When I then ask what they are doing in there if they are not gonna talk, they say because they can.

When it's time to play, no one wants to team up with me. I'm told to stay out of the gaming rooms, but I guess I can understand that.

Needless to say, I agree. If things improve, I can come back on the TS server.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 12:28:58 pm
I know that there not always full and some of  them don't get used often, but I've noticed that  quite a few times in TS I wanted to go into and empty Gaming Room and they all had a number of people in each. Perhaps you could add more?
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Ketamininja on October 15, 2004, 02:45:29 pm
I think it might be wise to move back to hovercraft naming conventions on TS?
That way, we should go to the appropriate room. As it is our ship, other members (especially capt is there) in the ship should ensure that all members in that channel are grouped with someone.

Grouping may not be a great utility just now, but (a) we are beta testing and (b) we do need to get grouping working well for when PvP starts. I don't wanna be asking for coordinates and not get an answer to where my teammates are whilst 3 Machinst guys are beating down on me.

If hvcft have too many people on them for one group, then make two groups. I think it should be priority in a dangerous world where we have enemies before we play!

XP varies over different player levels... it messes up. Well ok, but are you really bothered about getting to lvl 50 in beta, just to have it all erased? Yes, its nice to get there, try different abilities etc, but I think the clan should come first in the game - thats why we're all here right?

And yes, I agree people should follow TS instructions. Its important. Lobby is fine for chat, I usually hang around there - true. Game channels should mos def be strict about TS rules.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 03:19:42 pm
Getting to whatever level is easy. That has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Say a level 20 guy and a level 10 guy go out together on a mission. The mission spawns level 15 guys, because it averages. The level 10 guy can't do anything to level 15's but die. He dies, he crashes, the team splits apart. Even if it does get back together or by some miracle stays together in the first place, he gets no info and no xp, so... he never catches up and can never help. It's not a big deal - the level 20 guy doesn't really care, but the level 10 guy starts getting pissed off because he is making no progress. He gets frustrated and pissed off and complains that the game sucks - and that kind of negativity is hard to take for extended periods of time.

Coords are not a good idea, because most people can't navigate - at least until something like /waypoint is added. If you want to team, ask for an invite. /invite name can invite someone no matter where they are, and then you get teammate locations displayed on the map.

And until you've tried to run a group with ten people... Seriously tried it out, well... I dunno. Big groups just don't work without good client and server stability - which we don't have. The only thing you can do with a group that large (if you want to maintain group integrity) is sit very very still in a bar.

It's not that a lot of us don't know how to conduct and participate in large PvP battles, it's just that the system isn't up to snuff yet. Practicing and getting ready isn't even a possibility with the way things are now. As much as people bitch about how buggy SWG is, the grouping works - even with 20 people. MxO grouping just plain doesn't work for more than 3-4.

I'm down for grouping and fighting and helping and etc. Most people are. The problem isn't with our attitudes, our knowledge or our resources - the problem is with the game. Still, even with the current implementation, I for one, am almost always grouped. So... I dunno. Ask me. I'll group with anyone anytime. I don't mind - I'm the highest level. Heh. (Caveats: I'll group if I'm playing - not if I'm chatting with someone. And... also... if you're whining constantly, I won't group with you. I don't like playing with people who are negative. If (play != fun) then you need to go outside.)

If you ever need an additional channel, just ask. I'll make one and delete it when you're done. If it's a persistent issue where we constantly need more channels, we'll make more permanent.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Ketamininja on October 15, 2004, 04:31:05 pm
i almost see no point for teamspeak then.

asking coords is easy, people read them from the map. If they can't navigate they wont ask. All I'm trying to suggest is we use teamspeak properly. By asking sensible questions and actually receiving sensible answers (in game channels).

as for grouping, again if I'm going it alone - no need for TS really.
I want to group. I'm not in the clan for "protection" or "prestige". I'm in it to have fun. Group two to three people! Fine! But that should mean there really is a place for everyone to group.

I don't know, I can't force people to group... they'll do what they want to do. It just seems I see little action with FA in game. It does suck when it crashes, you get lost behind etc... but that can happen at ANY time. You could be lvl 20 vs lvl 20 and still die, leaving your other lvl 20 group member alone. You still gotta get back to him. It does happen.

I apreciate you discussing this with me!

(oh T bone, you might wanna move this into beta I think we've said too much.)
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 06:21:05 pm
This has just brought something to my attention...  I realized that I piss off/annoy people a lot on TS, and for that I am sorry.  I'll stop complaining and just saying random shit while I'm on there.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 06:40:09 pm
I rarely speak in TS. It's not because I don't want to just that I don't have anything pertinant to say. I don't do the "idle chit chat" thing because I don't want to annoy anyone.

 I will say this though, this is beta I could care less if I get a high level toon I don't care what he wears or what kind of loot he gets. I want to make sure this game is going to be fun enough for me to actually spend money on each month. I can gaurantee you that if I don't enjoy it I won't stick around long.
The real way to have fun in MMORPG's IMO is if you have a good clan with people whom you consider fun to be around. SO this is an open invitation to anyone else who wants to hang out and just have fun I will group with you. No problems at all if we can't do missions together because of the level differences then I will help you, provided you are lower, level up by going with you and helping  you until you get to my level whatever it takes. If I just have to stand around and watch you kill stuff thats fine with me, because this game is not going to be enjoyable without a clan of friends to hang out with.
Heck by the end we could both be level 3 but the fun we had is what counts not the number in the right hand corner.  I would love to have someone to talk to about strategy and  the best way to level etc.... Next time you see me and want to chat or group lets get into a game channel and have a good time. That's what its all about.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 08:33:20 pm
When I join TS, I go to the general room.  I don't often talk, but when I do I talk about general chat stuff and it's not often game specific (unless it's clothes because, like, that is important to me and I suppose if it annoys the guys on the few occasions I can do it, they can kiss my ass  :D ).  

I join TS not in order to ask game questions (usually) and not in order to get a group - I can do both those things via tells in game.

I join TS, when I do it, in order to feel more like I'm "hanging out" with my guild.  That is the reason to join TS.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 08:44:38 pm
I find myself wanting to say 'Yea, me too." to the last two posts.  

Me too.

Im about....level 6 or 7 right now.  From Gillete and other's comments about the current state/dynamics...there probably are some practical limitations at this point in time.  

Im quieter, but, if anybody wants to group....Im game.  

I do agree, when it becomes more practical, that we will need to do more of that.  If  PVP means any twit can just start blowing holes in you, yea, could be a serious need.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 09:08:59 pm
I do not want to group.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 09:42:51 pm
No Offence, and this is very objectively speaking. But, why be in a clan then Acidid? That statemnt just contradicts the very basis of what a clan is.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 09:54:52 pm
I really don't believe I asked ya there ;)

The game hasnt begun for me yet; There are other obligations that have gotten us this far to begin with.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 10:29:19 pm
Quote from: "AcidicPlague"
I really don't believe I asked ya there ;)  

Your right.  Eclipse asked YOU.  

Got an answer?  You decided to post and participate in the thread.....means you are fair game.  

Not like he called ya ignorant , and then didn't say why he disagreed with you.


The game hasnt begun for me yet; hasnt begun for anybody......but....


 There are other obligations that have gotten us this far to begin with.

And, what would those be?  No, seriously.  I'm new to this, and I am asking. not allowed?

Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 10:48:15 pm
Bug finding. And for some, this is all the game for ever be: farming information and finding items.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2004, 10:57:37 pm
That still does not make sense Redux. Used as an explanation it is very inadequate.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Lithium on October 15, 2004, 11:04:26 pm
I can't say I agree with many of you on this. Such as Ketamininja you never even make an effort you talk, if your not going to say anything then nobody is going to say anything to you...

As for Luna, I am totally confused what you are talkign about as everytime you've been on almsot everyone not idle would talk to you including myself.

Others will find themselves ignored as they can't shut up what more can be said? I can probably say I am somtimes in that group.

I just don't understand why some of you think your ignored. TS is a friendly place, I just don't understand most of you on this....
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2004, 01:20:34 am
Quote from: "Eclipse"
No Offence, and this is very objectively speaking. But, why be in a clan then Acidid? That statemnt just contradicts the very basis of what a clan is.

Well, I don't know Acidic's reason and I suspect it's different from mine, but I tend to solo because:

1.  Its easiest for me right now to just solo in terms of mechanically - it's just more time efficient.

2.  If I screw up, I only have myself to blame.  I don't know the game or my class very well right now and I don't want to subject people to my playing or feel bad if I somehow screw something up.  I don't wanna feel like there is stress for me to succeed, heh.  When I play in other games, I often feel that and am okay with it because I DO play really well - I'm very good at my class and I totally understand the game mechanics better than I think the majority of the players who play those games do so I'm proud of my skill and knowledge.  I don't have that comfort level with MxO yet.

3.  I'm not actually particularly outgoing and its hard to get to know people.  I end up feeling uncomfortable if I'm grouping with someone that I don't know well.  It's a bad catch 22, haha.

All that said, I do understand that enforced grouping would probably help members bond so it's a good idea.  Left to my own devices, however, it's a hard thing for me to choose to impliment.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Tbone on October 16, 2004, 03:19:51 am
I give up. This is the second time tonight I have made a long, meaningful post only to have it not work. This time my web browser just randomly went back a page. I really do have some important input on this, but it might have to wait until I get back on Tuesday...
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Lithium on October 16, 2004, 03:20:28 am
copy paste
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2004, 07:04:54 am
Yeah I had that happen to me a couple times before. it can ge aggravating. However, I suggest as Lithium just has that after writing an important post c&p it before you send it just in case this sort of thing happens.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Ketamininja on October 16, 2004, 08:53:31 am
Quote from: "Lithium"
I can't say I agree with many of you on this. Such as Ketamininja you never even make an effort you talk, if your not going to say anything then nobody is going to say anything to you...

Why do you think I made this thread? If you don't hear me saying anything, then I guess I'm correct about being ignored ;)

I quite often speak on TS, I just don't go on too much about unimportant things.
Two nights in a row I was in TS with at least 6 or 7 people (ok some may have been AFK), but people were talking all the time. I asked 3 times, both nights, for coordinates, and I got not one reply. It wasn't even a difficult question.

I'm trying to iron out any issues, in a friendly manner btw. A few people have said that they felt ignored, and after Eligoh's message I thought I'd just try to get things fixed by giving people a chance to discuss it here. Some say they feel ignored, and well I guess only they know their own feelings.

Others out there are always grouping, always working together, always talking. That's great! Just what we're all wanting I guess. Some people don't want to group, fine, great - you've made your point about that let the discussion continue with those that do want to! :D

I would just like to do something with the clan whenever possible. Anyone also feel free to hit me up and group.  Just as Mephisto said, I'm happy to wait whilst others get to the same level etc etc...  I love the team play!
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2004, 09:30:16 am
Teamspeak will, on occasion, randomly shut down its send and/or recieve. So you can occasionally hear and not be heard, or vice versa. I doubt that that is what occured as it usually only happens after TS has been open for a while, but it is something to be aware of.

Closing and re-opening TS will usually remedy the issue.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Ketamininja on October 16, 2004, 10:24:19 am
Good point there Gillette, everyone should note that.
I have had it happen once I believe.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2004, 10:52:04 am
My gameplay is not smooth nor does it work very well with other people.  I am a bug reocorder and a newb helper.  If you want to group with me, Woo! Then let's watch as you get bored after two hours of me filling out constant bug reports and standing around Mara and Tabor Park helping people out.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Ketamininja on October 16, 2004, 12:18:50 pm
Acidic, my gameplay doesn't work well with others and is not smooth either. I think this is why we should be grouping more - we want to group and be more of a team in the game (when it goes live), so we should be beta testing that for the devs. That's one of the reasons FA was invited, surely! The devs can't show blatant favouritism, having FA in to test teams in the game as such sounds like a good idea! I also suspect that our manners, attitude and help in the main forums has also contributed to that, and as you tell in that last post, you continue that into beta. Good job!

My time is a bit like yours. Here's my typical day so far in the matrix:

Jack in.
Look around.
Jump about.
Encounter noobs trying to kill a NPC.
Heal the noob so he can win. Then give advice about staying away from areas.
Start a mission.
Crash on mission level.
Fill out crash report.

That process takes about 10 mins lol.
Nah, c'mon you can see why I would like to be involved in gameplay with FA. FA isn't mentioned in that list ;) I think what may help is a full ilst of what FA has to offer in MxO (ie what we offer to those who we recruit). If I missed that thread/info already, please point it out - i'd like to have a look. I just want the clan to stay as respected as it is just now... not that I'm doubting it won't...

I have a LOT of petitions, lots solved. I seem to be responsible, since arriving, for helping fix the chat box, various clipping issues indoors, black screens vs region server crashes, and I am now contributing a lot to rubberbanding. I know I can't take all credit for these items, but the messages I have been receiving from devs about this stuff and the fixes and announcements online seem to indicate I am at least doing my job! I am not naive and thinking I'm the only one... I'm sure you guys are submitting ccr's like crazy and getting similar responses about it all you've found!!

My whole premise here is to be constructive, and I encourage anyone to give constructive critisism, and argue a point out until it can no longer be debated. :D

Anyhoooo... as the thread starter, I'm obviously passionate about this topic .. heh. I think we need to resolve the issue, and lock up the answer.

Rather than a new post to keep these other posts of mine from being lonely thought I'd just edit here.

Acidic, in response to below, I wasn't questioning your methods or anything.
The only thing I was really trying to suggest in similarity was the helping others and ccring.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2004, 01:13:15 pm
My gameplay is nothing like that.  I havent done a mission in 3-4 beta testing periods except to show a few people how it's done.   If you want to hang out with me - by all means.  I dont invite people, because you will get bored after an Hour of me working.  I really havent played in a long time.  The only possible thing that anyone could do with me and they wont get bored after an hour is RP - but I never have time for that either.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2004, 03:20:55 pm
Yeah, I think it's also important that if someone gets their mic stuck on, dont just ignore them, TELL them about it so they can fix it.
P.S. Ket I've heard you a few times asking for coords and stuff, I would answer them, but I dont know any coords by heart or anything.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Ketamininja on October 16, 2004, 03:33:30 pm
heh cereal, just open oyur map when you're outside. Your coordinates are shown at the top left. They apply to the entire map, and not just districts. ;)
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2004, 03:46:52 pm
Speaking of bug tracking....

I think I've been able to send in..................two.  And I'm not so sure I did those 100% correct.

I have like 4 screenshots of wierd things, but have been trying to get this latest patch for a couple days.  

Anywho, other than  locations where you get "CARPET GOES HERE"  or  "WALL  LEFT" instead of textures....when is it a bug, and when is it just....beta stuff?  ( Lag, rubber-banding, etc.)  

What makes a good bug report?  What should we maybe be *trying* to find?  Or, is it more of a "If you spend more time, and just go the wierdness you find" approach?  

Do things change during different stages of Beta?
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2004, 03:56:33 pm
I actually think I may post a thread somewhere on the best way to submit bugs - I think their guide is sorta farfetched.  The things are important, all you need most of the time is the replaylog.txt
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2004, 09:18:43 pm
Oh, I know how where the coords of the place you're at and stuff are, it's just most things I don't know the coords for.
Title: TS guidelines.
Post by: Broin on October 16, 2004, 11:35:14 pm
Look folks the game is just starting, so let's all take a deep breath.  All of these problems being pointed out will eventually work themselves out (they always do).  I don't talk much on T.S. and haven't grouped much, until recently.  Just do your thing, ask questions if you need to, and you'll find people to run around with.  Don't be afraid to speak up and ask questions, or ask to group, or join, or whatever.  However, do not take it personal when you are turned down, chances are it's not about you.  Here's an example of how things should work in game on T.S.

Broin "Hey anybody want to go do XYZ."

Response "Busy right now"

Broin "okay when you feel like doing XYZ let me know"

I go off do my own thing then later if someone gets with me good if not fine.  I listen on T.S. and if someone is doing something or going somewhere I want to go or has information about something I need then I ask.  It is that simple.

                                   Now go forth and share the love....   :D
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