The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on October 10, 2004, 10:39:24 pm

Title: The Furious Angels: The Wacky Files
Post by: Anonymous on October 10, 2004, 10:39:24 pm
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I recently made a short series of comics entitled: "The Furious Angels: Wacky Files"

I was going to originally release them on the Beta boards, but after discussing that this would not be a good idea, I have decided to withold them. So I tried to think of a way of doing this by violating the NDA as little as possible, and so I came up with this solution:

Since I cannot host the images on a public site, I can still send them directly to another beta tester. Since other beta testers also have to obey the NDA, if they showed the file to another non-Beta member it will be their violation and not mine! (Gotta love legal loopholes!)

If you want them, IM me at Teknozari2k.

(So far I've finished two of them, and more are on their way as soon as I get some more funny screenies!)

The Wacky Files:

Issue #0001: What's for Breakfast? (Rated R)
Issue #0002: Love and Marriage
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