The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on October 08, 2004, 03:43:44 pm
I had a chance to jack-in for the first time last night. Looks really good! I ran around and explored a bit, and got killed about 8 times hehe. I was lagging so much! Anyone else having this problem? Is it on my end (hardware) or the fact that I'm on the west coast? I'll admit, I dont quite fit the minimum requirements (yet).
Athlon 1GB
512MB Ram
Radeon 9200
Plenty of Hardrive (but not installed on C:)
Any ideas?
Uhh... the problem lies in the Athlon 1GHz...
The servers are on the west coast btw.
I get a lot of video lag still. I think the code just hasn't been optimized, and I am running on max config.
3.2ghz Pentium 4
1gig RAM
256MB Radeon 9800XT
I lag too, but not alot. I have about the same specs as Tbone.
Could be your mb ram.I have 768mb ram, lags like hell sometimes, especially in the restricted areas.When the lag is really really bad I just reboot my pc and it seems to be much better....
I was thinking it was probably the CPU. I'm gonna go pick up a 1.7Ghz next week and if that doesn't help I'll try more RAM.
I have some lag..but nothing I can't live with
1.2ghz amd athlon
2x256mb ram
GF Ti 4200 64 mb
Heh... my old comp was:
1.2GHz AMD Duron
384MB SDRam
GF4 Mx440
Four hurricanes later:
3.0GHz P4
512mb PC-2700
GF4 Mx440
Yes, I know the Mx440 doesn't really support pixel shading, and I don't get full clothing color like the rest of you. I upgrade when I can...
DAMN! T, you still lagging with that!?
Here's my setup:
XP 2100+
512MB PC2700 CL2 RAM
And thats having one HELL of a time lagging everywhere! But I can still manage to play quite a bit. Saying that tho', I have decided on an upgrade (this is the only game that I lag on just now). So I decided to buy £500 of parts:
XP 3200+
Extra 256 MB ram same spec.
Radeon X800XT 256MB (although still to confirm that).
That should help a lot.
Things went a bit better yesterday. I shut down everything non-essential running in the background and turned off a lot of the graphic settings in beta. That should do until I can upgrade my processor.
To be honest, I think most of it has to do with the code like Tbone said. I have a pretty good system and I lag but its not that bad. Im not sure but I dont think its on my end but I havent tried to lower my settings yet to see.
I run the game in 1024x768, most everything is set on high. My code usually lasts about 5-15 seconds when loading in from the construct. I get small lag freezes when loading into new areas but My biggest problem is lag with the enemy Im fighting. They warp, disapear and are "out of range" when standing in front of me.
AMD 3200+ 64bit
1gb PC3200
GeForce FX5900 ultra 256mb
First time I 'jacked in' I lagged quite a lot. Mainly when turning around or moving to new areas where it would have to load graphics. My specs are:
P4 2.4GHZ
Nvidia Gforce 4ti 4600
1 Gig ram