The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on October 06, 2004, 11:53:10 pm
I'm speechless...
<jjole> Like what happened tonight, there as an FA member that saved all 3 of our asses, we /manhug 'ed lol, pounded, introduced ourselves and he ran with us for a while
<jjole> if we see stragglers from any one of the clan, we help them out
<jjole> each clan protects the others when they're in danger
<[FA]Tbone> Awesome. You can't remember his name?
<jjole> hmmm
<jjole> he was a level 10...I wanna say hacker
<jjole> first letters were Or if i'm not mistaken
<jjole> I'd remember it the second I saw it
<[FA]Tbone> Orasu
<jjole> yup
<[FA]Tbone> or Ozari
<jjole> Ozari
<[FA]Tbone> lol
<[FA]Tbone> which?
<jjole> lol
<jjole> good question
<jjole> 1 sec here
<[FA]Tbone> Haha...probably Ozari, though I've seen Orasu around as well.
<jjole> lol, none of my teammates are on now
<jjole> I'm pretty sure it was Ozari
<jjole> either way, he saved 3/7 of the Illuminati High Command on his own
<[FA]Tbone> LOL
Kudos to Ozari if it was you. Way to represent!
Daymn. Well met, Ozari ^_^
ok who are you and what did u do with oz....
I believe, Tbone, I believe.
Nice one Ozari
Hehe, it wasn't me.
Way to go Ozari!
manhugs and pounding....
Wow, we can finally get Oz out of the dog house.
yeah i was with him or rather in the area, it was quite a sight for sore eyes... he's all grown up :_: brings tears to my eyes :D.
on a side note yes he was kicking some SERIOUS ass on uriah yesterday with them i would have joined them but.. me and sabre had personal matters in uriah to deal with. besides he seemed to hold his own VERY well, great way to show our power in mxo.
I am glad that the ideal of the fa, all this talking about how awesome we were going to be, paid off. It is great to hear about the exploits of an Angel, escpecially if he, or she, is seen to be helping someone out without asking anything in return.
Proof is always in the pudding.
Ah yes, I remember them. It was a rainy night in the Matrix as I recall. I was doing my rounds in Uriah, when all of a sudden I heard gunshots!
I ran around the corner of the warehouse nearest me, and there they were. They had seemed to have gotten themselves in a bit of trouble with two large gangs. Using my UBER 1337 skillz I managed to run into the middle of the fight and grab the entire gang's attention.
Normally, when it's just me doing my XP and Info rounds, I stick to basic speed moves; however, I had an audience, so I figured I'd show off a little. I used all my best moves; Cheap SHot, Headbutt, Body Shot, and best of all I circulated between Martial Art styles throughout the entire battle.
Sporting my Red & Black Shielded Gi and my Red Pravea sunglasses, I finished off the last member of the gangs using my graceful kung-fu (kinda looking like seraph at this point). I turned to them and said:
Ozari: Greetings, I am Ozari of the Furious Angels.
They later introduced themselves as members of the Illuminati, and so I realized the coolness of it all. I had shown off my skillz, even though I was only level ten, I took on two large gangs (with the help of the hyper-dodge bug) and continued to assist them for another hour or so.
I figured this was so effective in showing other Beta players how powerful and elite the Furious Angels were, so I continued to find redpills who were of lower levels than I, help them kick some ass, then leave only by dissapearing to the top of a high building after I had introduced myself as a member of the FA.
Personally, I have always felt myself to be kind of a people-person (trying not to sound to egotistical here :) ) except when I'm talking with a large group on TS, lol. I figure, the more I advertise for the FA, and deal with minor issues between members and redpills as I have in the past, the more it benefits this clan of which I am highly dedicated to.
(PS: I mean every word of what I said)
(PPS: Well, I was wearing Purple Pravea sunglasses... :) )
I tried to be a hero too...but I was too late and the guy died...HighWire it think was. I'm a crappy hero :).
That's ok Orasu, you can still be that funny guy who people see walking around occasionally.
I thought that was you Oz ;)