The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on October 04, 2004, 01:53:31 am

Title: Seven
Post by: Tbone on October 04, 2004, 01:53:31 am
In an effort to always remain honest with all of you (after all, this is YOUR faction), I thought I would briefly discuss the events lately that have occurred with Seven.

As most of you know, Seven resigned from the faction the other week. He once was our web designer. As to his motives for leaving, all I'm really aware of is that he was not happy here. He could not really define why...he just thought it was the thing to do.

I was not aware, however, that another faction had already been started by Seven called the Inner Circle. He had started putting it together nearly two to three weeks before resigning, and had begun to sniff around the faction to see who was not happy. If you mentioned to Seven that you thought FA could use some improvement during this time, you were probably asked to join IC. I only found out about IC's existence because I was running a security scan of everyone who had access to our Captain's forum during our leak (another long story).

In the end, only three of our members left to join IC (at least three that I am aware of). These people are Seven, Cosmic Drama, and Tridus. I deleted their accounts per request and added some new staff members.

If you have been on Teamspeak recently, you have noticed that Seven has still been around. It was a little odd, but I knew that he still had friends here so I didn't want to just exclude him. Unfortunately, it has become necessary for me to take steps to prevent Seven from having access.

I trusted Seven so much that he had access to our ftp server. As our web designer, it made life easier for him to be able to upload things. When he decided to leave, I did not even think it was necessary to change the password. Yesterday, however, Seven decided to delete and corrupt several of our image files that he felt we did not deserve, since he was the original creator. You have probably noticed some of these missing files (the Teamspeak block images, all of my sigs, etc.) He did this without informing me, and I had to call him before he admitted it to me.

I had a great deal of respect for Seven, but I simply cannot bend over to keep him happy anymore. I have banned his IP from Teamspeak and all other Furious Angels' resources. Let it be known that if you decide to leave FA, regardless of the reason, it is necessary for me to take away your rights to our resources.

As a disclaimer, this was not an attempt to flame Seven. I simply felt it was necessary that you all know the facts regarding his recent activities. I would be lying if I said I was not hurt and disappointed over this, but I would rather move on towards a positive future than dwell on disappointments of the past. If you would like to discuss this matter, feel free to do so, but I ask that this thread remain an intelligent discussion, and not a flame war. Thank you.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 04:02:19 am
I understand the actions that you had to take.  I'm sorry to hear what happened and am dissapointed, but in all in all I still have respect.  

I am aware that some people may not be happy in this faction and if so please, and I would stress that you please let Tbone or some of the staff know.

 I know with utmost repect that they will definetly try to help you out and atleast if the problem can't be resolved, we know that we tryed our best to help.
 I am always willing to help out in anyway I can

Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 07:44:26 am
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 08:10:35 am
Yeah Tbone.  Being a leader is all about making tough decisions :-)

I'm beginning to wonder now if his "interviews" weren't just Seven's way of "probing" people he wanted to recruit for his clan.

Anyway, the way he left and messed with our server without telling anybody doesn't show much class or maturity (again).  I used to have a lot of respect for the guy.  How quickly things change.

I know he has many friends in this faction but I really think the FAs are better off without him, especially if he's not happy here.

By the way T, I really appreciate how you keep us in the loop.  It's really nice to know what's going on.  I must admit that I was wondering why he still was on TS but now I know. :-)

You're doing a great job T (again).
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 08:35:53 am
Hm, I feel like I made a good guess in the past, now I also feel like i'm about to be lied to by Seven.

Tbone, if you haven't already, don't tell Seven you explained to us why he was banned.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 08:45:01 am
I don't suppose anyone has already cracked his (our) challenge?
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 08:46:49 am
Quote from: "Kairos"
I don't suppose anyone has already cracked his (our) challenge?

There is no and will be no challenge, recruitment is now done from within game.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 08:50:34 am
The only challenge now is to impress the recruiters :p
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 08:50:37 am
Hmm...I get loss of connection for a few days (I'm switiching to DSL so I'm only going to be able to access the net at school) and things get haywire.

I'm assuming some would think that I would wear a face of smugness, and I suppose if I was that kind of person that I would. But I'm not. In a way I guess there's nothing I could say without an undertoning of, "I told you so." so I'm going to try and stray away from that for a while...

Although I have to say that I am disappointed in my ex-brother, I can't really say that I'm surprised. I was wondering why our TS block was acting a little crazy. It's a shame he had to sink this low. I just wonder what those people who had "respected" Seven now think.

This definately leaves something to think about....The Inner Circle...

But CD I also wonder what was the TRUE agenda for those interveiws. I'm also wondering if anyone knew about this IC, but didn't tell Tbone....let's not get too much into causes morale problems.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 09:06:53 am
Not OUR challenge.  I'm aware of  our current recruiting status...

The Inner Circle - they have a challenge.  Sadly, their main page looks strikingly similar to our pre-Seven setup.  They've begun recruiting using the same tactics, style, & RP-driven messages that the Furious Angels do/did.  That's the challenge I was referring to...

This makes what he has done less forgivable.  I've lost a tremendous amount of respect for him.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 10:19:22 am
Originally posted by: yfecteau2,

This clan is just a cheap rip-off of the Furious Angels.

The Furious Angels faction has a test, this clan has a test.

The Furious Angels faction recruits using roleplaying, this clan recruits using roleplaying.

You should have called yourselves the "Angry Angels" or "Eternalis" to copy the "Immortalis" clan or "Shades of Green".

Way to be original guys.

Your "clan" deserves to be ignored and forgotten. What a piece of crap.

Was it any of you who posted that? :P
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 10:49:22 am
That is Coredump.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 10:50:57 am
Yeah it's me.

I feel better now that that's off my chest :)

My post in his recruitment thread might be harsh but I just don't have any respect for the guy anymore.

I know he helped our faction a lot and we're grateful for it but I don't think he deserves our eternal admiration for that.  I'm sure many people in this faction could have done as well as he did.

Anyways, let's move on to more interesting things.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 11:08:43 am
Mockery is the sincerest form of flattery.

Whether or not anyone deserves it, we look better if we abstain from posting in other people's recruitment threads... even quasi anonymously.

I wouldn't get worked up about the issue either. Seven's gone, what's done is done. I think he bit off more than he can chew and that his pet project won't get very far off the ground... But there is no sense in making an enemy of someone who was a friend because they had a moment of petulance. The one bad thing does mess up all the good that he did... but most things are a mixed bag in the end.

Just my two bits.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 12:52:14 pm
Yeah, even if seven made the wrong choice by starting his own faction, you have the respect the fact that the site we're using looks and has the feel it does because of him.

Yes, he was wrong, but he was also of great help before.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 12:59:06 pm
LoL is very funny...even their symbol was a rip-off our angel theme.....for someone who seemed to be full of originiality - this seems such a fall from glory. However...."juvenile" that was CoreDump I gotta tel lyou I laughed my ass off....especially about the whole...ignored and forgotten....great...just great.

But not to start to much specualtion, but the way one of them posted in that "coding" leads me to wonder if The_Watcher was/is apart of this....Inner Circle....
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 01:00:31 pm
the watcher wasn't. lets let this topic die, we already have one post about seven's actions, we do not need to make more :)
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 02:10:07 pm
I liked Seven.  It's a bummer he's gone.  Jacking with our images is a sucky move, though.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 04:07:36 pm
I liked Seven, but now...
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 04:46:28 pm
A traitor is a traitor, regardless of what they've done in the past.

Magical Trevor is displeased.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 05:23:08 pm
WTF.  This is a game and he wasn't happy with the faction.  Apparently, he also wasn't happy with us using his artwork although I think he went about that in all the wrong ways.  I wouldn't call him a traitor though, give me a break.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 05:25:34 pm
I only said one word because that's all that's required.  Cut the shit and continue happily.  Little side comments arent really needed, it sucks to see him go and that's that. Someone can sucker punch me in a PM if they think I'm wrong, but dont do it here please :D
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 05:33:45 pm
Come on guys, Seven was a good guy and you all know it.  He did more things for this faction than most of us combined, and now because he wasn't happy here we bash him for going and creating a place he can be happy?  Yeah I agree some of his post-angel methods weren't the best in the world.  But that doesn't make him a horrible person.  He's just searching for a place he can call home.  He may have liked some of the things we have here, and he may like some of the things other people have, so he's picking and choosing to create a place that best suits him.  Just leave him be.
Title: Negaverse of the Furious Angels
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 06:43:31 pm
Quote from: "Eclipse"
LoL is very funny...even their symbol was a rip-off our angel theme.....for someone who seemed to be full of originiality - this seems such a fall from glory.

Dude, it's supposed to look like ours. It's like the badass renegade part of the site broke off and created their own league.

I hate to do this, but the only other instence of this I can think of was on this one anime show, where the symbol was a yellow crescant moon, but one guy turned out to be evil so his crescant moon flipped and turned all black.

 I think it's pretty kewl with the spikey-handed angel, adds to the history and depth of the Furious Angels if you ask me...
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 07:09:03 pm
I feel that letting one of these issues not rest would be bullcrap.

The interviews were not methods for recruitment at all. The reaction after is what drove him to make this site. Of course, after he deleted five or six posts, I felt he had gotten his point across, but whatever. There was some more involved, but I feel it would hurt some of us to much for me to say.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 07:15:06 pm
Wow, there was alot more post-angel evil action that was going on than I was aware of...
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 10:16:12 pm
He left, made his own group, drug some of our members along, uses the same recruiting tactics, deletes Tbone's sig, deletes some more images, and creates a "challenge" for his clan.

Sounds like a noble and honorable thing to me.  Long live Seven, a god amongst men, may he be remembered as the greatest angel.
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 10:18:37 pm
Nobody said what he has done is noble...........
Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 10:32:01 pm
Kairo i just did his "challenge" it's a cake walk compared to the FA challenge I got through, took me all of about 6 minutes.  But the ending was a bit disturbing, a telnet window pops up and says


and in the body it has
connecting to

then it closes almost as quickly as it opened...

Title: Seven
Post by: Anonymous on October 04, 2004, 10:55:59 pm
I can't even get into their main page.  tried source but when i opened it i got swamped with my spyware detectors saying they detected some spyware/adware... even then nothing.

Edit:  scratch that, turns out there are two... virtually the same 'cept for the image...  confused now.
Title: Seven
Post by: Tbone on October 05, 2004, 12:58:57 am
Seven is obviously not happy with this thread. I figured he would not be, but I felt it was necessary to keep everyone in the loop. I really hate drama like this, and I apologize for this being brought down to that level. To clarify, the images that Seven deleted were originally created by him. The upsetting part is that he went into the ftp and deleted or corrupted them without giving me a heads up. There are always two sides of a story, however, so feel free to approach Seven to get his side of things. I hate that there are "sides", and hopefully this issue will be resolved soon. In the meantime, I'm locking up this thread as a "just in case". I felt this thread was still in the realm of discussion, but since it offends Seven, I'll lock er up.

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