The Furious Angels
FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Tbone on September 18, 2004, 03:48:35 pm
## Broadcast depth
## Incoming Transmission...
## Tbone // HvCFT Libertas
## RELAY Initialized - Operation Furious Angels
I have been contacted by Base Operations. They have told me that the Furious Angels are being given priority access into the Matrix. We have already used many of you to test that the equipment works, and now it is time for the rest of you to join us. If you do not yet have access to The Matrix Online Beta, please reply to this thread with your first and last name and your email address. Once I receive a large enough list, I will send that list off to Zion Control, and they will send you your access information.
I must point out that if you live outside of North America, you submit your name at your own risk. I cannot guarantee that you will be able to gain access and will not take responsibility for any act that may violate the terms of Beta testing.
The Matrix Online Beta is still under CLOSED testing. This means that even admitting that you are in the Beta or that you have been given the chance to be in Beta is in violation of the NDA. This offer is obviously being made to you under special circumstances. My instructions were to make this offer available to all of the Furious Angels, and I am just following instructions. I look forward to hearing from you.
## End Transmission...
Sign me up! Martin Vajda / YES!
Jorgi Mathijssen
Eh it's always the non US guys who get screwed over one way or another, but it's for fricken MxO beta, sign me up chief!
Jason Crawford
Well. I probably won't get in due to NDA problems. Outside NA and underage, but what the heck! It can't hurt to try can it?
Alexander Asplund
A bit cool that we are noticed as a faction, eh? I'm so proud ;).
John Hanson
wait a mioute.....
Chris Novak
John Mcneil
..add the for me, thanks
Please activate,
Daniel Bartlett
Maybe they will finally accept europeans
Phillip Smith
Scotland UK (Although I do have a valid address in FL ;) - I'll be in FL for Christmas, if you can get me in - I'll play there!!)
If this is a valid proposal, and successful, I am prepared to test on the NA servers from Europe - naturally, Monolith may not be interested in that AT ALL. Worse comes to worse, if I can just even sit in a safe zone and not do anything, except act as a relay of some kind for FA, that would be fine lol!
Awesome, now everyone is in
Yea, although I think people take this NA only thing a bit too seriously, its not like they trace your IP to find out what country you are from... damn fileplanet.
It appears it is time for the FA's to roll.... Move out in force and represent yourselves well
Jarrod Merkley
Sevker, are these people even planning on joining FA or playing the game? I know you owe favors to people, but I have FA's integrety to think about. Technically, I'm only supposed to invite those within our faction.
I would suggest that you stick to that rule tbone, the devs have obviously put trust in us. (sorry sevker - just my suggestion...)
Kristian Gundersen
Jeremy Stepp
Awesome job, T. This is a great honor for FA, lets bug report the SHIT outta the game!
Mark Caliber
Alex Hudici
Jimmy Stigsjöö
You can always hope...
I'm curious with this thread.
I hope all you N.A.F.A (lol) get in.
But what about us outside N.A.? Can you at least give us a signal if we have been denied access to beta? I mean, I guess we just wont be getting beta - we'll get the hint eventually, but it would be nice if you could tell us we aint in. Surely that isn't breaking anything in the NDA - its telling us something we already know kinda ;)
The NDA means you can't tell the rest of the boards anything I guess (which means you really should create a beta forum, with special group perms of course so those IN beta can discuss). heh :D
When can we expect a response?
I was waiting until the list got to around 20. It's at 15 right now. Last call!
man Tbone, you really got get all that double posting under control bro. We wouldn't want to have to motion for a dismissal or anything.....
Haha..quit double posting n00b! ;)
The NDA means you can't tell the rest of the boards anything I guess (which means you really should create a beta forum, with special group perms of course so those IN beta can discuss). heh
Nah, it's ok. Let them discuss it openly if they want to. :D
I would really like to know whether or not the Non-NA people are included in this thing, or you are just entertaining our hopes. Eitehr way, I would like to know.
I would like to know too.
I don't see why they would let me in really, the NDA wouldn't have anything on me..
I was at this bar the other night. The bouncer was pretty lax about who he was letting in - just giving people a quick nod if they looked alright. No big deal, ya know? Then this kid walks up and asks the bouncer if he (the kid) has to be over 21 to get in. Guess what happened? The bouncer wouldn't let the kid in.
Oops. Wrong forum. Haha.
I did not really get it.
Which thread were you answering?
Don't make me pull out the clue by four. Oh wait. I think I just did.
"Your a mean, mean man."
Anyways, yeah, gillette made a good point. Nice way to put it, as well.....
I would like some of that Beta action count me in Makiu Williams email: THX
List has been sent.
Does that list include the non-na members, or are you just going to not tell us, because beta over here would be real, real good.
Just a reminder, though I don't think you really need it: Be very careful about the NDA outside of this. Even though your faction members will know that you're in beta, you still can't give out any other information.
It's good to see you guys in game. I hope you enjoy it, and send us lots of good bug reports so we can make the game better for everyone. :)
Yeah, you better make the game good for us...or else...
Or else...
Wow, Eris has returned in all the glory of Batman through the cieling. Thanks for the soung adivce Eris.
Don't worry we won't tell another soul.
I think it's pretty cool that they're doin this (Devs).
Let me know when you guys get it. Brian sent me an email back saying he was sending them.
d-d-d-double post!!!!
i didn't realize there was MxO staff lurking on our forums.... i get the big brother's watching feeling ;)
so has everyone who is getting beta got it,cause i have heard nothing.
I guess he hasn't sent them yet. All he said was:
"Thanks Tbone.
I will get these out as soon as possible."
DOH! Somehow I missed this thread when it was started :)
I haven't had any info yet, so I guess not sent out.
I presume you didn't give location details (as you didn't give that, even though I offered my location)...
I guess we should all get in then.
*crosses fingers*
Weird. I thought you would have gotten it by now. I guess "as soon as possible" isn't very soon...
And no, no location details were given.
I'm sure all it means is that you guys are booted to the top of the list for the next wave. I don't think one has occured for some time since the last.
i just hope i get in, i just wanna kick some agent butt.
*waits patiently*
I got my e-mail at like 3:30 in the morning, so I would probably expect around the same time if I were you.
He sent them out. Let me know if you got yours, because you should have.
He sent them.
I have the mail.
Doesn't work for europeans. You can register as far as your credit card details then it says that you do not meet the beta requirements as soon as you go to the next step.
I tried to go back into it and it says user already registered for MxO game. If somone could PM or send me the game client I'd be grateful to try that out
I cannot say anything because of the NDA :D
You woulnd't be breaking the Nda as I have already agreed to the terms and conditions. So technically can't say anything either which is why I asked for a PM. :)
Doesn't work for europeans. You can register as far as your credit card details then it says that you do not meet the beta requirements as soon as you go to the next step.
I tried to go back into it and it says user already registered for MxO game. If somone could PM or send me the game client I'd be grateful to try that out
Well...Oronos got in, and so did Luna, so you must be doing something wrong..
Really strange. Could someone give me a hand here as to what I may have done wrong.
You must have entered something wrong. Make sure you follow the instructions very closely.
Oh yeah, Tbone, I'm registered now.
I can't it says I have already registered for the game. I never got the link for the installer file or maybe they send it out in an e-mail.
Try using a different name...cause I screwed up mid-process several times, and lost the nicks I used at first, so I ended up with OrasuAlex.. :P It sucks.
Hmm, I have to pick an american state, but none of them match my real postal code. Ugh guess I'm stuck.
No...there is one of the states that are OT...
Other state.
Yeah but it still asks me to fill in a zipcode , and if I enter mine, it doesnt work
I got my beta working. :)
Hmm have to wait till my dad's home for his credit card info >.<
Have you used a + in your phone number? Remove it. and try again.
Keep the two numbers but remove the +.
Yeah I noticed it just now, waiting for my dad...
well i'm in, look out agents and exiles, rom_rippers here to kick some ass today and take names tomorow.
Ok, just to let you guys know:
I have registered from the UK, and used a UK credit card.
I have had no problems.
Country: GB
State: OTHER (Put my real state/county)
Zip: My real zip, no spaces.
Only things I can think it might catch you out on is if your phone number is longer than the 3-7 format (code-number, ie 555-5551234). My phone number fitted this format, perhaps causing no problems?
Everything for me was accepted fine, and I didn't put any information about being outside EU, so really, I'm not sure what you're doing wrong.
What the hell, I filled in everything correctly, and it gives me the boot. 'Sorry you do not meet the requirements blablabla'
To make things even worse, I went back, clicked next again, and it gave me this java error thing. And now I can't do anything because my auth. key has been used already. and when I sign in with the nick I've used, it boots me back to the 7 steps page.
Best birthday ever... EVER
( its today, im 21 YAY )
and i got a email saying, Welcome to Beta...
lol :/
Happy Birthday....Welcome to the Real world.
Happy Birthday man.
Heppy Bday dude,
Nb: Remember to put your credit card details in correctly or you will get the message "You do not meet the requirments to enter beta testing"
well that's why I went back to check them, they were correct, and then I got that java error thing. and when I closed the window in anger, I lost my cdkey , can't use it twice :(
Try sending in a petition.
I've seen several people getting help..
Aaura My friend is having the same problem... How did you solve yours????
well that's why I went back to check them, they were correct, and then I got that java error thing. and when I closed the window in anger, I lost my cdkey , can't use it twice :(
You say the java thingy wasn't working when you tried the second time?
Perhaps your key is still valid: I suspect it wont be used until you've accepted the terms and conditions, and pressed the I AGREE button.
If you haven't done that, then I think its all fine - any other errors that are received BEFORE you agree to anything are web errors (possible incorrect data entry).
Without knowing which page you are on, this is how I would expect any website "signup" to work.
I don't see why it would use the key up... and until you get a message saying otherwise I would hope it still works! :)